(1/9) We are God, God is Love – Neale Donald Walsch

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Neale’s blog – http://www.theglobalconversation.com/

My blog – http://commonsensekiller.blogspot.com

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth, is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. .. [and] he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (First Epistle of John 3: 7-16)

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Carii Bee says:

Love Neale!

Kevin Farrell says:

So why is this God more loving and forgiving than the God in the Bible
God depresses me because if I do not do exactly as He commayou Godnds I burn in Hel
The thought depresses me and prevents me from being happy
Thank you God for depressing me in this lextife and sending me to Hell in the next

Ferdinand Getti says:

You are not God Lucifer. Satan, Lucifer and Demons. The light of Lucifer. Never play with magic. Never open your third eye with Neal meditation. That the bible told us! Never follow Neale! Amen. Thanks god that he helped me out of this Satanism.

chander kant says:

Read Bible Gospels. God words. This person misguide people!

exposing eBay resellers says:

Today I asked my cat tiggles why did you come down n choose to be a cat she looked at me and turned full circle maybe she is saying why not be a cat cos I'm here to teach your soul this life is a circle evolving

john jay says:

The problem is the human ego. Such thoughts should not be taken seriously like "We are God"… For we can never be anything like the Creator (God, or whatever other religions call in their own language). The Universe- the Cosmos and the order in it is awesome and beyond our comprehension and spirit that is especially in finite form. Our thinking and life experience is limited in this form of existence. Like Einstein said "I want to know the thoughts of God"… as we only know God as Creator and all the perfection it represent. We express our own interpretations base on our human form experience while in living. Assuming the best from what we see through science and spiritual awareness and consciousness, imo, it is only from our own views and interpretation(s). I prefer to remain humble and declare that we are Creator's creatures. The Creator is my Father… and I feel and think that equating ourselves to the Creator feeds our ego and a downer for the human psyche. I depend on a Creator bigger than myself and his grace is my sufficiency. And, having a personal relationship with the Creator makes me feel secure to get guidance in all my needs in a an abundant Planet & Nature. I am nothing alone. Without the Grace and Providence to guide me in this form of life, I would be lost. I want to realize the potential vested in me for greatness that is made available to me for the asking. We are part of human species. And, we are slowly developing into higher consciousness over time. I know I have an awesome Creator who is the real perfection of the best in humanity in love, the almighty, omnipresent, omniscient, supreme, and all that good that we aspire rising to our Higher Selves.

Angela Nelson says:

The Audio sound is difficult to understand!

Andres Olvera says:

Thanks God is communicating trhough including the conference thans Neale Donald Walsch

Mary Grech says:

A small good pumpken pe

Patrick W says:

I believe,,that's hays why iam watching!

tony O'sirideain says:

All to sell books to make money.

joey jaan says:

God is NOT love and you are, my friend, a delusional man….lol

hectorbart says:

Pure error.

marcaroni and cheese says:

Why did this take me thousands years to know


SOUL of NEALE in GUISE of SOUL of EVOLUTION has been BAPTIZING / MENTORING / TEACHING soul of this present baby step based wisdom and intuition about TECHNIQUES of KNOWING THYSELF

Andrew Jamrozik says:

wonderful Charismatic

Marianna Filice says:

I am god!! wow

LIVE ! Nafas Etemad قانون جذب و خوديابى says:

hello pl send me address your senter .

Brian Hyde says:

This is the way I understand it.

We are not "God" as in "only true God" (Jn 17:3)  Yet, we are "elohim" "gods" in that we have a created immortal (divine) spirit which, in turn, animates our human body. That spirit is, by creation, naturally, love.  Conversely, when our human ego gets in the way, an adversarial (lit. Heb."the satan") mind-set is revealed with its absence of love. This is why Paul said to first century believers, "let this mind be in you that was within Christ Jesus"). Thus, when we allow that divine spirit within us to have full sway, what is revealed through us (our humanity) what is seen, will be LOVE.

And if LOVE is seen, "God" is seen, for "God is Love".  God is said (metaphorically) to be "dwelling in us" (that is, in our humanity) when we ARE love. 

That is how we "know God" within. That is how we "experience eternal quality life" within. Hence, "this is life eternal, to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent" (Jn 17:3). God is "known" by us and known by others through us. 

We reveal what is in us.

But we remain in our divine spirit in its place, relative to "the only true God".

We are not God (Spirit, Source of All, the One "who upholds all things by the word of His power" including the universe). "He" or "She" or "It", is "The All" and is so by virtue of Sovereign right. God is "in all" by virtue of His Spirit (our spirit and His Spirit being one >>> inescapably one in love and union.

Zakkyl says:

I'm crazy about this man. I love this man. He always cranked up something I always meant to turn off. Neale Donald Walsch.

Zakkyl says:

It is simple to be joyful and happy. It is not to have fear in your heart. But … can we live without fear? …

Mustafizur Rahman says:

The Neale Donald Walsch , Bravo,Amen

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