Ram Dass & Eckhart Tolle – Now Meets Now [Pt. 1] | 2011 | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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This rare and precious dialogue was filmed on Maui, HI on October 28, 2011. Here, these two champions of the present moment share and compare their perspectives – honoring one another’s unique journeys that brought them both to this moment. May we live evermore in the now with love and compassion pervading our consciousness. This is part one of a two part series.


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… ______ …

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@Chase2theCut says:

Help me understand…how could I love a bad seed that always will be bad thru and thru. Maybe he abused kids or other awful stuff. maybe that entity should go back to void.

@hollywunder4888 says:

hi baba 🥰 i love you. you know how long ive loved you? picture a mountain six miles long, six miles wide and six miles high….

@sindyhild5743 says:

Thank you 🙏❤️🙏

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