13 Unmistakable Signs You're Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

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13 Unmistakable Signs You’re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening.

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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#SpiritualTruth #Awakening #Personality


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What is Spiritual awakening? Do you think you’re experiencing one, but don’t know whether it’s a spiritual awakening or not?
Spiritual awakening is an awakening of a dimension of reality beyond the confines of the ego. In this case, the ego is our exclusive sense of self or “I”. Spiritual awakening can happen to anyone, at any time, and for whatever reason, and sometimes, we don’t even know if we’re experiencing a spiritual awakening.
In the process, spiritual awakening involves opening the heart centre. It’s deeply associated with one’s psychology, the emotional body, and soul.
In this video, we’re going to talk about some signs that someone is experiencing a spiritual awakening. I promise you this video will be especially useful for you, guys. People who experience a full awakening process are typically experiencing all of these signs, and roughly at the same degree of intensity as well. Although, the intensity could vary depending on a person’s overall wakefulness. Someone who experiences a high intensity of wakefulness will also experience a higher state of well-being and mental quietness as well.
Anyway, here are some common signs of spiritual awakening you might be experiencing, but don’t know about it. Please note that these awakening symptoms I’m going to tell you are also common for temporary spiritual awakening as well. Before moving on to the list, if you think this information is helpful for you, don’t forget to like and share this video, guys.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists …


LS BigMac23 says:

Also you donnot feel like eating anything. If you eat unhealthy things your body will fill weird and numb. So you forced to only eat healthy.

Tessa Giardini says:

Thank you for sharing …🌟Love🌈 Light🌟🌍❤🌈🌟⭐

sannia fatima says:

It's morality.. not mortality


Wondefull video! Thank you!

Christopher Knapp says:

Another drawing video.

Shawn Smith says:

Spiritual gold was gifted to me, I'm enlightened and the blessings I recieved gave me the opportunity to make music. I think the conscious community that has had their spiritual awakening will enjoy my accapella @ =https://youtu.be/q1ha7fiGa1E

Money Motivated starz says:

Can y’all subscribe to my channel,I been recording my spiritual journey

Joydeep Saha says:

Spiritual awakening is good. It gives clarity to the mind. But it does not lessen suffering especially suffering caused due to actions of other people.

Gina Jackßon says:

Wow😄 am going thur all of that now Prays

Genez says:

Life happens in phases. The time of DECIDING one's spiritually takes place at a certain time in ones life. You enter into a battle zone that you had no idea existed. Its the time of choice. Some reach out to the spiritual realm that promises better survival in this world. It can come in many forms. Praying to idols suddenly seems to be the answer… But? Idols can not think. The question is? What must hide itself behind an idol… or precious stone… or medium? Where is that intelligence and knowing coming from? As long as the money keeps coming in some refuse to ask.

Virgo Brat says:

Thank you! Easily understood and clear! Love your channel, keep it up!!!

B d says:

I just want to share that I was homeless and I lived in a tent by myself for a year and a half after being an addict of all sorts and been arrested 26times but now 7years with pure Bliss it just happened after 30 years of horror I learned something that made me new.

kp1832 phelan says:

Are there symptoms of awakening.? Body temperature. Menopause at age 40 I know don't have it but that what feels like. I always get headaches and migraines every now and then. Depending on the day . And ADHD learning disability.

endwatcher says:

I suggest those watching this to read the Hermetica.

oce says:

Demons are real, and Satan comes as a (false) angel of light. The one most important truth about spirituality: God is spirit, and He must be worshiped in Spirit and Truth. The one true God of creation is complex, man is created in His image. There can only be one true God of the universe, all the others are false (lowercase g) gods. Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, who is one with Him. He was sent to take away the sin of the world, which is something God can’t tolerate (wickedness) but He is rich in mercy, willing for all to come to repentance and be saved.
Romans 3:23-26 (New King James Bible)

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,
26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Valencia Queck says:

WHO AM I? truly. we are who we are today because of our past. yet we often yearn for the future to come when all there is is NOW. i was quite confused as to who my true self was but i can say that my life changed COMPLETELY after this step by step system that helped me understand myself better. i hope by sharing this link, anyone who is struggling to find their true purpose in life or is just lost in life will be able to be clear on who YOU TRULY ARE and live a life of purpose. @t hope this helps! 🙂


Michi Alva says:

I’m going through that as we speak 😩 it’s extremely overwhelming specially when the people surrounding me don’t understand why I want to have time for myself and connect with my own thoughts 😩😩🤦🏻‍♀️ instead I’m having people questioning me and thinking I’m up to something 🤷🏻‍♀️….

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