The Spirituality of Sex

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The Little Shaman explores the spirituality of sex in this episode and even shares a technique to enhance the spirituality in your own sex life. Part I.

Part II:
Part III:

Shaman Sister SinDelle ☽☯☾ is an ordained minister, shamanic spiritual counselor, medicine woman, aromatherapist, nutritional counselor, certified clinical hypnotherapist, activist, an author and Dr. of Metaphysics. She has been working with people who have difficulties, disabilities and mental illness for over 10 years. Working on opening a Holistic Healing Center & S.O.U.L. Clinic in the Midwest area. She believes in natural living, natural healing and natural medicine.

Check out the collection of apps by Shaman Sister Sin, including the most popular essential oil encyclopedia on Amazon. These apps are also available on the Google Play store.

Shaman Sister Sin also has a line of organic herbal teas specially-crafted using herbs known for centuries for their therapeutic benefits.


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