Deepak Chopra: Trump Is ‘Emotionally & Mentally Retarded’

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In this Majority Report clip, former M.D. and prominent alternative/integrative medicine practitioner, author, professor, speaker, and antimaterialism advocate Deepak Chopra says that he honestly thinks that Donald Trump is likely emotionally and mentally retarded. Chopra certainly has his own critics, but his use of the word “retarded” in this interview should be taken to mean “stunted,” or stalled at a certain age level. He puts Trump at 3 years of age emotionally.

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aishah striggles says:

I really can't believe this is really happing on this universe…I hope it's a joke Donadl Trump you're a JOKE…..

aishah striggles says:

I, Agree that Donald trump is Ill,retarded, I really can't believe this is really happen to the USA.

Marc Venzara says:

All the negative comments about Deepak here seem to be a certain sign people speak of that which they know not – certainly haven't read any of his 50+ books or ever sat through one of his lectures – likely because he had the audacity to use some 'big word' that wasn't already in your vocabulary so he must be selling 'woo' (aka: very complex stuff he has fully thought through and made sense of and you likely never even heard of – so it must be crap.) Deepak is a western trained MD, his brother teaches medicine at Harvard and his father was the personal physician to the Prime Minister of India. I have learned more to be truly excited about reading or listening to Deepak. He has married eastern wisdom (there is a reason something is used for thousands of years – it works!) with western perspectives like few others ever have (Alan Watts being perhaps the first and like Deepak, brilliant at doing so). The melding of different ways of looking at and processing the world results in new and brilliant perspectives that excite those of us who care to learn the truth, not 'woo'. Deepak Chopra is a gift to humanity – bad mouthing him only reveals your own ignorance. If you disagree with something he says, be specific about it so maybe you can learn whether you could be right – or more likely, learn why you are wrong. He is no con man out selling things he doesn't believe in or know first hand. Try seeing him with more potentially accepting eyes and ears and I suspect you'll be surprised to find yourself learning things that actually excite you too – things you can often prove to yourself and see are clearly true! Try some of that before you bad mouth this extremely wise man – I don't know of anything he has ever done that was even questionable – but I'd love to hear about it if you think it exists. I had the honor to speak one on one with him for almost half an hour at his Christmas party in La Jolla in 2007 and he was kind, humble, friendly, funny and considerate – it was only because David Simon, his late partner had instituted a 'no talk to Deepak' policy with employees (my former assistant was one and had invited me – since I was not an employee I wasn't subject to 'the rule' and even though Simon tried to interrupt and break up our conversation several times, Deepak waved him off each time which he did not like at all! We had a very inspiring and spirited conversation I will never forget and am eternally grateful for (I had just finished reading his book 'synchrodestiny' literally the day before my ex-assistant invited me. It was all too perfect.

InfiniteSkeptic 60 says:

Why is anyone asking that deluded woo woo artist anything even if he's right on Drumpfs account??

Geoffrey Sorkin says:

This reminds me of an old saying about pots and kettles.

Charlie Lucky says:

trump is retarded

kay jay says:

One con man critiquing an even bigger con man.

Alfonso Gomez says:

what does he think about Hillary? Since they are friends, maybe he thinks shes's God and We should embrace her. This Hindu millionaire should look in the mirror before criticizing anyone.

Donald Edward says:

Yes I believe Trump is emotionally retarded although I think his IQ is around average. He inherited enormous wealth from his father and being spoiled and having problems at school he was sent to a military school where kids are kept busy with sports, uniforms etc but where the intellectual development of their pupils is not the most important thing. I don't think they have a course in logic there. Well, a lot of Americans admire wealth rather than brains and the educational system is not really geared to the intellectual side but the physical side is certainly well developed with college football and basketball teams (both games have become commercial successes after being imported from Britain and British Canada respectively) Brainy kids do survive (Obama did) the system and there are some very, very good universities in the USA as good as anywhere on the globe.

Brother Bryan says:

Wow this is not one sided . Deepak Chopra ? He must have a book coming out ? Never liked his books .Never liked him.

frogstamper says:

As much as I can't stand the king of woo woo, this was an excellent attack on Trump.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. says:

Chopra also used to be TM-founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's right-hand man.

Cenk Ogre says:

I don't think we should use this word, its unkind to people who have actual mental health problems. Trump is an asshole, people with ASD dont need to be associated with these people

Jenny FTOL says:

Stoned, lol

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