Finding Happiness in Troubled Times

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s public talk on Finding Happiness in Troubled Times organized by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) and Choe Khor Sum Ling in Bangalore, India, on January 30th, 2011.

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Peter Lee says:

Dalai Lama receives more human glory than Jesus, Son of God, when He came
to earth over 2000 years ago. Jesus died for men on the cross for their
sins so that our sins can be forgiven through accepting Jesus Christ as
Lord and savior. The Bible says Jesus Christ is ONLY way to God and heaven;
whoever believes in Him will not perish and have eternal life. All other
ways, including the Buddhism way, lead people to hell with unceasing fire.
Jesus loves you; now, repent and follow Him. Do not be deceived; true and
lasting happiness can only be found in Jesus Christ.

cheyanne shariat says:


Brandon Da Silva says:

*The mind can’t solve the truth of life -problem the same way it is used to
solve problems. That’s because the mind is the problem. It did not know
this until now. Its very presence is in the way of life.*

*We have to take **control of our minds** to experience true life, and we
will experience a heaven on earth if **enough people see this book** I’m
about to share here. **EVERY truth seeker** should check out what the
present at truthcontest•com says.*

Max Deluca says:

Feels like, my father… explaining the way of life, adore this..

Reverend Eslam says:

The so-called “Dalai Lama” is such an ignoramus (if not outright demonic).
The fact that so many millions of (even more deluded) persons seems to hang
on his every word is evidence of that fact because a TRUE teacher never has
more than a couple of followers, since the truth is very difficult to bear.

The fact that Tenzin Gyatso was awarded the Nobel “Peace” Prize – in
league with demons such as Barack Obama and other presidents of the United
States of America – is further evidence of his wicked nature. The Dayawati
Modi Award for Art, Culture and Education he received in 2011 at Sri Sathya
Sai International Center in New Delhi, India is another case in point since
that demon Mr. Raju (who so arrogantly called himself “Sathya Sai Baba”)
was an even greater charlatan than Gyatso.
A TRUE teacher of Truth such as Lord Jesus would be put to death for
speaking Truth rather than being lauded by ignorant miscreants.

To hear a TRUE spiritual master speak Truth, search for:
Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Alan Watts

Pete Pete says:

i listen to this guy last thing as i sleep. he makes more sense than anyone
else i have ever coma across. Peace be with you HH The Dali Lama. Thank you

Kim Tan says:

Dear Holiness, please Live Long.

R. RATHINDRAN Prasad says:

@ Peter Lee I have no problem with Jesus. I think he is one of the
greatest human being ever born on this earth. But I do have a a problem
with you fundamentalists. You think that following any other path will lead
to hell and your only way will take you to heaven. Then can you imagine how
heaven would be? It will be filled by idiots like you. I rather wish go to
hell and live with some wise men than to be in heaven which is filled by
your morons.

dorje168 says:

DHARAMSHALA, APRIL 26: A 19-year-old Tibetan monk was arrested minutes
after his solitary protest in the streets of Ngaba County today, Kanyak
Tsering, a monk at the exile based Kirti monastery here, said. 

Aditi Campbell says:

Reverend Eslam, You don’t understand him because you are full of
ignorance. You only see your own religion and think that is how EVERYONE
should be but if you truly understood that ALL religions lead to the same
place, you would learn to be more tolerant of other religions. A true
teacher never has more than a couple of followers? that’s what you say?
Then that means Jesus Christ was not a true teacher…right? You Idiot,
watch what you say about other people. You are whats wrong with this world.
WAKE UP! The true ignoramus is YOU!.

Shanti Deva says:

Reverend, you are probably a sad person. More love will help !!!. 

ZutaMacka666 says:

Is it my comp or is the tone on all of these Buddhist videos lousy..? 

dorje168 says:

Chinese police on street patrol immediately arrested him and took him away,
said Kanyak. “It is not known where he is currently held.

carlos garcia says:

i love this persone, peace and respect r the most important things in
human lifes,

Tenzin Dolma says:

Long live HH the Dalai Lama. He is the greatest 14th reincarnation. No
matter what a great person is and does in this World there are still people
who are jealous and then angry which destroy themselves not the great

prachumporn buaklee says:
Andrew HIbberd says:

My dear gyalwa these are not troubled times. These are times for all
thinking people to think and act and not be troubled. The answer lives
inside the mind of people.

dorje168 says:

Lobsang walked along the main street of Ngaba leading towards the County
administration shouting slogans against the Chinese government’s repressive
policies in Tibet, said Kanyak. He also called for the long life of the
Dalai Lama and his return to Tibet, according to Kanyak. “However, the
exact wordings of his slogans could not be known at the moment,” he said. 

Andrew HIbberd says:

My dear gyalwa these are not troubled times. These are times for all
thinking people to think and act and not be troubled. The answer lives
inside the mind of people.

