(PT 3/3) Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations with God – Book I

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(PT 3/3) Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations with God – Book I

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“do not wonder, for even satan tranforms into an angel of light to deceive

ivessup lacarma says:

wow this answered a lot of my questions. But i still want to experience sex
only with my future wife. Then have kids and start a family! Then teach
them about god! Like what god always said. If you love me hear my sheep!

James Metalarc says:

I AM, THE LIGHT , SOURCE, CREATOR, I Call his name and my cries come back

Durelene Francois says:

This is spiritual growth. Thank you so much for uploading this. Bless your

viena johan says:

nice conversations but sadly it all comes back to you…one hand you can
create and its ok, but then when you do and end up with a crap life then
you haven’t prayed the right way….ummmm if we are God, then why all this
talk to create but in reality its pretty much bullshit….. just one bloke
answering his own questions. As for the female she seems confused about
what she is talking about… I lost the passion for this audio….and also
if God is giving this info to Neale for free, then why is he charging for
what he got for nothing????

Bob Reilly says:

the net is crazy.. but i love it!!

Carla R says:

Anyone knows where I can buy the book in mp3 to download? I found it at
audible, but it doesn’t have mp3 format.

damon Mosby says:

What an awesome experience. This has truly opened my apatite for more

ghostlocus says:

i got it for free on here. how is that not free?

MerkuryxD says:


Sashank Kumar says:

Thank you so much for the uploaders, and the Narrators and finally Neale to
give such valuable information

Jery Jeshua says:

Dear Brethren, all you have to do for a life, pleasing unto God, is to stab
all your doubts to keep your faith alive. God is EverReady in welcoming
you. You need A Bridge to cross to Him and The Bridge is JESUS CHRIST, The
Son of The Living God. Do all you can, to get to The Bridge and you will
never and ever be the same again. As you keep listening to these
conversations, open your up heart and allow your mind to be alert, to fully
receive the goodness of God into your soul.

bernardkaryn says:

Maddie, did you pay to listen to this? I bought the audio version back in
the 90’s and it was worth every cent, it never once crossed my mind that
Neale should not be compensated for his time and effort. If you do a little
research you will also find out that Neale has donated large amounts of
money as well as his time.

Maddie M.K says:

My only doubt…would be..if this is the truth, then why is being sold for
money? Why isn’t Neale spreading this for free for everyone to know? I
would think everyone has a birth right to this!

Jery Jeshua says:

My brothers and sisters, these conversations might not seem to you as real
but I fully assure you that if you will spent time to listen to each of
these conversations into your life, you will effectively affect yourself
with the aroma of God which will be with you wherever you find yourself and
it will affect who ever comes around you for the glory of God through our
dear Lord Jesus Christ, to be seen, be blessed 

Sophia Cleareyes says:

Yeah, God makes personal appointments. He said he was going to write 3
books and next thing he was writing for Chicken soup for the soul. All the
shit he talks about is truly available almost anywhere. Oh no, not out of a
gain for glory, a gain for money. if it was a true teaching would never
cost money.
But what ridicule did he face but becoming a best-seller and there is ole
Ester Hicks out there and tons of chanellers. woop de doo

likfrikbik says:

This audio book confirmed and explained in much more details what i already
All gurus,teachers,what ever you follow or believe will tell you all this
that is said in this book..amazing.
I was wondering..the author said (at least that is written on wiki) that
this book was not channeled..how can he know all this??
interesting.. :)

Chasar says:

My ego is a turd why won’t it just think the way I want it to

anastasia kyriakidou says:

thank you happy new year

Maddie M.K says:

I have been struggling for months with my spirituality, so confused and
lost and not knowing which direction to go, and how to find or please God.
Then after asking God to talk to me, to answer me, to help me…I found
this audiobook. This cannot be a coincidence. I feel whole now. Really, it
was divine.

ricki388 says:

in 16yrs of truthseeking i have concluded 90% of this data i specialized in
Tibetan metaphysical knowledge and am a spiritualist is amazing truth is

Royal Borne says:

Thank you so much for uploading this audio series CWG.

ricki388 says:

if u truly resonate with this read ” the 3rd eye ” by tuesday Lobsang Rampa
, and The Thiauooba prophecy …enjoy yes you are here to learn and to do
what brings u joy !!!

Peace says:

Yes I agree Thank you for the upload, I have learnt a lot from it. A while
ago I was getting confused and asked that I could do with a master class
from Jesus to set me straight, then this came along.

ellucinate says:

tytyty i love you

Tamara Johnson says:

wonderful truth, as I listened it seem that I always knew this, but needed
to hear it out loud. I feel……….wow wonderful. ready to have some fun!

Vaibhav Maurya says:

I needed to hear this

Adamo marquez says:

Thank you

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