3 Mind Blowing Life Lessons From Neale Donald Walsch

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✅Join Neale Donald Walsch in this FREE, time-limited masterclass and discover how to prepare yourself for humanity’s next evolutionary leap. Click here now:👉https://go.mindvalley.com/Awaken-The-Species

Conversations with God | Neale Donald Walsch

The biggest question that we grapple with is: what is my purpose in life? How can I change the world? In this video, Neale Donald Walsch shares the 3 three biggest life lessons that completely changed his life and helped him clarify his life purpose. He gives actionable insights that you can put to use right now to find your purpose.

In his conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch discovered the key to all human evolution and the purpose that we all serve: impacting others. Watch this conversation now; it will change your perspective completely.

About Neale Donald Walsch:

✅An auto accident broke his neck and nearly ended his life. He needed a year’s rehab to learn to walk again. Not one but several failed marriages. Living on the streets homeless. His health declined. He was behind on his bills. He was collecting cans and bottles to return them for the deposit. He was at rock bottom.

✅On one particularly frustrating day, he scratched a series of angry, spiteful questions into a legal pad – starting with: “What does it take to make life work???”

✅Now well chronicled and widely talked about, it was this questioning letter that received a Divine answer. Neale Donald Walsch says that he heard a voice, soft and kind, warm and loving, that gave him an answer to this and other questions.

✅Awestruck and inspired, he quickly scribbled these responses onto the pad. More questions came, and, as fast as they occurred to him, answers were given in the same still soft voice, which now seemed placed inside his head. Before he knew it, Neale found himself engaged in a two-way on-paper dialogue. He continued this first “conversation” for hours, and had many more in the weeks that followed, always awakening in the middle of the night and being drawn back to his legal pad.

✅Neale’s verbatim handwritten notes would later become the best-selling Conversations with God books. He says the process was “exactly like taking dictation,” and that the dialogue created in this way was published without significant alteration or editing.

✅Conversations With God was a runaway bestseller. It was on the New York Times Bestseller list for 2 ½ years! It’s been translated into 37 languages.

✅Then lightning struck again. Neale channeled two more books in the exact same way. Both became international best sellers and Neale rapidly became a recognized transformational teacher.

✅Today, Neale is once again channeling Divine wisdom through this Quest – and by collaborating with Mindvalley, he aims to touch millions more lives with it, and spark a global spiritual awakening at a time when the planet needs it most.

🎓About the masterclass: “The path to self-awakening”

What You’ll Learn:

Hear Neale’s inspiring story of how he went – from hitting rock-bottom in his health, career, and relationship, to receiving his first “download“ which led him to write the first Conversations with God book.

Learn why we need to build upon religion – (rather than completely dismissing it or dogmatically following it) by expanding our notion of God so we, as a species, can confidently take the next step in our spiritual evolution.

Dispel the myth that human beings are inherently mean or cruel – but instead, learn how humanity is simply a young and innocent species learning how to handle the information we’re receiving by our collective consciousness.

Discover how humanity is only at the infancy of our evolution, and that we still have a massive reservoir of potential we have yet to tap into. – This idea alone will make you wonderfully optimistic for the future.

FREE masterclass: Join Neale Donald Walsch in this FREE, time-limited masterclass and discover how to prepare yourself for humanity’s next evolutionary leap. Click here now:👉https://go.mindvalley.com/Awaken-The-Species


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Mindvalley says:

✅Join Neale Donald Walsch in this FREE, time-limited masterclass and discover how to prepare yourself for humanity’s next evolutionary leap. Click here now:👉https://go.mindvalley.com/AwakenTheSpecies

Jireh Constantino says:

This struck me like an epiphany! 👍👍

Khush Vekaria says:

Neal is God himself. Thank you so much for the video.

Bruce Kneebone says:

Nice to see Neale get passionate. I hope he continues to show this side of him.

Mellowed Sleep says:

Beautiful soothing atmosphere. Another wonderful week has began. Love, peace and relaxation to everyone.❤

Helen LuceyAtkins says:

You truly are a wonderful man Neale. Thank you and many blessings to you always

Malsawmhlua Hlua says:

۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞

➡️➡️️ 》》 18cams.xyz 《《


♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。



Frog McLobster says:

Think I’ll just watch this again like right now… thank you

Jesse I. Santra / Daswani says:

Conversations with God – the truth that the Church has been hiding all this while…

Carolina Martins says:

Thank you♥️

قل ربي زدني علما says:

ممكن ترجمة

Amina Driouech says:

I love you so much ❤

Vinay Pratap says:

I am at the right place, at the right moment 😭

Self-Education Methodology says:


ADifferentBreed says:

“You think you’re life is about you” WHEW!!!! So powerful !!!!

RichLifeBali says:

It’s just a pity that the way he looks reinforces the image of what we were taught as little kids in Sunday school that God is an old white man with a beard 😂

livenow13 says:

Praying for vitality and strength after a heartbreak. Love for all who love all!

Mihályné.Marika Krausz says:

Azért halgatok sok zenét .

Mihályné.Marika Krausz says:

💞💕💓💗❣💝💖Jó egészséget kivánok,dolgozom segitek ha hivnak, megbizható nö vagyok ,egy probléma egyedül maradtam,a rossz emlékeket ki akarom törölni teljesen.💗💓💞💕💝💖❣❤🧡💛💚

Barbara Gillan says:

So good to see you again…I love your message today. I really need to hear this now.

FeelGood says:

As always, fantastic, from the first word to the last.

liabeachy says:

I haven’t heard from Neal for over a decade but I think I’ll get reacquainted with god again myself 😊🙏🏽

Jeffrey C. McAndrew says:


Grow Your Wealth says:

Your limitation—it’s only your imagination. 🙏

Grow Your Wealth says:

"The greatest men in the world have failed more than you have tried!" 💪

Mikki Taylor says:

I love his Conversations with God

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