Deepak Chopra and Michael Shermer: Ultimate Reality

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“Is there an Ultimate Reality?” and if yes, “Can it be accounted for by science such as mathematics, biology and physics?” Hear from Deepak Chopra, Michael Shermer and a panel of scientists address these questions during a recent special event at Chapman University, in the Folino Theater. Available at iTunes U


Gil CJ says:

Being dismissive of Chopra is like being dismissive of a charlatan. Now Einstein was no charlatan, he worked out a theory that could make testable predictions. And in my opinion it wasn't like they were being dismissive of Einstein, there were some theories and only testable predictions could determine which was the right one.
Although towards the end of his life, people were indeed dismissive of his later work.

Dejan Radovic says:

I was thinking about experiment for actualy test human, our power of percieveing things, this is important to know much we are, are we? this will give us a more strenght  to believe in own teories.

Bob Murphy says:

We don't have to address Michael we can just address his brain.  Or something like that.  So if Shermer could send his brain to this discussion it would be more interesting.  Everytime his brain is caught thinking, he then shows up and gets in the way.

MrJustSomeGuy87 says:

Deepak is really quick to point out all of the things we don't know, but he seems to interpret this as licence to assert whatever he wants. Him pointing out that we have no idea how to solve the hard problem of consciousness somehow allows HIM to assert that consciousness is the ground of reality?

If he is saying that it is open to speculation because science hasn't solved it yet, then it's a pretty weak claim. If he is saying that when something is indeterminate we can say anything we want about it, then it is also a pretty weak claim.  

Eliezer Talkar says:

What Rspected Deepak Chopra said about ULTIMATE REALITY.  Everyone has to experience through meditation only then will know the knowledge.

Ru-an Z says:

Deepak: 'I'm not arguing with Michael I'm arguing with synaptic networks' lmfao

Ru-an Z says:

Chopra and Hameroff stole the show here. Mladinow and Shermer are particularly dense.

drstrangelove09 says:

Chopra: "… your nervous system is not a material object"??? Really?

Arabic Quran Scientifically Proven says:

Ever since 40 years ago the Almighty Creator has been sending us mathematical miracles in the Arabic Quran through 2 American scientists, but the media has been hiding them all. And now we have the irrefutable scientific facts from our Creator based on mathematics, the exact science. The Almighty Creator created us weak. We are not able to know the future, and we cannot control other people, therefore, we are not able to make ourselves happy. He says, “It is not your mind and brain that creates and discovers.” Yet, mind is just like another part of your body, like heart and liver, which none of them has been developed any further since we came down here on earth 12500 years ago. But, the information comes from outside of this universe, and drops on us by His servants, angels, into our chest, as the music and arts drops on us. He says, “At the time of birth your good and bad drops on you”, meaning our characteristics from the other side, before coming here, and then we act upon accordingly. The Almighty Creator is the only source of knowledge. That is why the knowledge is coming down systematically in perfect order. Yet, we are idolizing live bodies and dead corpse for their inventions. For detailed info you may check out “Creator’s revelations”, or “Ultimate Mathematics of the Arabic Quran”. Do not follow human’s conjectures without any bases and scientific proofs.

gk k says:

as an indian it is embarrassing to see deepak chopra say all the garbage. He is obviously trying exploit the knowledge of the vedas but has turned it in a happy meal

Colin Finch Mostlythinkihave says:

I can't stand listening to Chopra anymore, it seems 80% of any comment he makes is him listing all the anatomic objects and anatomical pathologies he's learned in his first two years of medicine.
He always brings up this argument of perception is bad, and then continues to prove his own point by talking about nothing but perception ("You feel this." "You feel that." " As I'm talking to you" "limbic system" bla bla bla). And it's the worst kind of perception, namely introspection (even worse: introspection after being exposed to heavy suggestion).
Chopra goes out of his way to make his theories untestable. So what can you put in place if nothing is testable? Anything really. Anything that Chopra will dictate. This is exactly what he wants. He's not interested in truth. He's interested in followers. Unquestioning followers for his ego and his book sales.
He's all about dominance and control. When he talks about neuroplasticity, he's telling you that he's repogramming your genes right then and there. Oh sure anyone could do it but he is the enlightened guru that has actually unlocked this skill. He can heal you and he can give you the answers. All you have to do is submit to his will. I expect he can get very vicious if one of his followers should question him.

Colin Finch Mostlythinkihave says:

I skip a bit through the video. And hit 22:22
He says: " As a physicist"  and so I think, "ah this will talk some sense."
I wonder if someone on the opposite end of the debate would think: "Oh no this guy will spout a bunch of nonsense. He knows nothing."

