Ask Yourself This When You're Stressed | Tony Robbins

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Clip from @DoctorOz:

Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than four and a half decades, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins’ corporate and personal development events. As the nation’s #1 life and business strategist, he’s called upon to consult and coach some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.


@_cole_shugg9409 says:

Tony loooks funny in them shoes , love you tony no bad vibs here just looks a little out of place

@julierobinson8173 says:

You get what you look for ❤ our beliefs control us ❤ what else could it mean ❤ beliefs become self fulfilling ❤ beliefs condition you ❤unquestioned beliefs produce stress…

@mmoro143 says:

Correct..ty for sharing..some people need to hear this often and from different people 😊😉😁

@dianacabrera-hashagen69 says:

God Bless You Tony 🙏🙏🙏

@OfCourseICan says:

Sorry Tony, you don't get it.
Contact me to discover the secret to happiness.
Sadly you are a quick fix master.
Contact me: I've got it!

@nancy50ish says:


@mariainge5477 says:


@imkongfu says:

He’s a gentle giant

@victorcoachofficial says:

Completely Agree❤. If you look for problems you will find more and if look for solutions you will find them. It's only a matter of your perspective what you look for you will get.❤

@Akali_Amos says:

Good advice! Thank you! 🙂

@goodseedsown says:

Scripture reference: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." -Proverbs 23:7

@Scoop7411-s5m says:

This is why we can stay in relationships with terrible partners, because we have convinced ourselves only to look for the positive in them because that’s what we want to see

@gokathygo says:

Wow that’s profound

@JardTar says:

He’s good

@gregoryhunter961 says:

You get watch you look for!

@EdwardHazell says:

Next time something ‘bad’ happens, ask yourself: “What else could this mean?”

@amyp9010 says:

Tony give me an example of unquestioned belief that would produce stress.
So something I'm not sure I believe in should not cause me stress?

@Know_Allaah_The_All-Mighty says:

All-Mighty God Bless! 🌏

@dgingerich5994 says:

Would love a little more of an example or 2 of what 3 new meanings would be and a beleif that could be assigned a new meaning!

@gordonirvine726 says:

This is good shit to be fair

@3mo2k25 says:

Wow! Its crazy man.

@emanmahmoud9439 says:

Our beliefs is everything

@pavlinaambrozova4185 says:

Thank you for this question. I have never asked myself this before. First of all, I think that it is an opportunity to react differently this time.

@marcya-k5161 says:

Need him on speed dial…love Tony Robbins! He helps put things into perspective and makes it so simple. ❤❤❤😊

@heather4089 says:

I don’t let stress get my power. I used to let it win over me, not anymore. I don’t resolve anything by being stressed out.

@user-MichaeljFaber says:

Smart smart smart!

@buddhaneosiddhananda8499 says:

There is a science of happiness and health… it's called religion and spirituality…😍😍

@curiouscurious6558 says:

great to see Tony still doing it

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