Eckhart Tolle and Arianna Huffington – Reimagine. Everything. Dreamforce 2014

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Arianna Huffington and Eckhart Tolle talk about what it means to truly thrive as human beings and why it is so important to stay present in the now.


ProPaleo says:

What does Eckart believe happens after death?

Stevo Reno says:

2 ‘authentically self deceived leftists. Tolle says a LOT of good things
coming from a pseudo guru. Huffington , well she also authentically
thinks she is doing good , underneath her calm confidence is a deep anger
and need to prove herself, NOT a judgment just a long term observation,
reading, watching and study of both of them …well that’s my bias for
tonight good night folks lol

Helena Kraus says:

Auch ich habe seine Bücher gelesen und lange danach gelebt, doch eins ließ
mich nicht los: Ich brauche nicht auf mein Ego zu hören, doch was ist mit
meiner Intuition?? Unsere Welt wird immer pornografischer und
gewalttätiger, meine Intuition sagt mir, dass es nicht gut ist, dass
irgendetwas schief läuft in unserer Gesellschaft! Doch nach Tolle sollen
wir aufhören zu denken, wir sollen aufhören zu URTEILEN und ALLES annehmen,
wie es kommt! Das ist nicht richtig! Mir ist klar geworden, dass wir durch
die Medien massiv manipuliert werden, unsere Kinder bekommen ständig
unterbewusste Botschaften, um sie zu triebhaften, gedankenlosen,
hypnotisierten Wesen zu machen. Informiert Euch bitte, gebt Disney
subliminal messages ein und schaut es Euch an… Es ist nur ein Beispiel
von vielen… Somit ist Tolle ein weiteres Werkzeug für mich, um uns
Menschen einzuschläfern, er ködert die Menschen, bewusst oder nicht, mit
dem Versprechen der Erleuchtung und dann? Dann sind wir glücklich und
schauen zu, wie unsere Kinder in einer Welt voller Hass und Materialismus
aufwachsen? Nur das Jetzt zählt, klar, spätestens wenn uns die virtuellen
Handschellen angelegt werden, merken wir, dass wir geschlafen haben,
eingelullt durch die neuen Weisheitslehrer der Welt. Es ist ja alles gut,
so wie es ist? INFORMIERT EUCH BITTE, es sieht nicht gut aus da draußen,
doch diese Illusion aufzugeben ist schmerzhaft. Doch nicht alles ist
schlecht an Tolles Lehre: Immerhin bringt er Bewusstheit in unser Leben und
zeigt, dass das Ego übermächtig werden kann, wenn es unsere negativen
Emotionen als Nahrung gebraucht. Doch ab diesem Punkt ist es ein
Gute-Nacht-Lied für Erwachsene… LG

Michelangelo Caravaggio says:

Some of this stuff is quite new to me.