Stan Sandu says:

1. About the ethereal physics and ethereal chemistry we spoke a little, let's continue, but let's speak and about the ethereal biology and ethereal anatomy of the man, for to argue the unified law to him Newton. I shall cite directly from the communications of the spacial men, from the work: "From the life's mysteries and of the Universe", to the profesor Scarlat Demetrescu, published first time in 1939. I shall use the biblically expression of: soul, spirit and body of flesh.
2. The chemistry and physics stay at the existence's base of the worlds. Anatomy and physiology are the existence's levers of the spirit, but in outside of these basis of the material and spiritual existences, in spaces' world it practise all the earthly preocupations. All what exist on Earth was initial realized ethereal in space, and afterwards created on Earth with the physical matter of the Earth.
3. If in 1905 Einstein excludes the ether from physics, viz excludes the intergalactic matter, then the his fanatical disciples, the his theoretical parrots, arrive with the rlativity theory at Big bang, at black holes, holes of worm, at singularity and today at the travel in time. Thus, the great explosion of George Gamov and his follows R.A.Ipfer and R.C.Hermann become cosmological standardized theory, but which is one great bluff!
4. Today, on measure that the theory advances from classic mechanics to the quantum mechanics the particle and wave are gradual dematerialize.The modern physics is blocked by enounciation of some laws and mistaken principles as: relativity theory;Hubble's low, poastulation that the atom can't emit and absorb radiations continuously, admitting the postulate what claims the photons without mass a.s.o.These guide us at supernatural, and at the technical and technological blockage.
5. It renounce thus at the absolute space and at the absolute time. From the simple and linear transformations of the Galilei's relativity it arrive at the Lorentz- Einstein's transformations through the introduction to two factors, subunitary and superunitary. Thus, with these confusions about space and time it passed at the adequate changes about the whole physics.
 6. The science has and history. In the Fundamental Principle of Democrit(470..380BC) it show:"From nothing nothing's born, nothing that exist can not be destroyed and any transformation consist from a reunion and separation…Out of atoms and ether. all rest is not otherwise than rationament and not exist…The spirit as well as the ether consist of a small and spherical atoms, very mobile, atoms that their movement form the phenomenon of life".
 7. The materialization is an operation through which from the ethereal matter unseen of us, through condensation it can make an object which it see, and which has a shape and an weight. the communications bring us at reality and push us insistent at work, at knowledge and development, for that us, as humanity we are the inseparable part to the heavenly unseen world. And if this one way is the development and everlasting evolution, the our way can not be another one.
8. Why, we know not more much about soul and spirit? Because, the our knowledge is limited by the fear of to examine the mysterious things and of the subversive activity of the theoretical science which has passed on the first plan – as business and show – with the her utopian and unresonable conceptions, with which are indoctrinated tenths of thousands of engineers and physicists. Thus we research not good, neither the Holy Scriptures and neither the applied science.
9. In 1905, A.Einstein conclude that the ether hasn't a correspondent in reality and constitute not a medium which let can serve as reference system. Thus Einstein renounced to the ether notion and absolute space and emits the two restricted relativity principles. By it content the second principle excludes the ether, impose as limit of bodies' movement – the light speed – and denatured completely the classic dynamics reality and of the applied science.
 10. Actually Einstein, from theoretical confusion and of megalomania, establish that none object with mass can not outrun the light speed.He succeeding, how written publications of the time, let vex much people, then, whenever over a hundred of people of science had signed a petition in which they upholded that the relativity theory is mistaken, is fallacious.Einstein upholded his relativity theory, believing in the fact that then, nobody can not to demonstrate him the contrary.
11. The matter of the our terrestrial globe has four states of aggregation: solid, liquid, gseous and ethereal and not three after official science. The matter on which we see it, proceed from the ethereal matter, which from cancentration in concentration it had constituted in the electrons, in protons respectivel;y in the atoms of the chemical elements which had overtaken at the gaseous, liquid and solid state. All the matter on which we see it, is condensed ether.
12. However of sad and heavy is the bodily life, she is necessary for the spirit's evolution.The life is everywhere, the spirit has a divine origin and the his existence is eternal. in the outside blocking the knowledge to the embodied man, in the his creature exist other forces and other matters. In the back screen of flesh and bones it found and another man, which see, hear and feel from great distances and is named: spacial man, spirit or spiritual entity.
13. But the ETHER is a physical reality constituted from a very small matter, invisible for human eye, and is formed from atoms more small with 7…8 order of dimension than the atoms of the chemical elements. The matter of the ether penetrate in all the visible bodies and is the physical matter which fills both the interplanetary space and the interatomic space. The ether is a matter with mass and weigth, being subdued and she the action of the universal attraction law.
14. The PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL MATTER is the visible matter with free eye and is constituted from atoms of the chemical elements.The PHYSICAL-ETHEREAL MATTER is a matter with atoms more small with 7..8 order of dimension than the atoms of chemical elements, and the bodies formed from this matter are invisible for the human eye. The ETHEREAL PHYSICS it occupy with the study of the ethereal matters, but which was abandoned in the XX century, because in 1905 A.Einstein excludes the ether
 15. Each among us walk through matter which see not it. For example- through we pass permanently at least two magnetic fields namely: 1).-on vertical direction traverse us the gravitational magnetic field between Sun and Earth, plus gravitational field between us and Earth, field which give us the weight each one; 2).-on horizontal direction traverse us the geomagnetic field which dress the our planet.We perceive this field through the needle's position of the one compass.
