Ram Dass talks about Maharaj Ji

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Richard Alpert was Professor at Harvard University; he worked on research projects concerning effects of LSD.
In India he met Guru Neem Karoli Baba, called Maharaj Ji, and became his devotee.
He changed his name to Ram Dass (Servant of God) and converted to Hinduism.

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Brian G. Maguire says:

How do I explain who Maharaj Ji was and how he did what he did.
I don't have any explanation, amm maybe it was his love of God,
I can't explain who he was.

I can almost begin to understand how he loved everybody,
I mean that was sort of his job, he was a saint,
Saints are supposed to love everybody.

That's not what has always so staggered me.
What staggered me is not that he loved everybody
but that when I was sitting in front of him,
I loved everybody.

That was the hardest thing for me to understand,
how he could totally transform the spirit of people who were with him
and bring out not just the best in us,
but bring out something that wasn't even in us,
we didn't know.

I don't think any of us were as good or as pure or as loving in our whole life
as we were when we were sitting in front of him.

— Dr. Larry Brilliant

vasu saklani says:

instead of loving Jesus, be like Jesus and love all

basanta bhattarai says:

the guru of steve jobs

Bhavin Patel says:

i just heard about Ramdass in swami brahmavihari pravachan.

pawan tiwari says:

♥Jai shree guru maharaj ji♥

enguwu says:

"איר זאָל טאָן אייער אַרבעט,
זיין פרייַנדלעך צו אַלעמען,
און קיינמאָל קריגערייַ מיט ווער עס יז.
מענטשן וואס זענען ייפערטזיכטיק פון איר
וועט אַנטקעגנשטעלנ איר אין פארשיידענע וועגן
אָבער טאָן ניט נעמען עס צו האַרץ.
טאָן אייער אַרבעט ווי אַ גרויס העלד
און אַלע וועט זיין געזונט פֿאַר איר. "

"يتعين عليك أن تفعل عملك،
ودية على الجميع،
وأبدا مشاجرة مع أي شخص.
الناس الذين يشعرون بالغيرة منك
ستعارض لك بطرق مختلفة
ولكن لا أعتبر أن القلب.
القيام بعملك وكأنه البطل العظيم
وجميع سيكون جيدا بالنسبة لك ".

"You should do your work,
be friendly to everyone,
and never quarrel with anyone.
People who are jealous of you
will oppose you in various ways
but do not take it to heart.
Do your work like a great hero
and all will be well for you."

Krystle Champagne says:

Love xx i wish i could of been india with them x

Dr. Timothy R. Morris says:

I first saw Ram Dass speak in Spokane, WA–when I was 10. My mother took my brother and I to see him. During the break I got in line to ask him a question. As I waited in line, I watched his body language and that of the people asking him questions. By the time I got to him, I just looked into his eyes and smiled. I had let go of my question, and was thinking of all the people before me and those that would come after me, After a moment, I just said "it's not so hard, is it"? I meant not so hard to be at peace and to be one with God. He thought for just a second (as if shifting gears from personal problems and technical metaphysical questions people were asking), and then he laughed with me. "No", he said, "it's not that hard". I think he and I were in agreement that it's not as hard as we make it when we buy into our own way of being in struggle and our other "methods".

elvergonjesus says:

ram dass has been the modern guru… but I tell you this… no mushrooms, no trees, no air, no jesus, no neem karoli baba, no ram dass, no humans

Chanstan says:

Don't get too caught up in wanting to meet a guru. Remember what maharaji and Ram Dass always said. You only meet the Guru if you need to. YOU ARE YOURE OWN GURU

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