Eckhart Tolle – Enjoying Every Moment FULL Movie

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DESCRIPTION: – 2013.11.03 – – Eckhart Tolle – Enjoying Every Moment (A Film By
0:00:00 – Chapter #01 –
0:01:19 – Chapter #02 – It’s Much More Simple…
0:04:03 – Chapter #03 – First A Joke…
0:07:37 – Chapter #04 – Story
0:11:11 – Chapter #05 – The Park Bench
0:26:40 – Chapter #06 – Entering The Now
0:38:38 – Chapter #07 – MindLESSness
0:40:33 – Chapter #08 – Judging
0:42:05 – Chapter #09 – Relationships
0:51:26 – Chapter #10 – Pain
1:02:45 – Chapter #11 – Reactions
1:12:36 – Chapter #12 – Resistance
1:17:44 – Chapter #13 – Enemy Or Friend?
1:31:08 – Chapter #14 – Purpose
1:44:54 – Chapter #15 – Credits
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  • Categories: Eckart Tolle

Comments says:

Just a reminder to all those who watch and are watching this film. The
people at Eckhart Tolle Teachings are in contact with me, and might want me
to take this down… Or edit bits out… SO, if you’d like this film to
remain online, please reply to this comment with “E.T” and i’ll make sure
you get the ‘newer version’… Thanks =)

Ben Arrowsmith says:

Eckhart Tolle is – teaching idleness… this is how to be a Potato sit on a
park bench and be a Potato

Jon Smith says:

Be careful if you read Power of Now or get fascinated with Eckhart’s
Teachings. You can ruin year’s of your life like me. There is nothing wrong
with his teachings per se, I suppose, but they are very easily
misunderstood (It even took himself year’s to realise he did not have to
spend all his days on the park bench and could live a normal life and even
get RICH.) I spent a good few years of my best year’s withdrawn from the
real world, having no interest in my normal things, moving very slowly,
trying to remain present.

Just forget about being Present and just live your life as normal. Well,
no, live it with more purpose. Set goals, strive to achieve them. Work your
ass off. Stop trying to become aware of the NOW. Tolle became Conscious not
from reading a book on becoming Conscious nor from going in to the Body or
Watching the Mind or Focusing on Breathing. It happened naturally for him
after his suffering became s unbearable. You will never achieve his State
unless you have suffered a great deal. It is just not possible, not
realistic. There are too many distractions from your own Mind and the
Outside World. You need something Practical like Brian Tracy’s Goals to be
Happy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not waste three year’s of your Youth Year’s
like me.

Once you understand the teachings a little bit, put away the books, stay
away from the videos, forget any philosophies or Ways or Religions or
Spirituality. Forget Buddhism. Forget Taoism. Just live your life with a
purpose. Find your passion. Find your purpose. Let the world be your
teacher. Tolle would most probably agree with everything I said.

octane says:

LISTEN TO THE NARRATOR INTRODUCTION , almost like you guys were trying to
sell a medical quackery.


of course the people of E.Tolle Teachings will want this vid to be shut
down, and by all means, this have to happen .

sensationalism and cheap skepticism should never display E.Tolle’s life

gavloft says:

If we constantly live in the present how will we build weapons and develop
defence measures against our potential enemies that lie waiting to attack
us all over the world.

RachaelFive says:

Peace is my priority, not saving the world. 

Amy Miller says:

Eckhart Tolle – Enjoying Every Moment FULL Movie:

lorolia says:

I´d like to add subtitles in Spanish to this video

Atlas Hive says:

If living a life without asking questions will keep me from suffering, then
I’d rather suffer. I don’t want to stop thinking and wondering. Certainly
your happiness is ultimately dependent on you. But this… This forgets
that healing out of suffering is one of the most beautifully redemptive
moments that we’ll have the HONOR of experiencing. And this kind of
philosophy asks us NOT to feel. But I WANT to feel. I want to be angry at
injustice when I think of sweatshops and factory farming, and I want to be
happy when I think of how kick ass my friends are. I want to be excited
when I think of the book I’m writing, and the characters that will
inevitably meet CONFLICT. Because in life, suffering will happen, and it
will be a struggle to deal with. It’s important to learn how to persevere
through suffering, and be happy through those struggles. But if giving up
my thoughts and wonder equal content for all of my time, no thank you. I’ve
made the decision to FEEL. 

Amabel Romney says:

*If you want to truly enjoy life and become present, you got to know the
truth about how life works. This puts your mind on an ease and thus, it
doesn’t try to control your environment and everything anymore.*

*Go to TruthContest○Com and read what **”the present”** says if you want to
know the truth*
*This has transformed my life for the positive, and it will surely change
yours.* It’s free too. Have a nice read. ♥

Detoxing Reality says:

Another thought! I would love to teach this type of thing to middle school
students, as it is at the right period in a persons schooling to learn
about reality, consciousness, Isness, making the most of ones life, to
please themselves, not just others around them, but at the same time be
aware of those around them, of their feelings, thus being balanced in life,
rounded in self and striving to be there true self! D R.

altertheskyy1 says:

i agree with everything however i believe that teaching others to behave
with complacency is only going to hurt all things suffering on earth that
need our help and for us to stand up for their rights. for other humans,
for animals being killed for pointless meat, animals tortured just
because…. the earth being destroyed in the name of greed and ignorance… to
be happy and peaceful and not bother to help anything around you is a sin.
the man who watches evil happen and does nothing about it is just as evil

norbidrake says:

What’s the title of the song at 39 min ??

