Ram Dass: We Are Awareness

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Shot at his home in Maui in 2005 (8 years after a stroke left him with a number of health issues), Ram Dass talks about how we first see ourselves as separate from each other but eventually we realize we’re not separate. In fact, we’re all the same awareness. Explore more from Ram Dass: http://www.eomega.org/workshops/teachers/ram-dass

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KatherineMacChesney says:

This guy is a fraud and nutcase.

Joan Fullmore says:

Thank You Ram Dass – you are a True HERO for our AGE! Your words to BE HERE NOW inspired a revolution in Consciousness!!!

Inner Being says:

I hope that he still alive.

John says:

Posateev Vibrations Yay-ah!

Akshay Meshram says:

How old is he??now

Indy felix says:

Beautiful share, thank you

parabola says:

Be Here NOW!

bobolatrick says:

I love this. so sincere

naztubez says:

Awareness transcends all boundaries. Beautiful and poignant message from Ram Dass.

goodkawz says:

Everybody is part genius (from God) and part fool (from the devil). And everybody needs mercy. You can be a foolish genius by trusting in yourself or a brilliant fool by trusting in God. If you seek God with ALL of your heart you are guaranteed to find God and God's plan for your life.
Try. reading that real slow.

dee capybara says:

I wonder if he is an alien

Bryce Thibodeaux says:

Thankyou Richard……

RJ FLY says:

yea dude he is baked.

Postcards Of Life says:

Wonderful, I love this video, it's beyond religion and it's a pleasure and an honour to have been able to listen to Ram Dass in this life. He amplified and thereby spread Maharaji's divine message. There is only one love and we are all part of that love…

Squid Pham says:

 If you practice thanking God at every red traffic light as an opportunity to practice patience, then you are on your way to understanding the oneness of all things in today's world.  When that becomes a habit with you, then you will no longer be bothered by the pauses in his phrasing, but will have grown enough to appreciate  them….eh, grasshopper?

Nik OBrien says:

He's talking like he's high as fuck. Which is fine, but should be noted in the comments. That or he should write down his points in a bullet point system to speak in a more fluid fashion.

Kalo Kaloqnov says:

I wish you all Light and Peace!

Acintya Bhakti says:

Wonderful insight from a pure soul. To all souls on The Journey, may we all unite through this medium http://upliftingallsouls.blogspot.com/

Stella Blue says:

I found this very helpful. I appreciate +ChickenSandwch for the WARNING: though I scrolled down to look at comments like I usually do after watching Youtube videos. The irony in all of this is… I searched this man after a friend gave me his name because I have been having a hard time. I have watched my mom suffer a horrible stroke at the age of 55. I had no clue this man suffered from a stroke until reading the comments. So the little synchronicity just in that gives me hope… though I would not send this exact link to my mom due to the comments under it. She has recovered from her stroke…but she has brain damage and horrible depression. She's been wanting to visit the monastery we have in town to practice Mindfulness and I felt this man could be very helpful to not only her but to myself. I thought his voice was very calming. As far as getting a little confused on the miles in the end of video.. that could happen to anyone…but he is elderly and has suffered from a stroke. My mom is brilliant. She was having her second stroke trying to convince me she was NOT having another stroke and answering questions correctly to Jeopardy all at the same time. I also wonder why the rude comments were made if the people who made them actually came here for the same reasons as I did… to listen to a man who teaches compassion and mindfulness. I guess I am a little confused as to why mean people would be watching this video in the first place.

Neville van Jaarsveld says:

LSD is wonderful stuff! you should try it sometime!

LEXLOW says:

Thank you for all you have shared with us. The stroke you suffered has impaired you to the physical world. But your incredible spirit is still there. Brighter than ever. Your message will live on for eons.

ChickenSandwch says:

WARNING: douche bag 2 comments down.

EricKZhang says:

So sad to see him brought to this state by a stroke. He was such a wise and articulate man. I guess he still remains this way within his mind.

elizabeth Emerson says:

i feel sad for you; you have nothing but you

Shane T says:

Dude is high as fuuuck.

Barry Brown says:

This amazing piece covers it all.

ufoenthusiast says:

A great mind and a beautiful soul, but the negative effects of his extensive drug use are quite noticeable. Poor mental acuity and cognition, slow articulation, apparent disorientation likely begetting onset dementia, etc. All that LSD he's dropped has taken it's toll.

SunbeltRyders says:

I think I'm… getting sleepy…

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