10 Questions for the Dalai Lama

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His Holiness has a new book out, Toward a True Kinship of Faiths. The Dalai Lama will now take your questions.

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erszebet says:

it is so none sense that Dalai Lama is demanding independence for Tibetans
since the land itself belongs to mainland china. There is no way just
because you have been lived there, and you are different race and religion,
you can ask for independence. If it is right thing, there the kurdish can
also demand independence from Turkish land too. How none sense! Of course,
this is by no mean we are going to ignore the chinese government’s
oppression toward Tibetans. It definitely should be condemned!

Cedric Linares says:

Am i the only one who thinks he sounds like Yoda?

Ming Lou says:

I only have one question: dalai lama, as you’re the reincarnation of
“holiness” in tibetan Buddhism, have you ever had a wet dream since you hit

Kayla Brown says:

The youtube captions are no where near correct. They are mostly nonsense. 

CaptainAthiest says:

They need to be more specific, how many kids choosing how many items. I bet
that it is within random chance. Try placing those few items among a
million items and those kids couldn’t find even when they grew hairs on
their balls.

obsidianstatue says:

my question would be how much did CIA pay you to rebel?? and how much didi
CIA spent on camp Hale in Colorado training ethnic tibetans for guerrilla

kkhechog says:

A Buddhist teacher saying you must be mentally ill if you never show anger?
That may be what people want to hear, but it isn’t Buddhist!

Nita Bach says:

I love this man.

Angelia Bell says:

his holiness

Joshua Brookhouse says:

Good video!

43nostromo says:

Carl: So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get
on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas.
Angie: A looper?
Carl: A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I’m a
pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself.
Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald…striking. So,
I’m on the first tee with him. I give him the driver, he hauls off and
whacks one- big hitter, the Lama- long, into a ten-thousand foot crevice,
right at the base of this glacier. And do you know what the Lama says?
“Gunga galunga…gunga- gunga lagunga.” So we finish the eighteenth and
he’s gonna stiff me. And I say, “Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little
something, you know, for the effort, you know?” And he says, “Oh, uh, there
won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive
total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.

dorje168 says:

The whereabouts of the Panchen Lama Gedun Choekyi Nyima, who went missing
with his family after the Dalai Lama recognized him in 1995, was also
sought by the report.

According to the report, as of September 1, 2014, Political Prisoner
Database contained records of 639 Tibetans believed or presumed currently
detained or imprisoned. Of those 621 are records of Tibetans detained on or
after March 10, 2008, 18 are records of Tibetans detained prior to March
10, 2008

Mojca Rojko says:

His english is painful to listen to

China Man says:

Here is what James Lilley said. Is it true? If true, what’s the reason
behind drinking his urine.

Galavalomka says:

He’s so cute I just eat him up :3

intolead says:

your earthly lifetime wtf
christ but he talks some shit

rachael victoria wisniak says:

Wow, a Buddhist leader saying that there is something wrong with you if you
never get angry?!! This is so crazy. This is not what Buddha taught. Buggha
taught that you can completely abandon anger. The Dalai Lama is teaching
false teachings.

TaelurAlexis says:

I agree with the Dalai Lama’s views on so many things and always have. I
love that he promotes values such as peace, love, and compassion and he
seems so kind & intelligent. I respect him

Matt says:

1. what kind of questions are these? Time should be ashamed.
2. at least wear something conservative when you are interviewing the most
respected religious figure in the world. ie don’t show cleavage

dorje168 says:

he annual report also noted that Chinese leaders do not intend to respond
to Tibetan grievances in a constructive manner and develop a so called
“harmonious society.”

The US Congress created the CECC in October 2000 with the legislative
mandate to monitor human rights and the development of the rule of law in
China, and to submit an annual report to the President and the Congress.

MisterNebojsa says:

he has very calm voice,love it

g0g0gdzilla says:

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be “being on” all the time(media).
Props to HHDL. Exiled from his homeland; working to make the world a
better place for all; no (few) complaints. How many of us can say we are up
for a similar task?

steveetienne says:

here is a question for the ‘lama’ – how come you had the foresight to move
your personal gold fortune out of tibet several weeks before china
invaded?? how come you charge upwards of fifty pounds a ticket to dispense
your ‘wisdom’?

Leesh Amorry says:

Buddism is so peaceful and speaks true to me. Im so glad I came across it
in this life, to learn about it and be in the presence of the Buddhas

I hope it speaks true to everyone, and If it does… keep learning it. You
will make yourself and everyone around you happy. may all be well.

nplooj1 says:

His voice is so cute ^_^

alekx58 says:

you are in mytic miseriers of the west cause you like and take everyone as
pupil instead with nothing of inthrust yes and a lot people here come with
youre name to say here very bad word hidden behind your task take care and
look out

Adam Razak says:

Selling his book… dalai lama is a salesmen the world is full of them just
open your eyes. 

Manish Bista says:

Those 267 hater’s are chinese 

Louis H says:

” your holliness, did you ever experience copulation in your life time or
past-lives-time ? ”
I believe all the dear man’s wiseness is in the mumbling.
how many more questions to break the toy??

robertsmylie says:

well that was lame. the dalai lama has a lot of patience for sure cause
those questions were lameass. boring…..really boring. 

Ida Pásztor says:
wenkai93 says:

a Buddhist talks about politics is not a real buddhist. Their Buddha (was a
prince of some sort) abandoned his political title to search for the truth
of life.

Lesly Weiner says:

True Kinship of Faiths – Om Vajra Wiki Witrana Soha

SolaceAndBane says:

How the world’s religions can come together? What about the ABSENCE of
religion? Where does atheism come into your plan, Dalai Lama?

Simon Lynch says:

The Dalai Lama is a charlatan. For those of you who want to understand the
political motivations behind his actions then please read the book ‘The
False Dalai Lama’ which details the corruption and religious suppression
that he has been enforcing under the guise of a supposed holy man

916drivingbible says:

Faith is an organized clarity toward a worthwhile effort. Meditate on
that. It’s like knowing the 2 essentials in all endeavors, such as school,
relationships, or shopping. For example, go into Macy and buy the 2 best
shoes, shirts, and pants. That’s an organized clarity toward a worthwhile
effort or Faith. Have faith, know it and have everything. Must be able to
fully and completely define something in order to achieve it, like success,
or in this case, faith. I can also define “love.”

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