10 Extraordinary Facts About Dalai Lama

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Here are 10 extraordinary facts about Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama not only serves as a spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, but is believed to be an incarnation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The first was born in the late 1300s, and in the centuries since 13 have followed.
Here are 10 extraordinary facts about the current and 14th Dalai Lama.
Number 10. His mother gave birth to 16 children. The Dalai Lama, however, grew up with only six siblings. The remainder of his brothers and sisters sadly did not survive. 
Number 9. His birth name is Lhamo Thondup. Upon being recognized as the 14th manifestation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, it was changed to Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. That translates as Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Eloquent, Compassionate, Learned Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom.
Number 8. After he was born, a pair of crows roosted on the house’s roof. Such an event also occurred upon the births of 4 other Dalai Lamas – the first, seventh, eighth and twelfth. 
Number 7. He is not a vegetarian. Though it is believed by many that all Buddhists swear off meat, the restriction is, according to the Dalai Lama, discretionary. He did try a vegetable-based diet out for a while, but ended up with health issues that turned his skin and nails yellow. Ever since, he has eaten meat a couple of times a week.
Number 6. His eyes were open when he was born. When asked if he had recollections of his birth or his time in utero, the Dalai Lama said that he did not, but suggest that his ready gaze was perhaps, “…some slight indication of a clear state of mind in the womb.” 
Number 5. He was recognized as the Dalai Lama at the age of 2. After the passing of the 13th Dalai Lama, searchers identified telltale signs that led them to young child’s home. Further events revealed that he was, in fact, the present incarnation. 
Number 4. The Dalai Lama officially retired as the political leader of Tibet in 2011. At that time he signed a law allowing the country to elect a democratic official, ending an over 350-year tradition of the Dalai Lama serving the country in both spiritual and governing capacities. 
Number 3. Had he not become a spiritual leader he would have been an engineer. His fondness for machines goes back to his youth, and it appears he has a natural aptitude for understanding them. In his teen years he fixed a movie projector without consulting the guide or any instructions. 
Number 2. Laughing is one of his favorite things to do. In light of the many hardships both he and his native country have endured, that fact about him comes as a surprise to many. He has often responded to such reactions by noting he is a ‘professional laugher.’ 
Number 1. The Dalai Lama supports gay marriage. In 2014 while visiting the US, he expressed his belief that relationships are the business of the people in them. If both parties are happy, then so be it. 
What do you find most interesting about the 14th Dalai Lama?

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Robert Cornelius says:

"Happy life." Sure, that's easy to say when you have ten million in the bank.

tyler valentine says:

Haha he looks so funny in all those hats.

nocolo123 says:

Geobeats you are a dumb azz

Washing Machine says:

Has to be his choice of hats….

Life Coach says:

Very surprising he is not vegetarian…wow…

george fifita says:

why does he wear American College hats

Yuri Torres says:

who is he ?

terris shelton says:

I'll give you anither fact about this pirce of shit. him and his while family are kicked out of there own country because they stole the countries money. Fact that stat

Carter Young says:

his laugh is ace

that one hater says:

when i was young i got to see him, he came to my city and i got taken by my dad to see talks, it was actually really amazing to see and i would love to have part with him, am just sayin

human asthma says:

maybe there are alot of crows in tibet

matt THORNE says:

He would be fun to go on a bender with. And Boris Johnson

korohacker says:

Very interesting video, I never really knew much about the Dalai Lama except the Chinese government being oppressive on him and Tibet. Quite surprised that he's not a vegetarian and is an engineering enthusiast.

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