I’m No Longer A Sociopath #Spirituality Gains

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During a recent mushroom trip I had an experience that completely changed me as a person in the best way possible.

Outro: Beef by KRS-One
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vegan-Gains-750568258359704/


Cereal Killer says:

How a baby killer turns into a nicer person

Secret Passion says:

Now when you dont hate people no more will you start to prove to uss that you can actually build size on a vegan diet? Its one thing to switch to vegan while already have big muscles and another to start from scratch like you.

pea nut says:

vegan gains is one fucked up dude.I wounder if it's that vegan way of life that did that to him.

kcb5150 says:

Be really careful with psychedelics, Richard… They can either help or badly exacerbate things and with not much warning.

Bounty Rogue Cinemax says:

Sooo mushrooms make you feel better and care about peoples lives. But being a vegan didn't make you care more about other peoples lives, babies lives, wanting to kill people, want cancer to kill people, use a knife on people, and film your grandpas death for youtube. Hey fuck it at least you care about animals! Im glad you're a human now with emotions!!

dan sam says:

Vegan gains has used his brain to get lots of subscribers and I'm sure he gets lots of views too. I know he be getting them YouTube checked too. I'm sure he helps his mum out as well. You can't be mad at that. People have used different methods to get subscribers and views.Can't be mad at the guy. He subscribers keep growing. Can't be mad at him

Ceiling Fan says:

Promotes health – takes shrooms

Kjerstan Matson says:

Glad that you've made this discovery for yourself and that you are starting a new life path of furthering your compassion for all beings, regardless of how this discovery came about. Looking forward to new videos and seeing more of your new outlook on life. Thank you for your videos and for spreading the word about veganism ! :)

purpleblue118 says:

i am happy for you :)

Austin Vega says:

I have an idea for your next video….Vegan Gains vs Ideal and natural Human head shape

Benjamin Black says:

Richard, I think it's really awesome you had this experience. I have watched your videos for a while and it seems like you are really growing and changing in a positive way. You've even encouraged me- a life long lover of cheese and meat-to slowly start cutting and even stop craving those foods. For health reasons and taste reasons, a HUGE part of my diet now consists of really great fruit and veg. Though you and I are very different in many ways, your experience(s) with psychedelics are very similar to my own and it's encouraging to meet a thoughtful individual who can articulate his experiences and feelings and passions without fear and with solid evidence to support it. Keep on keeping on good sir

A Totten says:

Over 2 years ago I was working at a call center for Verizon and going to school. I was extremely stressed and I tried going to a few doctors. I was looking up mental disorders because I thought that I was struggling too much at work and school. I felt there was something wrong with me. Then randomly I ran into a post on reddit that referred to Alan Watts. Over a year time I listened to tons of his lectures on youtube and audible, and at some point during that time I was really getting in to mj with my buddies. Then I found out about Sam Harris (Waking up), Ram Dass (Be here now), Matthieu Ricard (altruism) and many more authors. All theses things helped me get away from the ugly and brutal perception that I had, and it all helped me be more aware and compassionate to who/what I am. A couple months ago I tried shrooms with my smoke buddies and it was like you said uncomfortable at times but it was an awareness that felt so pure. In a way that showed beauty without directly showing/feeling beauty, tension with without directly showing/feeling pain. In my experience shrooms really does give you so much awareness with what it does neurologically, that it sets you up for the best possible you. The compassionate you. Now I realize that if someone or something irritates me, I just need to become aware of them as much as I can, and it helps me in being more compassionate to them. About a month ago I delved into a vegan life, and I am now committed to it for 2 weeks. So what I feel is your best you is going to be your compassionate you. I'm not at all an angel either. I am an asshole to my friends, family, or random people on occasion, but I am working on it.

iLLM3 says:

lmaooooooooooooo you whackjob

itoumakoto1980 says:

Oh, we can just remove being a sociopath just like that? Wow! Nice! Stop lying you fucking sociopath.

KoreanChamp says:

How stupid are Vegan Gains subscribers?

I took mushrooms and am no longer a sociopath.

EvoFritts says:

Have you tried MDMA? I would love to see what you are like when your rolling haha.

Kyle says:

You know what, good for you man. Screw all of these haters. I'll admit, I didn't like you in the beginning and I subscribed to you purely because I found your hatred toward everything very interesting, but I've found that underneath all that hate you held for the world, that you're just a normal dude like everyone of us. All these people that don't seem to grasp this idea just don't understand, so there's no reason to be trying to change em. Glad you've found a path in your life that has allowed you to see things in a brighter light. Good luck on your journey, dude.

Vanessa LaRose says:

This is awesome <3 ! #veganforeverything #allweneedislove

AlxhaGadol says:


John doe says:

I had a lot of respect for you before, but anyone who changes themselves for a woman is a less than a man and Simp of the highest level. Stop making videos until you get your manhood back

ayse veganbeauty says:

I think you are more normal now bc you r using this trip as evidence that other people have emotions like you and aren't against you. and now you are starting to feel for them bc you maybe you r strarting to see yourself as one of them or see them like you idk but good for you I'm just surprised by the rapid change

BigBadaBing says:

Trying to be spiritual enough….

St. Burner says:

Cool dog though.

Timothy O'Sullivan says:

why so much hate in the comments, he's just talking about an experience he had? Do peoples life suck much that the only enjoyment they get is by making fun of people on youtube. Negativity breads negativity,nothing good comes out of it

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