5 Things You Need to Know About Treating Narcissism | Dr. David Hawkins

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Marriage counseling is not always the best remedy for a troubled marriage. In fact, we do not recommend marriage counseling when there is narcissistic and emotional abuse involved. In this video, Dr. Hawkins explains why that is not the best course of action for treating narcissism and emotional abuse, and tells you five things you need to know when treating narcissism and emotional abuse.

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Dr. Hawkins and his team of experts offer education and professional training as well as treatment for narcissistic and emotional abuse.

💬 Interested in getting help? Schedule a call with our client care team, and we’ll guide you to the right program or clinician: https://marriagerecoverycenter.com/book-a-call
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☎️ PHONE: (206) 219-0145
📧 EMAIL: info@marriagerecoverycenter.com


The internet is inundated with hyperbole and misinformation about narcissism, leaving many people confused and hopeless. Get the facts about narcissism and emotional abuse from someone who has been researching, writing about and treating narcissism and emotional abuse for over a decade.

Dr. Hawkins is a best-selling author and clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience helping people break unhealthy patterns and build healthier relationships. He is the founder and director of the Marriage Recovery Center and the Emotional Abuse Institute which offers education, training and counseling for people who want to break free of, and heal from, emotional abuse.

Whether the perpetrator of the abuse is your spouse, partner, parent, boss, friend or family member, we offer practical advice for anyone trapped in a toxic, destructive relationship. In addition to narcissism & emotional abuse, topics include covert, reactive, spiritual, secondary, relationship trauma and more.

#narcissism #narcissist #npd


@HowAboutThat3 says:

Another FANTASTIC video that resonates deeply! Thank you SO much, Dr. Hawkins! I love how you speak so earnestly. Your videos are super informative and also very healing. You have a gift on how to educate and connect with your listeners.

@thomasbartolome2595 says:

From what I know about narcissism, and the fact that I am a narcissist, I fully agree with all five points. Narcissists are typically inflexible and unwilling to own their part and try to change.

@morgs_365 says:

Another helpful video. I am the narcissist and it’s been my one way street for 26 years of marriage. Hard to accept that recovery continues to be the one way. That’s what we do though, gaslight ourselves even, to believe what makes us feel better. It’s definitely a one way mind battle to over come within our self. Slowly self training, thanks Doc.

@zuuumbaaa says:

They just pretend to own to the abuse. You believe and get sucked back into the relationship and this vicious cycle can go on and on forever.

@Vandi8419 says:

I just found you- I have been married since 2002- I am in the middle of thinking whether to finally go- I would like to stay- but unfortnately MY HUSBAND does NOT think he is Narcissist- I actually NEVER KNEW until SOcial Media TAUGHT me the signs- I would like to talk wth you- I am the Emotinally hurt one- as well as I think our kids- have been hurt by him too I am going to email you- I was thinkingmaybe I could get some Video Conferences- I dont know cost- I have major expenses- but maybe can figure something out- I have no one to talk with which I think that is my BIGGEST Factor- my sister passed in a auto accident 2005/ then lost my dad in 2013. and dealt with a narcisstist husband- well I think he has those tendacies- which maybe yiou can analyze- My mother is around- but she too is DRAINING on me- due to all the loss-

@ChildoftheLIGHT says:

Hopelessly hoping is destructive to the soul of the spouse of an abuser.

@JenniferMitchell-r3w says:

This just emphasizes how challenging this disorder is and why it’s recommended to just leave the relationship – it’s a long road if the journey is even possible. I love your books and the information you share.

@tenmilechicks says:

Thank you, and to many others who have put out such helpful and useful videos for those of us who can not afford in person assistance, I no longer have suicidal thoughts. Now I work on myself, and finally, I am in a better state of mind. I now have much needed understanding of what has been happening to me. I appreciate the coping skills I have learned. I'm still learning. Do I back slide? Yes, I do. Even still, I am doing loads better than ever before. Again. thank you, everyone for your videos.

@Schquirl says:

Been such a very long trying year. Wished the counseling helped but it was definitely too late. Im getting help now through Shaneen for the recovery of his abuse. She has a long 2 page check off list of behaviors and my husband had all but 4. I'm glad we had the counseling there to prove that I searched, waited and paid for the best therapy but he was too proud and selfish. He already had success from his gaslighting and smear campaign at church. What I also learned…. DON'T HESITATE ON SIGNING UP FOR COUNSELING

@tenmilechicks says:

It is true that there doesn't seem to be a lot mentioned about narcissism related to women. There are women out there, and they can equally be as damaging as men are to their victims. Unfortunately, men seem to be more eluctant to bring this out into the open the way women do. No matter what, though, the advice that is heard here can be applied to both women and men. RG, I hope there is something here that will resonate with you and be helpful.

This I know, nobody can change or force someone else to change. I can change myself, though. This morning, I refused to fall into the trap of explaining in the pitiful attempt to gain understanding as that it is a deep rabbit hole. Each time I jump over that rabbit hole, I feel just that much stronger emotionally.

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