Should You Leave Your Emotionally Abusive Marriage ? | Dr. David Hawkins

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If you’re in an emotionally abusive marriage, you likely wrestle daily with the question of whether to leave or stay in the marriage. On the one hand, you have people telling you to get out now because they will never change! On the other hand, you may have people telling you to pray about it, or that divorce is a sin, the children will suffer, etc. These conflicting opinions only make matters more confusing and difficult. In this video, Dr. Hawkins gives you six questions that he asks his clients when trying to assess the degree to which a relationship is salvageable. The answers to these six questions can help you determine whether you should stay, or leave your emotionally abusive marriage.


Dr. Hawkins and his team of experts offer education and professional training as well as treatment for narcissistic and emotional abuse.

💬 Interested in getting help? Schedule a call with our client care team, and we’ll guide you to the right program or clinician:
☎️ PHONE: (206) 219-0145


The internet is inundated with hyperbole and misinformation about narcissism, leaving many people confused and hopeless. Get the facts about narcissism and emotional abuse from someone who has been researching, writing about and treating narcissism and emotional abuse for over a decade.

Dr. Hawkins is a best-selling author and clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience helping people break unhealthy patterns and build healthier relationships. He is the founder and director of the Marriage Recovery Center and the Emotional Abuse Institute which offers education, training and counseling for people who want to break free of, and heal from, emotional abuse.

Whether the perpetrator of the abuse is your spouse, partner, parent, boss, friend or family member, we offer practical advice for anyone trapped in a toxic, destructive relationship. In addition to narcissism & emotional abuse, topics include covert, reactive, spiritual, secondary, relationship trauma and more.

#mariagecounseling #mariage


@AzaniasPappa says:

I enjoyed this so much,this is something i am learning to rocking the boat. I have made it clear i want out should we have sell everything and start over listen ,we all gotta do what we gotta do. Its so true we do become enables a man poor behaviour.we ao afraid to start over

@jesusmysavior1056 says:

This is the latest I've seen a video about marriage advice. I scrolled through hundreds of videos to post a comment and maybe get an answer. I have been married to my wife for over 26 years, but it's obvious they haven't been all blissful! It always starts with the mundane, such as hoarding of boxes and making everything a keepsake so it can fill yet another box. Or to a much subhuman level of not sweeping off the back porch of all the horse size dog poop and making you feel like crap for bringing up any of these easy to solve issues that she won't let you try to help fix, but somehow gets our sons involved into thinking you're the one.with the problem! I have cheated due to these issues and because I needed to have value where I felt my opinions did not count! She'd rather keep dog poop on the porch and trash in boxes then to hear me out! Please help!

@kimberlific says:

Thank you for this.

@lupitacarrasco9348 says:

Just so you know, mo all victims are women!!

@1969kellyp says:

The saddest thing with my situation is if I left him he would not care he would be relieved. I’m the one who fears loneliness

@II.PP.11 says:

I am not attached to him. I just married, was separared from my friends and family, had children, kept hostage in a house 24/7 at the mercy of this man, never worked, all being emotionally abused.
I developed social anxiety, my kids are still young (3 and 4 yo) and I have no idea how to navigate the world because this man has done everything for me since the last 12 years.
I'm no longer pretty, I'm no longer healthy and I'm completely isolated. I cannot leave, even wanting.
Just start learning about this kind of abuse and I already hate the man that destroyed my life.

@saraheva1255 says:

Amen!! Generalist therapy is NOT appropriate for narcissistic traits. Thank you!!

@Blusky-j2z says:

Very clear… event if I don't like the response. Yes, I have been emotionally immature and possibly still be. Yes, I have my share of errors and misconducts. But I do feel guilt and shame. But my partner never, never, apologized, in 20+ years, even in community times dedicated for reconciliation shared in couples. My partner did not share signs of affections for long years now. She told me that spring that "Shame is an emotion I don't know". We have no way out of the savior-victim-persecutor triangle. No humility, no vulnerability. She insisted that we do couple therapy a few years ago: she explicitly was waiting for me to change, offering no responsibility. We practiced non-violent communication for 10 years in a couple community: my sharing of emotions has actually been weaponized against me. In the meanwhile, she tested every toxic tool in the relation: triangulation, gaslighting, stonewalling, darvo, even going to the worst accusations… Sad story.

@Blue3rd says:

These videos always speak to me in strong ways. They help and have helped me understand my marriage in ways that nothing else has, and in that, I've been able to [almost] make sense of the patterns of abuse.

My horrendously emotionally and physically abusive wife attended therapy for years. For about 5 months before she left me, she had been going to a recovery program for the alleged purpose of dealing with rage and anger. She didn't have an ounce of integrity within her and used all the therapy and recovery meetings as supply to enable her to basically live a double life while pretending that she was becoming a good person. Fake kindness, gentleness and vulnerability for almost the whole outside world (while being filled with hate for everybody, which would start to show the instant she was inconvenienced or felt even the slightest hint of critique), then work to destroy me emotionally and would become violent in the 'blink of an eye.' When a patient pervasively lies to the people who are in professional roles of counseling, the patient won't grow or change. Everybody loses. My wife increasingly made me fear for my life and hers, while attacking me for 'not acknowledging her growth.' Her only "growth" was psychological cancer.

I have become so much healthier, stronger and safer since she left, and I've had so many relationships restored! And to my amazement, I've found that many other people have picked up on her rage and anger over the years! I'm not truly alone!

@sallybyrd3712 says:

I think it is better for the emotionally abused spouse (male or female) to go for counselling for themselves. Don't try to coerce the other spouse to go to couples counselling because they probably will not go but the emotionally abused spouse needs to go to counselling for their own sanity. Once they have worked on themselves which will take time then they can decide about the relationship.

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