 16. In an american hospital, was measured the weight at 1500 people in the them death's moment, was observed at all people the substraction them weight with value between 15…30 grams.All in the death's time at photograph above the head, the film noted at each a globular whitish formation of approximately 10 cm in diameter. Therefore what had emerged from the man's body had an weight and a shape. From viewpoint of the weight 15…30 grams, the spirit is as a flake.
17. The man try through the computer's construction let create helpers for his intellectual work. At begining the computer was only a machine of calculated, but today it make many others operations. With he it construct on screen objects from ethereal matter, he has virtual memory, viz a construction from ethereal matter on which extend, display and manage it in accordance with the programme and afterwards restrict and condense it.
18. With the help of the Kirlian apparatus was shooted the biomagnetic matter, which surround the outline to the plants and animals, gushing as some cascades of matter alive coloured, as an halo in the round them; as a dynamic biomagnetic construction. If at alive plants and alive animals it can photograph the aura, which show the life, at the dead organisms the picture show nothing.
19. We the spirits, are us people with an ethereal body different coloured. We the superior spirits know the interminable gamut to ethers and know that they are formed from spherical particles.The ethereal matters enter in the my body's composition; I see and feel them. Some people had heard something about the spiritual entities, and they consider us, as made from something immaterial. What error.The all in world is made from matter.Himself the Creator is constituted from matter.
20. The Divinity in the her great wisdom to desired as on Earth the studies let it make on two way: 1).through the psychic senses- capable let estimate the psychic matter; 2).through the bodily senses- in which they let examine the physical matter and the phenomenon from her bosom. If live only a spiritual life the spirit has not the possibility let examine the physical matter of the Earth.That is why alternative, the spirit must let be once free in space and another once embodied
21. The your body have not, in the actual stage of evolution none organ of sense in working, with which let learn you of existence to these ethers, in the middle whom you move and live. You have ethereal organs for them registering, but they are not called yet at life, for that still to arrived not the time.The God is not an old man with beard, but the leader some associations with infinite divine spirits, superior spiritual entities with the headquarters in the Divine Sphere.
22. It consider that the Creator centre= the Divine Sphere it found somewhere in the Sky's dept and in the her round are four spherical universes, from one make part and the our solar system. When a nebula start from the Creator centre as let give birth at one Sun and one solar system she include in self all: prime matters and spirits from alpha at omega. Each universe include in he tens of thousands millions of stars surround with one, two, three, seven, nine or twelve planets.
23. The alive particles from the Infinie's zone arrive in the Cosmos's zone and the universes. These alive particles are in continuous mevement through the them nature, being electrical – produce electrical energy; that is why it more name and electrogenic particles. The alive particles on measure what it approach of Suns or planets these particles it associate forming small sphere more and more great which float and constitute the ether from the round Suns and planets.
24. In this free universal ether it distinguish three sorts of alive particles. Some have the quality of to be inteligent- approximate 1%; others have a great memory- approximate 9% and with willpower – approximate 90%. The alive particle, altough is considered the more simple body from ethernity, this has a content whose matter is divided in three. A part is load with positive energy, another part is load with negative energy and between they it find a neutral substance.
 25. With these particles infinite of little and alive was created the whole, even and the solid matter through the them communite at infinite. Those two sorts of electricity have certain properties, but and certain colours, the positive being blue, the negative being red-yellowish, and separated between they through a neutral band infinite of thin of matter violaceous coloured. Each ether has a certain feature and different applications in the our spacial life.
26. Through the union those three sorts of particles has been formed in Divine Sphere three sorts of ethereal matters: 1).the psychic(mental) ether which enter in the composition to the soul of the spirits; 2).the physical ether which enter in the composition to the bodies of the stars and planets; 3).the physical-psychic ether- resulted from the combination those two previous ethers.
27. The spirits have not sex, or genitals as you, and yet are of two sorts: masculine and feminine, for that some are load moreover with positive electricity and others have the them azedic body moreover with negative electricity. Any cell can live solitary. But if want a creator spirit can associate under a single management two cells. The instrument with which the creator spirit can make this work is the electrical ether. 
28. The spirit take two cells and working about them, set them in impossibility of to live solitary. It know that each cell is loaded with two sorts of electricity, positive and negative. The spirit will alter the distribution to this electricity in those two cells. He will make as a cell let will have more much positive electricity, and the other one the her neighbour let will have more much negative electricity.From now those two cells it attract one towards another one.
29. Now the neutral force is externalized as median force. From this cause the cells had were determine let it associate, let work together. On this principle was constructed the whole harmonious life from universes. After what was associate, had nurished, and breeded, divided in four, eight cells and such continued forever in geometrical progression. Thus has been formed the great and complicated creatures. In this mode it multiply all in Cosmos.
