What Happens After We Die? | Street Spirituality

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National Geographic Channel went to 22 countries around the world to find out what happens after we die. THE STORY OF GOD WITH MORGAN FREEMAN PREMIERES SUNDAY APRIL 3 at 9/8c.


Jose Manuel says:

How Interesting!
I see that nobody have mentioned about Christianity!

After we die, what Happens?
For those o Belive in Jesus, will be with Him.
And the soul will not be separeted from the bodie, we will have ressurected bodies.
for those that not repent and belive in Jesus will go to hell.

Right now, You are being called to accept Jesus into your life, pray to Him, for your forgivness, accept Him as your Lord, and your life will totally be changed!

Ömer Bulkaz says:

reincarnation is such a bullshit I think… but okay I respect everyone who lives on earth

saleem abed allah says:

its good to know about how the non Muslim people think,
but you get the answer from a lot of people that they have religion or not , but you did not ask any Muslims !

Sherry !!777 says:

the guy from hong kong got a bit serious

Angreh Kittunz says:

It still amazes me today that billions of people have formed powerful and sometimes violent groups based on someone saying they know exactly what happens after death.

Mubaswir Hossain (Sabbir) says:

Everyone will be reborn on the day of judgement.After that you wont die again.You will meet your creator. You will be asked about your actions on earth.. If u do good and worship your creator u will go to heaven else to hell. Read Quran for details of after life..

Sami Khan says:

the main question is who's the creater of us .if Allah create us so it's very easy to born us again

Sami Khan says:

it's nonsense all people will die and at the day of judgement Allah will again made these people and simply nonmuslim will to their right place which is hell and only the perfect Muslim will go to jannah ,in this clip no answer from any muslim ,,

Ruslan Majello says:

Why Italy was excluded ?

Ahmad Faisal says:

oh .I can't wait for the time when islam will spread everywhere and people will see its growth because it is a religion of peace and truth.if by chance I am brainwashed which I am not,I would like to remain like this.i would recommend you guys to listen to dr.zakir naik for your questions to be answered. he has mind blowing,convincing lectures on internet.

saloh elmalek says:

Quran has the answer

WWE with 7mood says:

subscribe me plz

nadoeloiskat says:

Believe what Jesus said, He came from another world, the Spiritual one and He said it very clearly, that if you do not seek for God and turn away from your selfish desires and actions, you will end up into the place, you could not believe to be real in the first place.

Kung Lao Master says:

I believe we ascend to infinite energy an go weeeee all over the universe

Gevans Sirro says:

that indian guy at 0:26 makes alot of sense

capz says:

lol at 1:24. Thats FF7 lifestream you're talking about

saif al-lraqi says:

Young people as possible to participate in the channel

serenekyogre says:

Nobody knows. Period.

Tekin Kucuknalbant says:

after death ??
Only, we have learned to live right…
If you have a new life?

Carl Galve says:

There is no doubt that after we die our soul will end up in either in purgatory, heaven or hell. We continue to live as good people and help others in need, and when that time comes that we will encounter death, we will be judged by the Lord, and rewarded for the good things we have done. GOD BLESS YOU :D!

Cloudblue0 says:

The BIBLE tells you, there is Eternal life and eternal death. We were created in likeness of GOD (JESUS). WE all will be judged by The KING of Kings, The LORD of Lords, The Alpha and The Omega, The First and the Last..GOD.
Seek the TRUTH.


Madison Flores says:

We'll never know until we get there…

polychronio says:

thumbs up if you think the last girl is attractive…

King Thao says:

Leave a comment here before I die. So the rest can read it

Elias Borgstöm says:

Dont they know that the brain dies with the body? atleast a while after… no more thoughts. our souls are our energy and feelings. without a brain there is no soul. soo the way humans are today.. no way there is a after life.

Elias Borgstöm says:

Dont they know that the brain dies with the body? atleast a while after… no more thoughts. our souls are our energy and feelings. without a brain there is no soul. soo the way humans are today.. no way there is a after life.

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