After Effects Templates says:

There’s an inevitable part of accepting the fact you’re misleading people
just by choosing to lead. Does E Tolle accept it?

If so How? By writing more Books? Appearing in more Movies and interviews?
Creating more Statements? Thinking? Talking? Talking about not thinking?

“Free of suffering” , “Thoughts create problems” , “I’ve awakened”
are these all statements from a non-judgmental standpoint?

jim bob says:

Hallucinogens can erode ego too, very fast. But not recommended. Felt like
the most needed worse thing that ever happened in my life.

ShakinJamacian says:

Accept what is, not what you or any other imposes on what it should be.
This is a key concept of Zen, something Tolle and various others have
talked about, from Ram Dass, to Alan Watts, to Osho or Jiddu Krishnamurti,

What’s striking to me is how we absolutely disempower getting to a simpler,
more natural state and instead impose ourselves and our views on the world.
Look at all of the conflict in the world; it is *all* rooted in our

Albert Gilmour says:

This will help you to enjoy every moment: go to TruthContest○com and read
~~The Present~~

Cheryl Allen-Hunter says:


TOdbyen dk says:

I am pretty sure i know why echart is like he is.. cause i have tryed the
exact same thing.. its called depersonalization / derealization.. its the
same thing, but instead of getting worried by it, you live with it, and let
it flow through you!

BlakehamsWimpey says:

E.T – thanx for uploading (what’s the song on end?) xx

Mr .Chu says:

” “, the biggest enlightenment i found from this
was that homework(assignments, questions, etc) given by schools is the
source of destruction of peace. Therefore education kills peace which then
leads to the death of innovation in young minds. That’s my pick up on this,
if u have any constructive criticism share if u will. Sorry if u don’t
agree with me.

Germania Unleashed says:

Soopermensch says:

What a stupid looking fucker.

Dick Cheney says:

after watching this inspiring documentary i feel like i just woke from a
very long slumber in my life….it gave me a dramatic epiphany that germans
have huge nostrils.

FocusReborn says:

The Power of Now has changed my life forever. 

Planet Chucky says:

That intro………:) 

Detoxing Reality says: let’s do this! I can create a playlist on my channel but keep
vids private for now OK! Chat soon!

Maren Kritz says:

hes the real life klaus from american dad hehehe 😀

Ben Arrowsmith says:

have you seen the thumbnail for this vid – Mr Bean

Leno Pappis says:

He does remind me of that E.T from the movie.

Nanette Ettinger says:

I really enjoyed watching the author of a book I am reading speak about his
philosophy. Now, I will continue to read A New Earth: Awakening to Your
Life’s Purpose. Focusing on the present and having a positive attitude
while participating in life seems to be a reoccuring theme. 

Marc Vince says:

At 12:15 Tolle asks his friend, can you get used to being on this park
bench with nothing else needed. Just the sounds, the wind……???
Now I have to say no. His own girlfriend or whomever she is is sitting
there in a coat made for Alaska, and she is clearly freezing. I do not
think that is where she can be comfortable. Not for very long. Now, the way
Tolle is dressed, with almost a baseball jacket on, shows he is very used
to that kind of weather. But can someone explain to me,if Tolle is on
that same bench without the 2 people with him, how long would he be able to
sit there without getting first—-very agitated. Second, very bored? I
couldnt sit there for more than 10 minutes at best, and thats one time as a
novelty, without feeling I had to get up and walk. Could NOT DO IT. Am I
missing something? You mean you can learn to thrive in every place,
every climate, every environment? Hmmmm….

Gary Watson says:

Thank-you Eckhart Tolle…..for your conveyance of wisdom ( truth ) that is
contained within the pages of “The Power of Now” and “A New
Earth”…….PAST……FUTURE and a powerful MIND ( ego ) were slowly but
surely killing me…..I have had many awakenings as a result of realization
through reading your wisdom….and I have ( as an addiction worker ) been
able to turn many suffering souls on to your books and carry the message
RIPPLE !!!!!

paul stall says:

this is the best all time film I have ever seen. love the music and
extremely well presented

Well done !!!!!

J Briggs says:

I personally think This guy is just a salesman and he’s not genuine. Every
single one of his ideas is taken from other things, like Aldous Huxley
Books or the Tao Te Ching. He’s just some famous guy on Oprah profiting
off these ideas. 

Andy Murray says:


Kitty Meekins says:

“______” (*/*)

Jotei Yamatosama says:

This is a very nice collection of Eckhart Tolle’s way into Presence through
It's my favorite intro-to-Tolle video, actually 😀

He is one of the three main people i Love to listen to often, as their
teachings mirror my personal life experiences.
Others i resonate with include J. Krishnamurti & Abraham/Hicks teachings.
(however, my reading list seems to be infinitely growing, as i Love
something about everything everyone has to offer<3)

Unsurprisingly, i only discovered them AFTER i had already began
facilitating my own awakening in the same ways they spoke of lol
Foused thoughts attract like-minded thoughts^^

In the past, occasionally i would bring my family into nature to practice
this exact way of coming into presence. I had often been showing my
discovery of these 'techniques' to others throughout most of my life.
However, i never truly made 'Authentic Presence' a priority in my
personal life until 100+ days ago...

i highly recommend these insights to everyone alive today^_^!

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