14 Traps and Pitfalls of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING

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Here are some little ‘traps’ or pitfalls of spiritual awakening. Just a few things that can hold us back on our spiritual path, such as spiritual bypassing and the spiritual ego, plus a few concerns that can really weigh us down.

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Ronie Dionisio says:

thank you thats what im thinking too when i was young… seeing them ( spiritual leaders) is just seeing myself in same level…

maninsligo says:

A rhetorical question. If nothing changes in terms of how you express yourself then what benefit is the experience ''to others'? Nearly all of the spiritual teachers are people who claim to be awake but apart from teaching, seem to be as limited in their expression as they were before. Why is that? Factually the only thing that changes is perception and transition from troubled mind to peaceful mind. Isn't this what it is? Unless you are deeply traumatised or suffering in psychological terms, why bother with spirituality? Teaching imparts knowledge and from the looks of the internet an over-use of the term Namaste.

deana nightingale says:

Thank you so much! Very helpful video.

Krystle Starbrooks says:

I love my water and thank it 😁

Laura Tuller says:

Very informational, thank you Nicky!

Nejka Reiki master says:

I really like this vid Nicky..especially the Iam awaken now&spiritual bypassing is a huge one!I see on social media a lot of talk how only enlighten beings will transcende the 3D reality in to 5D,but in that case the 5D would be very "empty"of souls as so little of human beings did trully awaken to its true nature in full as you mentioned Buddha and we have few others but thats that!We cant always be sunshine&rainbows we have to heal first and in this materialistic society that bombards as all the time&programs its even harder to be non stop on the highest point of awareness all the time!The path of self realization is long&we have to stay for ever humble in our search..blessings dear Nicky&much love&light to allπŸ’ž

Lynda Austin says:

Good advice as always. Thank you. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

jeanyves says:

You are just more than amazing!!! πŸ™

Cefani Kask says:

The Law of Attraction manifestation inactivity thing really has been a thing for me, because I'm starting in a completely new path and it really has been daunting to take action in this completely new direction… My confidence hasn't been much either, so it can be really tough to break out from that

Summer1976 says:

Great video the pitfalls of 8 and 13 really resonated with me although I actually came to spirituality through intense invesigating of conspiracys, I certainly don't fear anywhere as much as I used to.

Noahide Videos Bible says:

It's naive to think strict religions don't teach inquisition into ideas. We do. We just point out the inconsistencies in other faiths with reality and the discernible facts of creation.

Pietrina Taranto says:

You are a sweet angel.. love listening to your wisdom 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

SoNiels says:

Really good video Nicky thanks so much! This is valuable information to discuss πŸ™πŸ» many blessings πŸ’œβ˜―οΈ

sijoka2008 says:

So happy you mention the Gurus. I thought I was the only one that thought that way.

yvonne Fearn says:

Thank you Love Light Blessings

Aki Nara says:

Great but… how to get out of these pits?
I can't just magically not want to go home or love where the state of the world is at or push away my wish to die

Shilpa Rao says:

Your message is bang on!! Everything makes perfect sense.

James Earl Cash says:

A list of the 14 traps and pitfalls of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING:

1: Creating a new belief system
2: Glorifying Gurus
3: I'm awaken now
4: Spiritual bypassing
5: Taking on a spiritual persona
6: Feeling super to unawakened people
7: Hopelessness at the state of the world ( what world are you referring to? The Westernized world? )
8: Fear dues to conspiracies
9: feeling like if reality is energy or even an illusion, what is the point of life?Β 
10: Wanting to go home. other planet/dimension
11: Practicing the law of attraction and then doing nothing
12: Excessive focus on spiritual abilities without no meditation/inner work
13: Hating on science
14: Believing all channeling & general claims

Empath In The Office says:

Dear Nicky, thanks so much for this video. You captured all the points perfectly. I think a lot of people can relate to at least 1 during spiritual awakening. It's like you wrote #9 for me — thank you for your beautiful & calming advice on that. Much love.

Juno Meigh says:

Spiritual awakening can you help me please. Do you know anyone who know's about attack's ..I need some advice (not to do them ,i am getting attacked sometimes ,prayer works so far)

tommy Dawson says:

With the law of attraction os triky to approach girls, like the more i want them, the more they run,
So maybe i just approach less or just for fun …idk

Aaron Batchelor says:

Thank you Nicky much love light and blessings xx

tommy Dawson says:

What you think of christianity??

tommy Dawson says:

Do a video with Joseph Alai please

Patrick Digger says:

#15.) Mandela Effect….

Why your close friends & family members are changed people and Logos are different. Songs, movie lines change. Sky, ETC…feels different is different. Feels like a different time line.
Could greed got in the way with them tampering with The D Wav and Quantum Computers getting info and technologies from a different dimension got out of hand the two quantum computers from each demension created a black hole causing a fusion of both time lines. Why we have The Mandela Effect….
Nicky, this is not fact just a guess….feels like we been robbed. Being Awake is not fun. How can you explain why we're in The Orion Belt. Use to be in The Sagittarius Belt!!
God Bless!
(Havent been happy since i been awaken). Alot of rabbit holes to look out for. Wish all The Awaken can get together that would form a very high vibration and happiness!!!

rosi fischer says:

Thank you!
My challange is having doubts. There are so many different theories, but none of them can really be proved. Sometimes "spirit" gives me answers, but otherwise I often being left in the dark.
"As above, so below" means for me, we are lost. Our world is a sick mess, flooded by evil beings. And so are heavens!
Destiny vs. free will. THATΒ΄S A HUGE CONTRADICTION!
And please, donΒ΄t tell me that my negative thinking about that stuff causes my expieriences! For a long time I believed contrary.

Tatey Lyn says:

You could talk about the no fap thing going around. Or the sungazing phenomena. Those two things are very confusing to people who've just started realizing themselves as spiritual beings

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