30. About SPIRIT and BODY. You the bodily people, believe that you are the single thinker creatures. What error! Ponder and the animal, not only the man, but less profound than the man. But in outside of you and without the your news, we the spacial people feel and ponder. We are many, because at each man from Earth correspond over 1000 of spirits; we are thousands of thousands millions in the Earth's round.
31. Initialy I and all spirits, we were simple partricles of life, and in the Divine Sphere, we was associated three forming a conglomerate of life unitary and aware, dressed in an untransformable matter.Afterwards covered with three layers, with the faculty of willpower, of memory and of intelligence. And when we were sended in the created world, we had received in succession the coat- cosmic, universic, solar and planetary.The total to these seven covers form the PERISPIRIT.
32. The spirit is a divine seed.The Creator had set in he, his world's syatem, in the same time, the Creator had inscribed in spirit all programme on which will have him for unfolded in world.The spirits is created after certain rules. Before of to create it, the Creator establish the future, the destiny, the law, and only thus send it in one from universes.The SOUL is asmall sphere of 2…3 cm on which is disposed concentric the divine layers: willpower, memory and intelligence.
33. The bodily man is formed from the man of spirit and moreover the chemical body(the body of flesh) and the his ethereal double. Viz, each bodily man has in he and a man of spirit= a spacial man! The soul is formed from fine matter in eternity the same, it exchenge not, only the his faculties, his features becomes more and more extended. The Creator has the spherical shape and created the man all with the spherical shape for space and with the bodily shape of man on Earth.
34. The ethereal external bodies or covers: planetary, solar, universic and cosmic it can undress and dress being middles or vehicles for displacement in the respective zones: planetary, solar, universic and cosmic. In the Divine Sphere it produce all unbinding and associations in the sight the new creations.The particle-one from Infinite it combine in a certain mode for to form a mineral spirit, and in another mode for to form a vegetable spirit, an animal spirit, a human spirit.
35. The WILLPOWER's BODY is the more profound cover and is the willpower's headquarters. The MEMORY's BODY is the second cover of the soul, is the memory's headquarters or the archive where it deposit all the knowledges gained of soul in the his interminable career. The MENTAL BODY is the third divine cover of the soul, is different organized and perfected at each spiritual entity. Is the headquarters in which it create the material shapes adequate at certain ideas.
36. The superior man- with old soul- can creates and receive superior ideas and can understand the content of the abstract ideas, scientific and philosophical. Between a simple man, neighbouring with the animal, which can receive only simple and concrete ideas, and the scholarly man it stretch an infinite gamut of personalities, which have the mental body in different stage of development.The soul's covers it cover not complete some on others, having contact with external medium.
37. The PHYSICAL BODY it compose from the chemical body(of flesh) and the vital body or the ethereal double. The physical body serve the soul as instrument through which observe, learn and it manifest in the visible physical world. The his matter it find under all those four states: solid, liquid, gaseous and ethereal. The CHEMICAL BODY(of flesh) is formed from a complex of ordered cells in organs and systems on different apparatuss for unfolding the biological functions
38. In the our life's time, the body it remake of many times at intervals of 7 years. The cerebral matter it renew but the thinking persist and together with the memory keep the remembrances from chilhood. This prove the presence in us to one invisible force, which persist in the middle physical transformations. At the finish of the terrestrial life, when it decompose this physical matter, remain only the undying spirit.
39. The VITAL BODY or the ETHEREAL DOUBLE is the second physical body which give vitality and set in motion the human body. After how the chemical body has different organs ordered in systems and apparatuss, the vital body fill up the body, penetrate the his organs and reproduce completely these organs, till at the last cell. And with the help of the ethereal vital currents- the our eye see, the heart beat and the muscles it contract, we think, speak and work. 
40. The vital body is formed from four sorts of physical ethers: 1).the chemical ether- what confer possibilitis bound assimilation, nutrition and growth; 2). the vital ether- ensure the species's perpetuation; 3).the light ether- produce the heat of the physical body, animate the nervous system and muscular, ensure the sensorial perception; 4).the reflecting ether- what guide the vehicle of the thinking and store in memory the experiences of the past. 
41. On measure what grow up the child the body's matter it transform more much and the activity of the spacial assistents is more scientifically, thus the protective assistants it change at each from the stages of the bodily life: suckling, child, schoolboy, adolescent, youth, man, old man. In rality is not a trinity: The-of right, The-of-left and The-of-top, but an association from each.
 42. By night, when spirit- for to live his life of spirit- leave the chemical body asleep , draw after he a part from vital body. This it wash himself in the ocean of ethereal fluid existent in the his round, absorb a quantity from this ethereal fluid for the replace himself the worn out particles through them working.The soul covered in the his perispirit and having at outside a part from the vital body with shape of man is bound with an ethereal cord of the rest of vital body.
43. The role of this ethereal cord is as the spiritual force of soul let it overflow about the part of vital body remained in chemical body, and on other part, the soul let be notifyed of all what it happen with the his body.Any will feel the chemical body it will send the part of vital body remained in body and this through the ethereal cord will transmit at the other part of vital body protruded outside, and this through perispirit will transmit the soul which analyse and decide, and dispose what let make the his chemical body.
44. When two human embodies spirits it meet by night in space, it recognize for that they it see as people on Earth. These human spiritual shapes it displace, make motions with the head, with the hands and with the body, when they speak move the lips, gesticulate with hands. Only the legs move not them, step not with they, because the spirit it displace through space, on the desired direction, drawn by the his internal force.

