Neville Goddard – How To Manifest

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@evolutionbe7150 says:

Sad part is i come here to hear the real Neville. The problem is that i can't trust other YouTubers, they take his voice and put it in AI and make videos of his voice, but not of what he really said 😒

Meanwhile I have nothing against AI but it's nice to know that this is really Neville ☺️

@ceesmurray7502 says:

Tried still homeless after 25yrs and broke,just now disabled and barely walk on 47yrs old don't do drugs, alcohol,only smoke tobacco.

@Ann-MarieGibbs says:

"It will objectify itself on the screen of space." That makes complete sense now. Thank you neville. Thank you melissa, thank you god. ❀

@Ajourneythroughearth says:

Omgggg omggg i was watching another short before this and i read a hilarious comment 🀣 and i said i cant take the video seriously now and then next one is scroll to is this and neville says take it seriously πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hahaha sign taken sir!!!!❀❀

@JSRyan says:

Thank you Uncle Neville for all you’ve done for us πŸ™

@garysimone4977 says:

Joe Dispenca stole all this info

@jwalka534 says:

Yes, I manifested my husband and many other things!

@DeborahCanady7 says:

11510 Eastwood Dr

@ham0590 says:

Can anyone explain please???
I am not understanding what he said

@SubscribeForBurger says:

Yes! Thank you! I imagine that I am happy and healthy! 😊❀

@Justooz says:

What he meant by "drop it" does that mean forgetting the idea or dream??! Can someone explain

@carina8888 says:


@iamtheiamweareallone says:

My issue is I can’t see or feel of hear things in my head or imagination.

@kwesiferinioferiniokwesi8722 says:

So in the Netherlands Housing is a big issue. There are not enough houses For people to live in. Three months ago i was in the same spot. But 11 months before that i met Neville. Now One Year later i am sitting in My own appartement, in the middle of a big city. Night after night i felt it and visualize it. Thanks for the knowledge neville😊

@marshallrazee8172 says:

I came to you to free you from death to open the Prison doors and set the captives free to let the dumb speak to let the blind see the lame walk the thief continue stealing the the cheater keep cheating the killer keep killing etc because i am God and that's You doing alla these that means God doing one power God Power your power can a city be destroyed unless God did it? No because it is only one power rule the entire universe and that's you God, i even i am HE i kill and maketh alive i wound and i heal and their is none that can pull you out of hands i alone do all these tings it's the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in is i's , create satan which is man's doubts and fears and weakness, i am you God thou shall not tempt the Lord you God and youself only shall you serve have no other God other than you self do not say lo here or there is the kingdom of God because that is you youself so he that is a thief let him still be a thief he that is unjust let him still be unjust he that is a murderer let him continue murder still because you can never murder enough to intimidate the Hypostatic or you can never do enough good to bribe Life Energy which have no beginning or end no mother no father save you God youself man manifested although it appears without its all within because God which is every man on woman playing all the part in this Move script because life is a dream in man God manifestation God become man so man can be God so life in flesh is alla dream, scripture says show us a sign and their shall be no sign given other than the sign a Jonah sleeping in the lower deck of the ship, wake up O sleeper you kingdom come.

@goldmayberry says:


@MarioMancinelli82 says:

This stuff is fake

@priestjamesaten says:

He was a very wise man. Love his work.

@f.4812 says:

i've been doing this for the past 20 days manifesting my dream job and still nothing…. i don't know if i can afford to wait longer πŸ’”

@lordsafro says:

Imo, this might be the overall best clip of Neville ever conceived. The knowledge in his teaching simplified, the voice of a soothing angel & the quality of the recording, etc. It perfectly conveys the law in such a small amount of β€œtime”.

@biggestGOLDBERGfan says:

Can you please tell me the name of this lecture

@shadowgoku6009 says:

It’s still bs tho
Don’t tell me change thoughts
Live as if
Visualise can’t I have aphantasia
Or anything else
It don’t work it’s just pure coincidence

@MusicmypassionYolasite says:

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Yes I believe my magical visualisation will become my magical reality sooner Thank you Thank you Thank you Success Success Success β€β€β€πŸ™ŒπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸͺ„πŸ’«πŸ’ƒ

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