Politicking: The Dalai Lama – on world violence, capitalism, Pres. Obama

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The Dalai Lama joins Larry King to talk about the Ukrainian crisis, his meeting with Pres. Obama, & much more. Plus, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, and a former U.S. Ambassador offer perspective on the rising Russia-Ukraine tension.

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RT America says:

The Dalai Lama joins Larry King to talk about the Ukrainian crisis, his
meeting with Pres. Obama, & much more. Plus, House Armed Services Committee
Chairman Buck McKeon, and a former U.S. Ambassador offer perspective on the
rising Russia-Ukraine tension.

Mateusz Góra says:

American Zionist Jews support and finance Ukrainian Nazis. These are the

Owl Eye says:

i now see where George Lucas got his inspiration for Yoda from

se7ensnakes says:

What is at stake? A nation with jeans, iphones, jordan sneakers AND
another debt based economy. Foreign controlled central banks that
counterfeit money.

fliptthescript says:

geez even obama decayed the great dali lama into democracy

Delbert Gradey says:

Does Larry King look like an alien Grey to anyone else? lol

SymbolX says:

He sounds like a drunk homeless guy… Who cares about what he think? He is a
nobody for the non-delusional people in this world!

Montpelier Montgomery says:

Did anyone else notice how often Larry King sticks out his tongue? Is he
smelling the air?

pr says:

Wait! So Larry King works for RT now?? Seriously!

mengutimur says:

The Dalai Lama is a crook.

LiveForPanda says:

A person who opposes the progress of Tibet and persecutes his own people
talks about violence and politics.
This person is praised as god only because of his title. His philosophy and
words are no wiser than any Buddhist monk you can find around the world.

blackacidlizzard says:

I know that when I want economic advice, the spiritual leader of fucking
Tibet is on the top of the list.


his english 0_.

veracityone says:

Larry King is frankly insane, his take on world affairs is so Zio MSM
warped and corrupted he really should be on CNN or Fox. This is sickening
to watch and is an insult t any intelligent viewer. RT take this Zio Moron
off air immediately. We don’t need more of these Zio Lies and propaganda,
that’s for the Zio MSM to vomit out.

sunbirdism says:

US aggression, hubris and hypocrisy rules big time in second part of
interview.. as usual

Jakob Skov Hansen says:

1:26 I’m a big fan of Yoda too.

William Lundine says:

mckeon and king discus Israeli sanctions… never.

Valueless Dollar says:

You have no room to think rationally when you’re drivin by self

muhammed ali says:

may god destroy him where he stands, he has commited the biggest and most
evil crime a human can commit, what has happened to the world, you will
only realise when it’s too late

Xicothencatl Gonzalez Martinez says:
Lucas Johnson says:

This guy, speaking out about peace and love when his own people burn
themselves alive to even notion a notice on the national stage?
Yeah, fuck him. What a ‘great’ guy.

TheCanucksfan21 says:

I love how they never say how Georgia first attacked Russia.

M JOLNIR says:

“any system can work” pffft how much does this guy get paid by for these

Fidel Castro says:

preach dalai preach!

TwisterChrisable says:

If it is good for all than it will work but if it good for a few soon it
will fall

BrainyShy says:

Capitalism is the antithesis of compassion and equality. All focus is on
profits without considering the ecological damage or human suffering it
leaves in its wake. The most selfish and ruthless thrive in capitalism,
while those with any integrity get swallowed up like sheep among wolves.

tim tom says:

So we basically want to keep troops in Afghanistan because we need security
which if a foreign power came into america and operated bases here in order
to maintain and help build security we would call it an invasion a couple
of bases here and there isnt a big deal right? Hmm lets look at crimea
Russia has military bases in crimea so apparently thats an invasion when
will america and Russia stop being hippocrates.

Simple facts the USA has 761 active military sites around the globe proof?


Russia has 25 abroad and in Russia in 2005 and to reach 761 planet wide
would take longer then 9 years considering they need permission in places
that cross seas

nyke420 says:

i noticed that the moment the dalai lama mentioned that the country belongs
to the people and not to the democrats or republicans, larry quickly
changed the subject to china. if u cant see it then ure sleeping….wake
up…..god bless yall…peace.

Mechyuda says:

I just came here to down-vote Larry King. This guy has been a shill for the
US mainstream media propaganda for too many decades. He claims he’s a
neutral, fair journalist, but he allows the Zionist West to constantly tell
lies through their demonic teeth nonstop. There is a huge difference
between between a factual & fair journalist, & being a spineless mercenary
reporter. Larry King is the latter.

redword2007 says:

Is this old charlatan still being paid by the CIA?