Stan Sandu says:

About the L A R G E  H A D R O N  C O L L I D E R
1. The theoretical mistakes from centuries XIX and XX, had been amplified and had passed noisily in century XXI. Many experiments and terrestrial and extraterrestrial observations was wrongly interpreted because theoretical physics indoctrinated with Einstein's relativity.Thus was started the investigation of subatomic particles without ethereal matters and was started the building of the ITER without to know the electrical ether and his role in the working of the magnetic trap 
 2. The theorist physicist omit to study the science's history as let understand the things and phenomenons, but they learn only the exposed theory for to obtain a diploma, afterwards they twitter. We must let understand the science and how it was builded. Einstein has and good parts, but those mistaken are catastrophic. But Einstein was not single in the supporting the mistakes. 
3. A.Einstein through the his relativity to REVERSED the reality of the our terresterial world. He remove the ETHER from physics and give materiality the space and the time. But the SPACE limit the place where it can unfolding material actions and the TIME mark the period of unfolding to some material actions. The space and the time are only ABSTRACT notions, absolute and colateral which show where and when it unfolding certain material actions. 
3a. But the ETHER is a physical reality constituted from a very small matter, invisible for human eye, and is formed from atoms more small with 7…8 order of dimension than the atoms of the chemical elements. The matter of the ether penetrate in all the visible bodies and is the physical matter which fills both the interplanetary space and the interatomic space. The ether is a matter with mass and weigth, being subdued and she the action of the universal attraction law.
3b. The PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL MATTER is the visible matter with free eye and is constituted from atoms of the chemical elements. The PHYSICAL-ETHEREAL MATTER is a matter with atoms more small with 7..8 order of dimension than the atoms of chemical elements, and the bodies formed from this matter are invisible for the human eye. The ETHEREAL PHYSICS it occupy with the study of the ethereal matters, but which was abandoned in the XX century, because in 1905 A.Einstein excludes the ether
4. The theory without logic and reason is and remain an non-reality.The science is at beginning a theory, but has logic and reason and become true after the her practical realisation.The space it stretch in Infinite and the time come from Infinite and it stretch in Infinite marking the reality of the ours material world seen and unseen.The faithless man believe not that exist the God with the our world seen and unseen and then this man can not think and judge with real elements.
 5. In the century XIX, the new scholars: Coulomb, Laplace, Ampere, Poisson, Green, Gauss, Webwer etc., had holded the action's theory at distance without material support, and they support only the mathematical abstracted theories. The science already started let it cover more much with the theory than with the practice.
6. Leibnitz(1646…1716) German scientist, forerunner of the mathematical logic, through the denial the newtonian space- time is and he a forerunner of the Einstein's relativity. Einstein considers the gravity as a property of the space and not in the least as a property of the matter which fill up this space. The Einstein's relativity is a geometrization of the space. 
7.  With much before Einstein, J.C.Maxwell starts from a mental experience, says that he generalize the Faraday's Electric Induction law and exclaims that the transmited wave would be a successive creation of magnetic fields and electric fields perpendicular between them and on the propagation direction. Since then it preachs the transmission of the electromagnetic wave at thousands kilometres without material suport. 
8. Celestial sources say us that the whole Cosmos as and Infinite are filled with a dense powder of alive ethereal and electrogenic particles, and among they are streams of particles and more small because the PRIMARY GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION among they. But more exist in same space and SECONDARY GRAVITATIONAL FIELD produced by ethereal concentrated particles in ethereal bodies and in chemical bodies which are approximately neutral from electrical viewpoint.
 9. Thus primary gravitational field it manifest as a solid body for electrical ether and electromagnetic fenomenos; and in same time it manifest as a fluid body for ethereal concentrated bodies and for chemical bodies.We perceive secondary gravitational field among astral bodies but and fact that we have an weight which hold us with legs on Earth.But in electrical unloadings’case which are arborescent we perceive and primary gravitational field of primary electrogenic particles.
10.  As a result of the wrong interpretation of the Michelsom-Morley(1881)'s experiments which had demonstrated that the ETHER is entirely trained with the mass and the Earth's atmosphere, in 1905 A.Einstein renounced at the ether notion, at absolute space and set the relativist mecanics' base. He emits the two restricted relativity principles through which excludes the Ether, impose as limit of bodies' movement – the light speed and denatured completely the classic dynamics reality
11.  Einstein ignore and vex over 100 of men of science which had signed a petition in which they upholded that the his relativity theory is wrongly. It renounce at the absolute space and absolute time, it arrive at the Lorentz-Einstein's transformations through the introduction to two factors- subunitary and superunitary what lead at the infinte mass phantoms, at the infinte energy phantoms and at the infinte impuls phantoms when a body or particle would touch the light speed. 
