Deepak Chopra on Letting Go. How to and when.

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Deepak clearly explains the how, when and why of ‘letting go.’ How it’s essential to master these techniques, etc.


Savita Rajay says:

wow..what a beautiful insight n perception.. such a perfect diagnosis of not so beautiful situations..deep desire to follow your footsteps guru Deepakji

MusicsAngelica says:

Thank you for the upload! Thank you Deepak

Trista Sullivan says:

Ahhhh!!!! You teach me soooo much!!! Thank you!!

Priyanka Vernekar says:

Loved it !! thanks…

Stephanie Eno says:

so great to know I need this pain anymore go back to where I was before that should make me happy . grateful

TheDar2009 says:

Thank you.

Nikki Menard says:

Thank you for this.

Becca L says:

love it! good message! thanks!

Rebecca Chinnis says:

i just wanted to say THANK YOU. this is what i need, i can't let go, i HOLD on to something and can't forgive or for get. i listened to this OVER and OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN. I LOVE ALL YOUR MESSAGE SPECIALLY LETTING GO.

Ellen Diane says:

beautiful- simple- yet takes much work- Happy Birthday Deepak

Alvin Matthews says:

There's nothing wrong with letting go it's beautiful to see how the universe pop's you back in place

Ashley Mitchell says:

This is so Powerful and emotional in a way because letting is sometimes Hard and is not always easy. But I Thank God for giving us all way of making it through life.

Mimi Percell says:


Quentin Sharone Carson says:

Powerful! Fell asleep pretty good after this! 1am, had to listen again! Simple yet full of spiritual and emotional awareness!

tcshy1903 says:

I need healing.  Childhood sexual abuse.  Emotional abuse from family and former love relationships.  It has lead me to continually find love relationships with more of the same.  I am starting this healing journey.

Clare Hudd says:

This actually made alot of sense to me and brought tears to my eyes. There is never anything sad about someone trying to help someone else!


namaste..thanks for sharing and caring for  us all, I deeply appreciate your kindness in  offering these wonderful information. blessed in love and peace

Skippy Lamoree says:

Let the healing begin

Jeremy Watts says:

What is sad about this, is that there is often genuinley good advice(albeit completely ripped off from Budhism lol) in what Chopra says, but sadly he mixes this with unfalsifiable, flakey, quantum mechanics bullshit

Alexandra Clinton says:

If you only knew what Deepak has done and is still doing for me. Clarity is freedom I will forever be grateful. 

Jeff R says:

I've been releasing the prisons of my past thinking since I met Chopra and heard him speak. He not only gets it. He helps me discover it too. We are all it. 

re98 wlk says:

beautiful right on. always loved deepak. thank goodness for youtube!

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