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Going over some similarities and differences between RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY. Which is more important? Let’s explore 🙂
MORE VIDEO – Smoking DMT with a SHAMAN –
Having a Spiritual Experience from Meditation –


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  • Categories: Spirituality


Meghan Hughes says:

so beautifully put. forreal. i couldn't have watched someone explain something more eloquently than u explained this. AMAZING!!!!

Libster xx says:

Yes to everything he said.

Sara McClernan says:

I consider myself Christian but I also find myself to be very excepting and loving to all. And yes I do believe in evolution and science as well.

Steven Silva says:

people are trying to understand themselves, what and who they are. As well as what is reality, what's it's meaning or purpose. where did it come from. As intelligent, sentient beings this is inevitable. Spirituality is a certain path some take to find the answers. I don't subscribe to it so much however I tend to take an approach more based off of science and mathematics. Unfortunately, there is a void left by science and math that spirituality or religion seem perfectly fit to fill. As science doesn't cover morals, what's right or wrong and what is our purpose.

In the end what I've come to find as a student of mathematics is that because the physical laws of this universe are so finely tuned it is virtually impossible for our reality to have come to be by mere chance, meaning design. Unless, there is a multiverse, then it's not so unlikely for us to appear by chance. It's still all a big mystery. But we can't sit and ponder about it all day. We have our everyday lifes to attend to.

Milli Mango says:

loved this <3!

dead and cool says:

I believe it.

dead and cool says:

lovin these videos. so wonderful. thank u.

Sofia Lulu says:

Hi! Have a nice day u beautiful hippy✌🏾️😍

Unfortunate Blocklanders says:

I love your videos. But would someone please tell me i'm not the only one who thinks the guitar song in the background is from the intro credits to napoleon dynamite.

curlyhayley says:

you have a really unique , channel. definitely agree with you on what was said. 💕

Timexdistance says:

I love your fucking channel omg

Noah Lockhart says:

I would call my self a Christian and I really liked this video friend. I would honestly love to talk more with you about religion and spirituality. If you would be interested I would really love that :)

Emily Gaul says:

Its odivious that there is a trend now with meditation and crystals and yoga and some people may not know the meaning but I think there are a lot of people that do know the meaning and are having a spiritual awakening! I totally agree with you that there are alot of people now becoming more spiritual and I think that is freaking amazing!

Darren Douglas says:

i believe there is the shift in consciousness indeed ever since the beginning of 2015 for me

Vexento says:

Amazing video once again, Dekota! And i completely agree.
I feel like being spiritual has everything to do with our state of consciousness. Not necessarily what we believe in. :)

Daftne Sanchez says:

Dude you just explained my life!! 💘

AllyCat says:

I totally think that there is a shift in people's consciousnesses right now, and it is truly amazing that each day there are more and more people opening up their minds to something beyond society, are seeing some of the horrors our older ways have created, and are stepping in to make a change

Anastasia Allarton says:

I've recently come to your channel from Drew Gilchrist and oh my gosh I'm in love, your channel is amazing and your mind is beautiful and I connect so much and it really makes me happy knowing people like you are out there, Thankyou!! :)

Kylie Parsons says:

i think the divine universe is the entity that created us but i don't want to shrink my capacity for learning and my potential for expansion by restricting myself to a particular religion

Nicole Stauss says:

I really like how you describe everything so perfectly. I just started getting into exploring spirituality because I was brought up in a religion I just don't believe in and I want to find out for myself what I feel and believe your videos really help me out with finding my way.

samantha butler says:

thanks dakota! this really got me thinking. i honestly this there is a change in society where people are becoming more spiritual, and more and more people are changing there views on life and having open minds. i really hope we can all just live in peace and harmony and people can dance in in the forest and animals are all respected. one day this will happen.

veeoneeye says:

Loving these deeper videos dude you break them down and simplify them for people like me who can't stand watching spiritual teachers explain a topic for an hour when you do it in 7 minutes

Lizzy Nizzy says:

Very well put😌

Melissa says:

Love is the answer✌🏽️❤️

Ellie Porter says:

This vid gave a lot closure to a lot of my thougnts that have been engulfing my mind right now. Such a good vid

BVB Rebel says:

I am really starting to not like going to Christian Churches because no one really connects with each other and every Christian Church that I've been too it has this negative vibe to me.

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