Why Victims of Emotional Abuse Feel Anger? | Dr. David Hawkins

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In this video Dr David B Hawkins, Licensed Clinical Psychologist speaks about the normal anger that victims experience as a result of emotional abuse! Victims of Narcissistic Abuse will experience righteous anger and this may be explosive at times, and this is normal!

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Dr. Hawkins and his team of experts offer education and professional training as well as treatment for narcissistic and emotional abuse.

💬 Interested in getting help? Schedule a call with our client care team, and we’ll guide you to the right program or clinician: https://marriagerecoverycenter.com/book-a-call
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The internet is inundated with hyperbole and misinformation about narcissism, leaving many people confused and hopeless. Get the facts about narcissism and emotional abuse from someone who has been researching, writing about and treating narcissism and emotional abuse for over a decade.

Dr. Hawkins is a best-selling author and clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience helping people break unhealthy patterns and build healthier relationships. He is the founder and director of the Marriage Recovery Center and the Emotional Abuse Institute which offers education, training and counseling for people who want to break free of, and heal from, emotional abuse.

Whether the perpetrator of the abuse is your spouse, partner, parent, boss, friend or family member, we offer practical advice for anyone trapped in a toxic, destructive relationship. In addition to narcissism & emotional abuse, topics include covert, reactive, spiritual, secondary, relationship trauma and more.

#narcissistic #narcissist #narcissism


@sajadganie2296 says:

Unfortunately what you want to say? Will it harm or damage to others?

@DR--- says:

Why are you assuming the victim is a woman?

@Tingting000 says:

Yes she is me. I have soooo much rage. It can burn whole world down

@MrTedflick says:

Hearing these words calmed me

@Yellowspider1776 says:

Or when HE NOT JUST she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@e.1766 says:

God's gonna send you as many abusers as it takes for you to realize you 'don't deserve' that treatment. Even if it literally ends up killing you, & you become just another statistic on some board & everybody's still saying 'they're crazy'. A heart attack is 'crazy'. Seizures are 'crazy'. Your anger at being left to fend for yourself in a crisis when nobody ever did show up is 'crazy'. What's really ungodly then, the behavior of the abuser, or the behavior of the victim? An example I have a hard time w/ is child abuse; a child Can't defend themselves, & lots of kids are brutalized to death Daily. So what's Ungodly; the abuser or the victim?

@donaldhunt6225 says:

And when HE is gaslighted, blamed, shamed and scapegoated!

@lindyc.2552 says:

I just came across this video.
I have been dealing with all you said, for 25 years now, married to a narc spouse.
Its SO TRUE!!!
In a narc relationship you are forced to keep stuffing and stuffing and stuffing all your anger and frustration inside.
The narcissist will abuse you, then come back later and carry on like nothing happened. They will look at you like you are the one with the problem if you dare try to bring up how you feel about what took place.
If I do try to bring up how his mistreatment affects me, he gets angry or he just walks away from me.
Yes, it is very difficult that you never get resolution. All the pain and anger are just festering deep inside and you have no outlet for it, because the narcissist does NOT want to hear it! You have no voice!!!!
I did tell my narc spouse the other night that it is getting harder and harder to stay with him.
I told him that if and when I leave, it will be because of the way he treats me, with his distain, anger, blaming and treating me like a non person in this relationship.

@your.beautiful.mind.now. says:

Today, I felt seen, heard, and understood. Something I have not truly felt nearly my whole life. Today, I felt like God saw me through this video. For so long, I felt the weight of being solely responsible for my blow-ups, even though I know they are out of my nature, on my shoulders. Today, you have lifted that shame and guilt. Thank you.

@suzannemartin6817 says:

Does this apply to if you don’t really see it for what it’s been until you’re in the middle of a divorce initiated by the other?

@mikesmith6594 says:

I feel anger because my narcissistic father and hateful sister bring the worse out in me keep getting gaslit, played mind games with, told I'm just imagining things told I'm a Fuck up I'm just fed up with all the double standards , the gaslighting, the bullying , being treated less than or not good enough, the blame shifting, being violated 😢. My father doesn't take accountability for his harmful behavior he acts like he's mr.perfect .

@onavargas3490 says:

This was heaven sent God Bless & thank you so much

@joyholtzhausen8976 says:

Angry at the injustice of it all and angry that I still feel the loss of what it should (could) have been. No happy memories to look back on

@katecrosby7890 says:

"Remember that you're normal"
Really needed to hear this. My verbal tic is to say "I'm a real person" because my past convinced me there was no safety

@hellosheillo says:

This made me cry. Thank you for validating what I feel. It’s all bottled up for years and now I feel like it’s going to burst.

@1111OOOOI says:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

@donaldhunt6225 says:

What about when the Victim is a HE and She is the Abuser, and HE takes it and takes it until HE erupts like that Coke can? He's then labeled as an Angry Man…how is that fair?

@Nina-w7m8q says:

Devalued, dismissed, gaslighted, used.

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