I’ve always thought of myself as just a bundle or collection of thoughts,
and to a lesser extent, feelings, sensations and so on. There’s patterns to
these thoughts, feelings and so on, and continuity, and those patterns and
that continuity, though imperfect, is what makes me, me. Furthermore,
my thought patterns, though similar other peoples thought patterns, are not
the same, and that’s what makes me unique The idea that I’m awareness or
consciousness, presence, underlying all these thought patterns, is
peculiar, I’m not 100% sure it’s true, it’s not a very western thought,
westerners tend to identify themselves with their thoughts, or with the
totality of their organism, everything in the mind/body, although our
language sort of confirms it, like when we say, my thoughts, as if thoughts
were things we owned, or possessed, rather than who we are. I’m going to
give this a lot of thought. As I tend to embrace this new notion of self, I
feel like I have more power, more control over my thoughts, like I’ve
detached or removed myself from them. They know longer own me, they’re a
part of me, or they’re in me, but they’re not me at my innermost core.
Thoughts are can be likened to furniture, furniture comes and goes, but the
space in which the furniture comes and goes, and the person occupying that
space, remains, until the organism perishes. Just as our house can be
cluttered with unnecessary and even toxic junk, and sometimes it’s good to
do a spring cleaning, so you can move about more freely, so you can add
more furniture, so too can our mind be cluttered with thoughts that are
more trouble than worth, that are taxing, and take a lot of maintenance,
and don’t do us a heck of a lot of good except to haunt us. All of this is
kind of becoming disciplined with ones thoughts, not identifying them, not
letting them rule you, and seeing that more is not necessarily merrier,
just as more food or drink or possession or whatever and pursuit of them
can ruin your life. We can be our own worst enemy sometimes, by
relinquishing our sovereignty, and being ruled by externals, man has a
tendency to excess in many of his endeavors, that has to be partly checked,
our thoughts and feelings can run amok. If the self is awareness, and the
mind and brain are on, and we don’t entertain substance dualism, then what
part of the brain is awareness? What does awareness in and of itself want,
does it have an agenda, or in order to want anything, does it need to have
thoughts, feelings and sensations, does it need content, in order to have a
purpose? There is much for me to ponder and research. According to Alan
Watts, we are the totality of the mind/body, which itself is intimately
connected with and an expression of all that is, the universe, but Tolle
seems to have a much narrower view of the self, interesting, I wonder if
they can be reconciled? And it’s interesting to see how both have been
influenced by eastern thought and zen, but took it in two different
directions. Who I am in the present moment is me, what I’m thinking and
feeling now is me, I don’t have to be loyal to a set of beliefs or
values… concepts come and go, feeligns come and go, the way we feel now
and think now, will not be precisely thew ay we feel and think tomorrow, so
just as we come into this worl dleave it with no possessions, we come into
this world and leave it with no thoughts, at some point we lose everything,
so we have thoughts without trying to idolize or possess them, we can be
excessively clingy, perhaps deficiently clingy sometimes, but usually
excessively clingy not only when it comes to people and possessions, but
thoughts, and perspectives, attitudes. Everything in cosmos changes, yes
are there are patterns and continuity, but the repititions are imperfect,
no two thoughts or feeligns or things or people or places have been and
ever will be identical. Just as possessions rust, and break down, and
become useless, we no longer need them, same with thoughts, a few
possessions we have our with us our entire lives if any, the avst majority
come and go, and it’s impossible to say which, if any will be with us our
enire lives, so we have to prepare to let all thoughts come and go, as they
become obsolete, outdated, as we can’t afford the energy required to
maintain them, or the space and so on, so we can have too many things, and
we can be too conservative, hold onto this one or that too much, too fast
to acquire new things and too weary of letting old things go, it’s this
desire too be so full, overflowing all the time, this tendency to have too
much of a good thing, to spoil life, to overconsume and produce everything,
mental and physical, things which are good at the right times and places,
but can become burdensome in the wrong times and places and degrees, and
things which don’t do us any good at all having them.

Continuity of Life says:

excellent interview.

Constantinos Christou says:

“Don’t wait to be successful at some future point, have a successful
relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you
are doing. That is success.
Eckhart Tolle and Arianna Huffington – Reimagine. Everything. Dreamforce

John David Olsen says:

Two of my favourite people on stage together. 

hector maseret says:

My teacher, love him, thanks !

Sridhar Murthy says:

Arianna you are so naturally charming !..No words to describe Eckhart Tolle
except thank you, for the wonderful message to all of us about how to live
our lives in awareness of our true selves.

bea tea says:

Was this in San Francisco?

Nando TV - Erleuchtung jetzt says:

I dont know, what makes Eckhart act in situations like this, because hes
surrounded by many strange forces, but the Dao leads him and he does
immaculately. He doesnt know, therefore no conflict, thats it. Good work

Qararam Dam says:

Ariana Huffington. 

Emanuele Scanziani says:

New schools , new centers for the Children, to find themselves first, like
LilaLoka in Auroville, 

Ancient Wisdom Jewelry by Cynthia says:

excelent intervirew.

Cynthia Bergsbaken says:

excelent intervirew.

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