Deepak Chopra’s new book: The Future of God

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In this interview best selling author Deepak Chopra talks to Alan Steinfeld of about his latest book, where he lays out a map for understanding God as the totality of reality. Our consciousness is intricately a part of the being of God. For more about Deepak Chopra go to:
To order the book:

Crew for Production:
Producer: Alan Steinfeld
Director: Richard Polonesky
Production: Natasha Pelak
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NewRealities says:
Higher Wisdom says:

You won’t be able to keep this act up much longer Chopra. You keep
propping up the corpse of “god” with charlatan philosophy and deliberate
misrepresentations of atheistic “spiritual” philosophy. Maybe you’re not
even aware there is such a thing? Then maybe you shouldn’t write a book
that makes yourself look like even more of a con-artist, and helps to
destroy the facade of “god” even further? You took on more than your bs
rhetoric can handle this time. You and your “new age” cronies are going
down with the “religion” ship sooner rather than later. The educated and
rational can see you have no clothes, as the old story goes.

The Vine: says:

Deepak Chopra’s new book: The Future of God
Deepak talks to Alan Steinfeld about his latest book. in this book the best
selling author lays out a map for understanding God as the totality of
reality, w…


Very Nice discussion Deepak Sir. I felt very good Sir when you said “The
future of GOD is you and the awareness is GOD”. We, the people in this
world are doing all the good and bad. So when we become aware of this, we
will really understand what is GOD. I think no dogmas, ideas or religion
can save this world unless we wake up this awareness.

michele292 says:

Thank you for this captivating and excellent discussion! 

artscorner says:

Another contribution to the “All That Is” Is rapidly getting it together,
by Deepak Chopra 

TheHeartphone says:

You have a clever mind dear Doctor Deepak Chopra, but forgive me to say
that I have the impression that you still have not transcended your own
fight/flight reaction.
Instead you still go for the expression: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a

You look very peaceful now that you have this book published as a revenge
on Richard Dawkins. God is asking itself what that does mean to Peace is
the way?

My admiration for you has sunken to the lowest level possible. But that
won’t hurt you one bit, I know 🙂

If you call this attitude the future of God than there really is no hope
anymore for humanity…….

zsalvati says:

Deepak is one of my heroes. Thanks for the great interview Alan

Philip Knight says:

How do you spell (as it sounds) inshit akash?

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