 12. Nikola Tesla argued that:" I hold that the space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can has not properties. Of properties it can speak only when it work with the matter which fill up the space. The empty space it can not curve because- something- can not action about -nothing". This relativity proceed from a philosophical direction, on which A.Einstein produce her when he was found in a state of technical and religious confusion. 
13.  The discovery from 1972 about quasar 3C279,that speed of moving off was of TEN TIMES more great than the light speed- this concrete evidence, guides in physics at breakdown myth as 300000 km/s as maximum speed; guides in astronomy to the Hubble;s law revision, the law expressed by an empirical relation bound by 13 miliards of years how it considers at taht time the Universe age; and the famous Big bang, the great explosion of George Gamov let be not anything than a great bluff!
14. Today, on measure that the theory advances from classic mechanics to the quantum mechanics the particle and the wave are gradual dematerialize. The modern physics is blocked by enunciation of some laws and mistaken principles as: relativity theory, Hubble's law, postulation that the atom can't emit and absorb radiations continously, admitting the postulate what claims the photons without mass a.s.o. These guide- us at supernatural and at the technical and technological blocage.
 15. As early as the time of Michael Faraday at scientific problems in contradiction, academical circles decided victory the some or another.In this optics of domination of certain conceptions: philosophical, theological and of other principles, in science had penetrated mistaken and fallacious theories, and the impossibility of immediate verification, to leaded at the creation others abstractings which had blocked the road of the scientific innovation with practical applications. 
 16. Today in front of our eyes and of the observation apparatuses it succedes all evolution phases of the celestial bodies, stars and galaxies. An evidence that the Universe doesn't seems to have an explosive beginning and doesn't seems to have ever an end in the his entirely. The facts demonstrates that in Universe the cyclical creation has place continuously in certain parts, and can has not place total creation in the same time in all the mass of the Universe.
 17. Between 1930…1935 the discord was photon of light.The opinion of physicists had not adopted existence in flight to photon, and photon remain without mass. If photon has not mass, he cannot interact with nothing on trajectory and the light speed remain constant lengthways the trajectory. Thus, in place let to consider that the photons lose themselves the speed on way as result the them interaction with the intergalactic matter, they had set the Universe let it dilate entirely.
18. If in 1905 Einstein excludes the ETHER from physics, viz excludes the intergalactic matter, then the his disciples arrive with the relativity theory at Big-Bang, at black holes, holes of worm, at singularity and today at travel in time. Thus the great explosion of George Gamov and his fellows R.A.Ipher and R.C.Hermann, become cosmological standardized theory which is one great bluff! 
 19. Till to the end of the XIX century – the ETHER was accepted of science men, being considered the medium through which it propagate the electromagnetic waves. Fact proved in 1879 of Henrich Hertz with a vibrator and an electromagnetic rezonator, demonstrating the existence of the electromagnetic waves, respectively the existence to one medium of transmission which is the electromagnetic ether. 
 19a. Mendeleev had shown that we can not conceive without motion even the smallest matter particle. It says about radiations but about atoms and molecules that they have a vibration frequency of approximate 10 at 13 …10 at 15 what means that these are turning arround theirs selves  axes with 10 at 13 …10 at 15 rotations on second proofing the existence of a continuous inertial motion .
19b. The existence of the rotation motion in macrocosmos and in microcosmos, and the great temperature interval from zero Kelvin degrees at millions of degrees in stars, guide us attention towards the inertial masses in motion and towards the matter's crystallisation phenomenons. Naturally, the crystallisation bigins from external(from periphery) and advances towards the central zone. The bodies and substances known by man, are crystallizing between 0…4000 Kelvin degrees
19c. The atoms, the underatomic particles, the radiations – all to be possible to crystallize at highter temperature. Continuing so we arrive to the gravitational field particles whose characteristics: rapid movement, great power of penetration and reciprocal attraction proves that they also can be composed.
19d. How the solidification begins from external it would resultated that in the central zone at any underatomic particles would remained continuously a primary matter mass, more viscous, so that to the shown rotations the free underatomic particles, or in the atom's frame, to take out in space matter from the central zone, but on which to it recover continuously for maintaining the them integrity.
19e. The general schedule of existence of any underatomic particle is a schedule to one sphere with central section on the rotation vertical axis of the particle in which we have: 1).-the carcass resulting by the radially crystallisation, from external to internal; 2).-the viscous inner mass; 3).-inner helicoid channel disposed around the axis, resulted in the last carcass crystallisation; 4).-magnetic field loops or primary viscous mass loops from the central zone.