EazZiB says:

This guy real af! 

dorje168 says:

Lobsang Tenpa, a monk of Ngaba Kirti monastery in Tibet’s Ngaba County,
draped around his head a hand-drawn Tibetan national flag and carried a
large picture of the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama whom Beijing
reviles as a “monk in wolf’s robes”. 

dorje168 says:

Under China’s occupation, all but 13 of the country’s 6,254 monasteries
were destroyed or damaged, and tens of thousands of monks were killed or
sent to internment camps. The Tibetans have endured over a half a century
of attacks on their basic human rights, religion and traditions. This
Chinese controversy is a symbol of a campaign to persecute a people, and to
destroy it’s culture.

BLUERAY1 says:

nice talk. Very well rounded and sensible philosophies for a modern world

Ramon Carballo says:

Refuting the believe that the Dalai Lama is a sincere and pure buddhist
practitioner and teacher by using his words and comparing it with Buddhas

We must admit that sometimes the Dalai Lama tells the truth. Some days ago
a friend of mine showed me a magazine with a Dalai Lama interview, in it
the Dalai Lama says the following and I quote:
There is no much sense in me speaking about myself. It is better that other
people do it. What I know is that when I was a child I was a character, but
I have changed. Nowadays, I get angry from time to time, like for example
not long ago in Madrid. It was in the hotel waiting for my luggage to
arrive to the hotel, and it was not arriving. No one knew anything about
it. How silly! It should be somewhere. So I lost my temper. But it was for
a good reason: in my luggage there was my Tibetan medicine and I have
stomach pain, so I need it. In general I think that emotions and
intelligence come together. The emotions are part of our life but
intelligence must control them. In my case, when emotions come out my
wisdom and experience help me. However sometimes they appear in my dreams.
I see myself fighting with people. I hold something in my hand and I try to
hit them, but then I remember in my dream that I am a monk and I should not
fight. Sometimes I also dream with women. Yes attractive women… The Dalai
Lama laughs and speaks in Tibetan that Thetong translates: . The Dalai Lama keeps laughing: ,
that is a very low comment, Can you imagine Shantideva, Milarepa, Atisha o
Yhe Tsonkhapa stating such a low , insulting and ordinary comment?
Is this the persona appointed to represent the Buddhist path in this world?
For me is just a clown, a show man and a very, very ordinary person full of
delusions and with no capacity or will to overcome them.
PD- The interview was in the Spanish magazine “El semanal” 9 of July 2005
Nº 923.

meltingEyeballs says:

I fell asleep for an hour. I have to watch this again.

Marcos Bona Lopes says:

Happy life…

TorahRealm says:

The Buddha’s teaching is one thing and Tibetan Buddhism another. For
example, Gautama Buddha instructed his followers not to erect statues, but
after a few hundred years this instruction was violated; Tibetan Buddhism
is rife with statues and while the monks suffer substandard food, housing
and medical, the monastery spends millions on bigger and better statues.
Another example is that while the Buddha preached independence of mind,
Tibetan Buddhism demands cognitive conformity.

Tibet was a feudalistic society based on serfdom and slavery. It took
until the previous Dalai Lama for gouging of eyes as judicial punishment to
be prohibited. Since the Dalai Lama is supposed to be a Bodhisattva, why
did 12 previous Dalai Lamas not have the compassion to reject eye-gouging
and barbaric judicial mutilations including amputation of noses, ears,
hands, cutting of achilles tendons inconsistent with basic compassion? In
a society with no uniform code of justice but rather ad hoc courts
routinely prone to bribery and corruption, the deficiency of compassion and
human rights is evident.

Judaism on the other hand is thousands of years older than Tibetan Buddhism
and prohibits all such barbaric punishments. Judaism is of course the only
religion that prohibits idolatry and for this reason gave rise to modern
democracy with human rights.

Suffering originates not with desire but with idolatry and life is not
suffering but holy. The path to happiness begins with right worship, that
is, with non-idolatry. But Tibetan Buddhism begins with idolatry and
therefore causes suffering.

The Buddha’s teaching is designed for the social matrix of immutable caste
that existed during Buddha’s time and still exists today. For this reason
the first truth of Buddhism is that life is suffering; cause and effect of
karma justify the status quo of caste that imposes suffering and encourages
resignation to being exploited by superior castes. A noble truth of
Judaism, contrary to Buddhism, is that life is holy; through democratic
government a man may better his life. This is a positive approach to life
for free men, as opposed to slaves of caste based on guru-worship.

Alan Hendah says:

Are you prepared to witness the ultimate Truth?

Visit below if seeking 100% pure.enlightenment.

Truthcontest,Com & then go 2 page =ThePresent=

Marissa L says:


bruce_wayne625 says:

Buddha was chosen by the Gods to live two destinies They have created.
These 2 destinies are: the Adolf Hitler destiny and the coming new king who
will bring peace to the Earth for a long time. Nostradamus calls these 2
destinies: (1)Mars and (2)The Scepter in quatrain 24 of century 6. Thus
Hitler is not the author of WWII,the Gods are. this comment is the
fulfillment of Nostradamus’s quatrain 91 of century 1:The Gods will make it
appear to mankind that They are the authors of a great war.

Kevin Lairamore says:

he has the greatest laugh i have ever heard

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