Deepak Chopra Teaches How To Release Your Illusion

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Originally Published November 2014.

There is no easy answer except JUST DO IT (release your illusion) or you’re not ready yet. But none of this really matters. The paradox is that what matters is only what you have placed value upon- it’s your illusion. Sorry to break it to ya and burst your bubble, but while there are great experiences to be had (and we’re not necessarily living in the era which allows for the greatest experiences- depending on how you look at it) it’s all still an illusion with importance only that of stepping into a movie theater just to watch the movie. That’s all. So no need togged so damn attached. What re you living for? Just the experience. You can have it and even have it be a great one.. and not be attached. In fact, what a better time than now to remain detached? It’s not the prettiest world at all. But the good news is that you don;t have to come back if you don’t want to. Notice deepak’s nonchalantness about reincarnation- “you come here just for the experience of it”. And while there are certain things that are true such as this is a prison planet and it traps the soul so that you come here again and again, Deepak does’t make a big deal of it because it is only true if you believe in the illusion. In other words you MAKE your reality that much real, and this is the problem with mind-highjackers such as religion. Talk about not being ready to let go of something, huh? It may not be easy, but it’s simple. When you leave this reality (“death”, I use quotations because there is no such thing as death) if you have released your illusion you are able to be aware that you can do anything you want. Starting with YOU DON’T HAVE TO COME BACK HERE. But you cannot be that free without releasing your illusions and attachments. You’ll be ready when you’re ready.

Deepak Chopra interview for his book: The Future of God.

Let it be known, I’m not a supporter of Oprah- I just don’t trust her and I realize her involvement with Deepak Chopra. No one’s perfect, as Deepak admits of himself in this interview, in fact.

From NewRealities:


Hadoop Sd says:

So if Deepak is looking to spread the awareness of consciousness by saying atheists like Richard Dawkins focus only on physical nature, then isn't he interfering in God's thought(s)? I mean God's own "akash" is a field filled with various perceptions. So one was that of Richard and the other was Deepak. Why should Deepak dispute to what Richard believes in when he knows that Richard also was a God's thought in the infinite akash field?

Namrata Nayyar says:

good host. Asking good meaningful questions.

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