 19f. Loops which at the substraction of rotation speed are retiring, and at growth rotation speed, evolves around the particle and enter through the other end forming a continuously mass circulation of primary matter from the central zone. The external's part of the particle by friction with the medium become a spherical surface, and in the inner share where continuous the crystallisation it will obtain an uniformly waved surface, with helicoidal channels disposed around his axis.
 19g. Thus the viscous material from the central zone can get only through a certain extremity, evolving around the particle or further away in space from where it turns by the other extremity of the particle. The inertial movement working of the underatomic particles and the atoms as whole permits them to compare with the powerful ASPIRATORS which absorbs, but its emits too matter under the form of magnetic field's particles.
19h. Thus two bodies in interaction creates between them a magnetic depresion what constitute the attraction force between bodies. In a similar mode it can construct the magnetic fields schedule for a helium atom in which we have: 1).-the magnetic field created by the nucleus; 2).-the electromagnetic field created between an electron and a proton; 3).-the gravitational electromagnetic field of the atom, field what is absorbed of atom and is accelerated by the electromagnetic field.
19i.  In an atom, the peripherical big speed at so little radius are proof that every particle or group of particles can create continuously a personal magnetic field in which floats and which permit them an inertial rotation movement without rapid lesses, as a celestial body in cosmical space.For example, the medium's density at 200 miles above Earth is so small, that if Jupiter it will turn in this medium 1000000 years, then Jupiter will lose not to millionth part from his motion!
19j. In the zone collisions and explosion starry, from the primary matter – matter under electrical field, magnetic field and radiations form, it begins to form the underatomic particles; first the electron which remain as crystallisation nucleus definitized on him the neutron, which at that time when becomes free oneself is transformed in proton and electron, respective in atoms of hydrogen, giving immenses hydrogen clouds what finds on the starry cataclysms place.
19k. The INERTIAL MOVE from matter produce the gravitational field, and the gravity with her particles ties the macrocosmos with microcosmos and influenced all what exists sitting thus at the general existence basis. The UNIFIED LAW of matter's forces I can say with cetainly that it exists from some hundred years and is Newton's universal attraction law.
19l. The UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION LAW it apply identically to the movement the atoms of the ethereal matters, identically to the movement the atoms of the chemical elements, identically to the movement the planets and stars of the one galaxy, because any body of any dimension possess a mass and thus is subdued the newtonian forces of interaction. 
19m. The UNIFIED LAW is the LAW of the UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION FORCES= of the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION FORCES = of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FORCES produced by the inner movement of the inertial rotation of the ethereal matter from bodies and substances. This, because, the ethereal particles are in continuous movement through the them nature, being electrical – produce electrical energy, being named and electrogenic particles.
19n. The universal attraction law of the Newton is the UNIFIED LAW because all those three fundamental interactions: the nuclear interaction, the electromagnetic(electron-proto¬n) interaction and the gravitational interaction are interactions produced through the ethereal matter, what bind the classical physics of the good part of the modern physics, but it bind and the ETHEREAL PHYSICS. 
19p. Isaac Newton establishes the basic notion of classical mechanics, proved the universal attraction law and put base of the celestial mechanics. Newton had affirmed THAT IT HASN’T EXIST NATURAL PROCESS WHO HASN’T PRODUCED BY ATTRACTION AND REPULSION ACTIVE FORCES WHICH REGULATES THE CELESTIAL BODIES MOVEMENT AND THE BODIES FALING DOWN,THAT LEEDS THE CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL PROCESSES,fact which makes that the universal attraction law acts as in macrocosmos and as in microcosmos.
19r. Thus, all the physics's laws, chemistry's laws and biology's laws it can include and explain through this unified law of the electromagnetic field produced of inner movement of inertial rotation of the matter from bodies and substances. The spacial brethren say us about Newton that: "Newton is great saint with us in Sky!" 
 20. Proof of the existence of the ETHER with the his unseen matters are: the transmission of the electromagnetic waves at radio-TV and the extraction of the ethereal electrical particles with the resonant Tesla generator. The electrical discharge of one atmospheric lightning, or to the resonant Tesla generator under shape arborescent, demonstrate the trial of the electrical loads-ethereal or electronic of to penetrate the material compact structure of the universal ETHER. 
20a. The unified law of Newton will throw at rubbish Einstein’s relativity, with Big bang, black holes, singularity and holes of worm. With these methaphysical theories and animation about absorption the Eartn or Sun it destroy logical thinking and reason at man. With this dissiness enter man in terrestrial life, and no more believe that he has a future. Result thus blocking of the society, which lead at general corruption of society and at her sodominess and dissoluteness.