Fontoflife says:

I find it interesting that, among the other reasons he gives, the Dalai
Lama seems to think the world’s problems are caused by people being too
“emotional.” … What??? … Our passions aren’t the enemy here. Our enemy
is complacency. Wakening our passions and our spirits to what’s going on:
that’s the real road to enlightenment. Turning our feelings off is not the
answer. Heeding the cry of our souls is. That’s how we’ll really begin to
get a handle on and then fix our world’s problems. Not by “turning
[ourselves] off” to what’s happening, but by “tuning in” to them (and to
ourselves through the interior state of our passions and feelings).

Quietism and the pacification of spirit isn’t the solution to what’s
happening today; arousing our minds and the power of our hearts to it is.
That’s how we truly become “awake” to the world. Anything else is just
numbing us down, making us docile little sheep ready to be pushed around by
those at the top of the social establishment. We can do better than that in
our “spirituality.”

At least that’s my view of the situation/What are your views about it? I be
interested in hearing them. Thanks.

A Malevolent says:

Dirty american statesmen both of these… I bet both of them also were on
the aipac conference.

monsterrun says:

to be honest this fit their new age agenda so the Dalila lama could be used
as a pawn to be blamed later on after a false flag.

Joseph Stalin says:

Is that yoda

Anthony VP says:

I love it, like an interview of Yoda.

lewis steiner says:

larry cant keep his tounge in his mouth ?

vahe stepanian says:

Moneyless, classless, stateless communities of humanity in real cooperation
for our common needs and well being. Capitalism is inherently evil. Mr
Dalai the Lama really does know what he is talking. 

Igor Orlic says:

Nice DL, but I don’t agree with you here. Hegemony representatives know
exactly what they want and thet develop means to do it, including wars.
It’s all about worldly interest. That’s all! I think you know the truth but
don’t want to dissapoint someone by talking about it. You lack courage I
think. Perhaps I’m wrong but that’s how I see it. 

Fred Dietz says:

Watched the first 9 minutes (Dalai Lama); turned off the rest. The problem
with Larry King is the problem with televised journalism general; the
longer one stays in it the less a journalist one becomes.

I’m not saying King didn’t start out with integrity or make a few enemies
along the way, just that “televised journalism” is already something of a
pseudo-world to begin with—wholly separate from the world’s working people
who have to keep their opinions to themselves—and therefore, just as in the
case with politicians, there one can easily be pulled away from the
substantive and into the realm of mystique. And with some it’s
immediate—they didn’t have any substance to begin with. With others—like in
the case of King—it can take decades. But eventually there’s compromise.

Why doesn’t Larry King have anyone debating this Armed Services Committee
MIC poltroon? Anyone at all—even an American high school “honors history”
student? How come McKeon gets 20 uninterrupted minutes to vomit his
propaganda—and why watch it when I’ve seen/heard this kind of thing 100’s
times already? This is what all the major US networks have done since
Vietnam—they stick some MIC representative up on the screen who just blabs
& blabs irrespective of facts or even the general consensus.

And what does Ukraine offer us? What does it offer the average college grad
or small business owner? Nothing. From what I understand, Chevron has a
bunch of “fracking contracts” all around east Ukraine—well over ten billion
dollars’ worth of the things. Chevron is Rockefeller—it’s what “Standard
Oil” grew into. Rockefellers are part owners of the Federal Reserve—not
only do we buy gas from them (at a profit), but we pay taxes to them
through “Department of the Treasury”. So now we’re supposed to also go to
war for them—against Russia, the country w/ the deadliest, most robust
weapons systems on earth.

Nadra Olesska (Ukraine gas company). Chevron signed a 50-year contract with
them last November. Ukraine sits on an estimated available 350 billion
cubic feet of natural gas/year. Shell is also in there with them. Shell is
Rothschilds. Putin doesn’t want either of them fracking at the Russian
border because he knows the underground results will travel into the
Russian interior. That’s the real conflict—the real reason our state
department was in there with its agent provocateurs arming Ukraine
protestors with free booze and firearms. Still can’t figure that out? Still
think it’s an “organically-grown revolution”?

Notice how Obama has now given Ukraine a $1bil “assistance package” which
ultimately isn’t going to go anywhere but into the pockets of the IMF, the
Rothschilds/Rockefeller institution now slated to in-debt Ukraine through
its new IMF-friendly government. This, after Obama has placed economic
sanctions on anyone likely to aid Ukraine from the Russian side.

Furthermore, notice how I don’t spout the propaganda this is a “western
humanitarian intervention”—but that’s not because of anything Larry King
told me—rather, it’s because I bother to watch about a half-dozen
independent news channels a day, along with a half-dozen more throughout
the week; I get an understanding from these un-compromised sources.

But “Buck McKeon”? Fuck Buck McKeon. There’s no way that guy’s going to be
honest or transparent—way too much conflict of interest. And fuck Larry
King if he can’t see the NWO megaphone the remaining 2/3rds of his show

M Brontë says:

I cannot wait for the day when money loses it’s power and means nothing,
and the rich will no longer reign…I hope to see that one day.

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