DMT & Consciousness Revolution with Stuart Wilde and Mike Adams of

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Metaphysical Author Stuart Wilde ( & Mike Adams From Discuss DMT & Conscious Revolution. For details of our Ayahuasca ceremonies in Holland and Ecuador pls go to


Mark Hadley says:

The interviewer has no experience about the subject in which he is talking. Sad tick tock person world media. Lets make a brew stew.

Thor Velasco says:

I've just started my journey in the realization that I am a child of the universe made of the same stardust material that have been in existence  since the beginning of creation.  I also am opening my consciousness to the frequency/vibration of the universe, to openly and honestly focus on transmitting my frequency/vibrations as a positive one, a loving one.  also that I am an energy that happens to inhabit this genetic flesh storage device to experience the experiences of this dimension.   Mr Wilde, I hear you and you are now your immortal self.   

Exit Zombie says:

How can I have only now discovered Stuart… and I'm English! Feel sad that he has passed. But nethertheless blessed to have him as a new spiritual resource. He seems like a lovely, warm man. Wonderful interview. xx

Haniff Din says:

Wtf ? He's never used dmt ? Why the hell is he talking about stuff he has not experienced ? 

Dano Pierce says:

I read so much about this and seen a number of presentations. I take prescriptions for depression and for chronic insomnia but I would love to try that "herb" mentioned if I could dump the rest of what I take. I have been studying herbalism for a long time to find natural answers for my problem. I even grow herbs and gather and dry from  my yard and the wilds. I have listened to a lot of material from Terrence McKenna asa well.  Sounds very interesting.

ccviki Cole says:

Stuart wilde well be missed, i have all of his books RIP Stuart …

6thADMedic says:

Sounds like he's got a killer cold during the interview.

PavlovsBitch says:

Tell you how I knew: 1. they have the technologies (technotonic) 2. they have the motive 3. SW spoke against Israel and had just uploaded a Woody Harrellson video on exposure the night before the 'heart attack' since removed under 'copyright' BS 3. May 1st is a classic bloody revolution date for killuminati 4. Woody Harrellson ALSO was 'heart attacked' whilst also on holiday but driving on opposite side of the planet from Ireland, in Australia 7 days later.

4skully says:

SO ITS TRUE I KNEW IT! Yep those bastards sent him a fucking heart attack I kbew it his heart was WAY PURE and his heart would NEVER end his life like that NOPE and those who had the hand in it Karma comes thy way….

PavlovsBitch says:

I liked Mike Adams' work but didn't like the fact you had to be facebook linked to post comments and also a somewhat nazi attitude towards smoking and smokers – not quite the 'live and let live' ethos he claims to adopt. Now I know why. Fancy living in Ecaudor without at least trying the Aya journey?

PavlovsBitch says:

31:18 so there is a large proportion of hellish inhabitants using Earth as an escape route to satisfy their insatiable bloodlust /appetite for soul energy and a proportion of celestial inhabitants here to anchor a more celestial balance; many of whom will become contaminated. Equally the hellish can also be 'contaminated' provided there is a balance, of course. The video animation 'I, Pet Goat' shows a bit of hell world occupancy.

PavlovsBitch says:

Prohibitions are boring, evil is boring, endlessly repetitively so and yet some never seem to tire of it whilst most are bored sick by it if only they knew beyond what passes for entertainment, TV, porn and power over others, selfish rituals. It's as if the entire planet is caught up in terminal OCD's. Start Wilde is therapy and since his heart was fatally attacked on 1st May (ritual date) I and no doubt countless others have awakened more fully in his parting shot and wonderful works. Stuff 'em

lori amora says:

i inadvertently found some seeds from a kiddie fun plants to grow kit i bought at cvs since i am a passionate green thumb/middle finger…

lori amora says:

you can extract dmt from the root bark of the plant mimosa hostilis…

lori amora says:

we all experience the dmt trip everytime we dream in our sleep…t'is released with melatonin by our 'calcified'° pineal gland…

°sorry to say but our environmental toxic intake like fluoride and heavy metals does this…

LadySoulV says:

Stuart was an amazing asset to us in this world, and though he has passed away, he will undoubtedly continue to extend his love and knowledge to us. RIP Stuart

Hopetechnician says:

I believe what you writge strainedtea. I pray that one day I hopefully have the opportunity to attend a work with him.

Narinder Rishiraj says:

Rest in Peace Stuart!


Just found out about Stuart's death! He has been a mentor and spiritual teacher to me, amazing. God bless you SW!!

Cam Roy says:

Stuart Wilde passed away in Ireland on May 1st, 2013. No doubt his spirit lives on. He will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything Stuart…

Gregory Hill says:

I've followed Stuart's works for many years and find it really interesting that the things he predicted are coming true. I'm also really enthused to see the number of people waking up and teaching others to wake up.

Draakie100 says:

I see tripping as a shortcut to discovering our inner being, but nn-dmt and 5meo-dmt are like a gateway to some other dimension. I`ve never believed in life after death, and stuff like that, but after doing my first dmt trip I`ve totally changed my beliefs. I`ve done 2c-tfm, ketamine, acid, mushroom combinations, and I thought I knew it all, but doing dmt is such a awesome experience that I think about it every day, and it has very much changed my life for the better ! (tnx 4 upload !) 🙂

eddiebaby22 says:

Back to the film fhy does things that are spiritual have to come across as dark and moody with destruction to make things better, why do building have to be destroyed that have already been made why not just not make anymore ?

eddiebaby22 says:

I watched Victory of sight if that’s what you meant, its really well put together and lots of the matrix on there which is also one of my favourite films. I like Stuarts teachings and he was a bit of a tony Robbins in his day without the im god attitude, even though he had to have an edge because he was competing with them, now he could come across to many as a bit of a fruit loop with his beliefs.

Cam Roy says:

No that's very good and I agree with what you say. Drug use will only lead to a bad place. Everything in moderation…

Can you look at my other comment and tell me what you think about my first video I made, if you have time? Thanks

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