2019 Becoming Nobody Retreat Preview – Ram Dass's Last Darshan

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Experience Ram Dass’s last community retreat before his passing, through the lens of ‘Becoming Nobody.’

In early December 2019, many in the LSRF community gathered for our semi-annual retreat on the shores of West Maui. For over a decade, Ram Dass hosted in-person retreats there – the gatherings energized and excited him, and brought us all deeper into a shared heart space. This particular gathering ended up being Ram Dass’s last community event before he left his body only weeks later. After he passed away, many of his close friends who were at the retreat agreed that Ram Dass sensed that this gathering might be his last — a potent and Bhakti-filled culmination of his five decades of wisdom-keeping.

This 13-hour offering, entitled “Becoming Nobody” based on Ram Dass’s recent film of the same title, explores how we become “nobody” through cultivating self-honesty and awareness, transforming dark thoughts and emotions, and transcending feelings of separation, fear, and polarization.Ram Dass is joined by Trudy Goodman, Jack Kornfield, Mirabai Bush, Dr. Robert Svoboda, Krishna Das, Raghu Markus, Duncan Trussell and other special guests as they help us come home to our true nature — a place of compassion and love. This retreat includes meditation, storytelling, Dharma talks, chant (Kirtan) and much more.

Visit https://www.ramdass.org/maui2019 to download the retreat in audio or video format.

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Amudo says:

I feel drawn to him, I don't know him really well but he brings instant joy inside my heart, I will read your books soon Ram Dass, forever in our heart

John G. says:

I was there. It was so beautiful. So much love. It prepared me for this year. And to awaken further. Thank you Ram Dass.

I had been called to Maui and Ram Dass for many years. 2019 was like a dream come true. And then to sit with him in his home on the night of the great full moon in his last days and tell him how much he'd touched me and feel his love so directly was an incredible blessing.

I will do my best to carry his message of love. He became the essence of love and lives within the hearts of all those he touched. He became nothing, and everything.

Love and blessings to you all on your path.

Sarah Scully says:

Damn you….

Sarah Scully says:

This is so inspiring I feel alive again he gives me life and love to the universe, peace man baba ram dass

Liza Mor says:

I just heard how I am actually allowed to love myself….. wow… ๐Ÿ’—

Colin Ross Creative says:

I love this shit.

Jason Casey says:

To the people who down voted this video…..I love you. To those who up voted, I love you too!

Samm E says:

"I am conducting a symphony of love." – Baba Ram Dass

Evelyn Parkes says:

Just come across him yesterday and I am greatful . I will be walking my journey with you namaste

Spencer J says:

I didnโ€™t discover him until about 2 weeks after he died. My life since then has been such a transformation. I never knew him but I miss him so much

Pat R. says:

"Each soul has its own song." Gurl, I felt that.

Ariel says:

ram dam is the biggest hoax ever lived, full of lies and bullshit, god gave him the wheelchain but he didnt get it, ugly skeleton.

Kevin Mines says:

Becoming No One in Love . Just beautiful I love love love you thank you for walking with me.

Imagine A World says:

"Out culture looks for everything outside"
And that is backfiring.
Thats why conservatism is being abolished. Sad man.

Imagine A World says:

"Out culture looks for everything outside"
And that is backfiring.
Thats why conservatism is being abolished. Sad man.

Jerome Swanson says:

I love you Ram Dass! Your spiritual teachings for the very first ones I ever encountered on my journey. Thank you for your life, your journey, your work, your presence and your love. Ram..Ram…Ram.

D L Jensen says:

So sweet that Ram Dass waved at everyone…guess it was waving goodbye ๐Ÿ˜ข

Ruby Singh says:

Unconditional Love is all I have for you Baba Ram Das. Miss you โค๏ธ

Sunny Gem says:

Thank you for sharing.

prem gandhi says:


Aldo says:

I love everyone

rian alterianc says:

Very nice ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹ ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–โ™ฅ๏ธโค๏ธ

Lou C. says:

Ram Ram๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’™

Meera says:


Sma11s 22 says:

Jai Ram Dass!!!

Abhishek Pandey says:

May the supreme power take him above the cycle of life.

Gurudra - Emotional Health & Peace says:

When you love, then you have to become nobody, if you remain somebody, then love never happens๐Ÿ™

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