20b. The notion of dark matter and dark energy proceed from theoretical physics, from relativity theory of the A. Einstein, from the mistaken interpretation of the physical reality. Something exist indeed: and matter and energy; but is the much ethereal matter and the her energys from the her frame, which represent 96% from the Cosmos's mass. Dark energy and cosmic acceleration are a failure of relativity of the Einstein.From theory in theory, and from new in theory it arrive at foolishness, at madness!
20c. Through the relativity theory to Einstein of over century, it hold with strenght -as a conspiracy a general activity of intellectual stultify of the planetary population. from relativity theory proceed the notion of: singularity, Big bang, black holes and holes of worm. From 1905 and till now in 2014, the disciples of the Einstein, preach with contumely as scientific elements of high class these theoretical confusions, these absurdities from which they had made a business.
21. Today the practical physics is mixed up with the ballast of theoretical physics, and with personal computer it make documentations anf fictitious simulations which have not bundle with possibilities of practical realization. From here result the blocking of the science and the bloking of the humanity’s development. Thus were spent many money of the tax payers, with the great accelerator of particles LHC. 
  22.The matter of the our terrestrial globe has four states of aggregation: solid, liquid, gseous and ethereal and not three after official science. The matter on which we see it, proceed from the ethereal matter, which from cancentration in concentration it had constituted in the electrons, in protons respectively in the atoms of the chemical elements which had overtaken at the gaseous, liquid and solid state. All the matter on which we see it, is condensed ether.
 23. The UNIFIED LAW is the LAW of the UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION FORCES= of the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION FORCES = of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FORCES produced by the inner movement of the inertial rotation of the ethereal matter from bodies and substances. This, because, the ethereal particles are in continuous movement through the them nature, being electrical – produce electrical energy, being named and electrogenic particles.
 24. The materials seem to be complicated and irregular at the sight with the free eye. But at microscope they it show simple and orderly. All the material shapes: animal. vegetal and mineral are made from atoms and these only from three constituents: protons, neutrons and electrons. The photon of light we see it and the photon of heat we feel it, but the ethereal particles are more small, of a few thousands time; we see not them now, but the our spirits see them.
 25. Already the protons, neutrons and electrons are formed through condensation and concentration of the etehreal particles. But how the ETHER has eliminated from physics, the physicists had invented the STANDARD MODEL of the particles and them forces excluding the gravity. Thus for to comprise and the gravity with her particles and forces they had invented and the strings theory.
26.  The movement of the celestial bodies in Cosmos demonstrates that these it can not maintain in the existent formation if not would exist and another matter which let complete and fill up the Cosmos. And this unknown matter, which is the eliminated ETHER- they named she: dark matter and dark energy, which is in proportion of 96% from the Cosmos's mass.
27.  In 1964 physicist Peter Higgs has thinked existence to one energetic field which penetrate whole Universe, and named it "Higgs field" and his particles named "Higgs boson"and that these can give mass the subatomic particles.Thus appear the necessity as in the CERN-frame let it construct an accelerator more big: the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER, which made the first collisions of particles in 14 December 2009, afterwards in 2010, in 2011 and they uncovered not the Higgs boson particles
28. It say: with the exception of the Higgs boson all the predicted particles of Standard Model were detected and the them properties were measured with precision. The Standard Model of particles to arrived let be verified, but, if the Higgs boson is not finded, then the Standard Model and the others models will be necessary to be reconstruct from zero. From theory in theory, and from new in theory it arrive at foolishness, at madness!
29.  The physicists show that about the discovery the Higgs boson it desire and the discovery the origins of the bodies'mass; the discovery the dark matter, the discovery the superior dimensions and the demonstration of the superposition. But as a result to the collisions of particles- the black holes had appeared not, the Big-Bang had appeared not demonstrating that the Large Hadron Collider bring not about us the Apocalipse. 
30.  Now, were collided particles in LHC and you seen that is nothimg: none Higgs boson, none Big Bang, neither black holes, but only thousands of shards of ethereal particles. Therefore now ,return you physicists from your distraction at Isaac Newton with his universal attraction law: THE UNIFIED LAW OF THE MATTERS AND FORCES, at the eliminated ETHER by Einstein, at unseen world of ethereal and spiritual matters which fill up the Cosmos, and return you at the Lord- at God!
31. The dust of subatomic particles resulted after the collisions in LHC are particles of ethereal matter, even that the physicists give not them permission of existence! The electrical discharge to one Tesla coil was made and in a basin with water. Great was the surprise that the electrical discharge of the particles of electrical ether in water has the same ARBORESCENT SHAPE , proving the existence, and in water of the primary ethereal gravitational field.

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