Deepak Chopra A to Z steps Creating Affluence

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In this remarkable book lies the secret to creating affluence. Here you will discover that you are the dancer and the dance, the creator and the creation, and unlimited wealth is yours merely for the asking. With clear and simple wisdom, Deepak Chopra explores the full meaning of wealth consciousness and presents a step-by-step plan for creating affluence and fulfillment on all levels of our lives.

According to the author, affluence is our natural state, and the entire physical universe with all its abundance is the offspring of an unbounded, limitless field of all possibilities.

Through a series of simple steps and everyday actions, Creating Affluence gently fosters the wealth consciousness needed to tap into this field and create anything you desire.


Brandon Da Silva says:

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life a meditation; something that will completely, utterly clear your
awareness of life?*

*Visit **TruthContest•Com** and read **”The present”…* Free your mind.

Jan Wall says:

Deepak Chopra’s work was the motivating force that led me to the Field of
Infinite Possibilities where great joy can be found. His Creating Affluence
principles inspired me to create the A-Z Cards which became the
Clues-Letters for Possibility Detectives. To get these weekly reminders of
how to create a Richer Life, filled with great joy, go to and sign up for the free Clues-Letters. Then
get ready to enter your own Field of Infinite Possibilities.

Parul Mehra says:

loads of love and gratitude to each and every person involved in bringing
this video…thanx pipa mam for uploading this! love it <3

roger roger says:


Lizz Ziraldo says:

Love listening to Deepak’s lectures and meditations….brings one back to
self to experience love…..thanks Pippa for sharing!

KOSTAS P says:

When you seek all these ideals, then you deal your present condition, which
is a fact, with an ideal which is not a fact , therefore you can never
change. it is like you are using new thoughts to overwright existent
thoughts, or new belefs to overwright old beliefs, you may sleep into this
new conditioning temporary but you will eventually turn back periodically.
By creating new goals you are always caught in them since you have created
a new conditioning there fore you can never be free. There is no judging
of what has been heard as useless , it just seems incomplete Please listen
to JK saanen 1980 Q&A 4 last session 

Collette Burrell says:

You just have to love this blessed man. and be grateful the universe made
him to us in this life. Deepak you are simply the best.
Thank you

Ralf Michael says:

With clear and simple wisdom, Deepak Chopra explores the full meaning of
wealth consciousness and presents a step-by-step plan for creating
affluence and fulfillment on all levels of our lives. According to the
author, affluence is our natural state, and the entire physical universe
with all its abundance is the offspring of an unbounded, limitless field of
all possibilities.

Brian Carr says:

Pippa, thank you for sharing this!

kimjay425 says:

Thanx for uploading

Felix Burke says:

The seeking of affluence is one of the reasons our planet has been stripped
of its resources, we should be seeking simpler lives if we are to save her.

Steve Kosvic says:

Hey Felix, affluence is simply quality vs quantity. Buy one best thing
instead of 15 crappy things that end up in landfills. If you really care
about the planet I believe you would be well advised to adjust your

Eileen Fruithandler says:

I am going to meet Deepak and Oprah one day. I am even declaring I will
work for oneof them in a divine capacity. They are sages of our time.

Tabby P says:

Thank you

Bella J says:

I really enjoyed this video thankyou for sharing. It goes right along the
path that I Am on.

Gia S says:

Perfect, thanks for sharing!

big says:

Excelente material te tengo una tecnica que esta cambiando la vida de
mucho, visita mi canal 

Kimberly K. Parker says:

Thank you!

Liliana Pacelli says:

So thankful of this sharing! Thanks Pippa! Worth every minute!!!!

unknown38928 says:

is this the whole book?

jose melendez says:

That was the most beutiful thing i have ever had the pleasure to
experience. it brought me back to myself it made me remember.i laughed n i
cried n it was the most amazing thing that has ever happing to me thank you
n love to you all

Tree Alexander says:

What is the name of the accelerated manifestation through TM technique

elsie melliza says:
WendyO GoffO says:

Thank you so very much! I listen to it every day . It feels good to be
reminded of all of it : )

Pippa Lambert says:

Thank you for visiting and commenting!

Rachel Chontelle says:

Thank you for sharing this xx

Aly Juma says:

God Bless You Deepak Chopra. Namaste.

Suheil Walker says:

This is so prety!

manoj ghimire says:

thank you pippa

Pippa Lambert says:

Wonderful, isn’t it? thank you for watching!

Pippa Lambert says:

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