Spirituality | Beliefs, Thoughts & Predictions

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*Open Me*

I filmed this video over a month ago so sorry it’s late! Here’s a more detailed insight into my increasing Spirituality. I just went about it in a really laid back manner, let me know if anything stood out to you of interest that you’d like me to elaborate on. A lot of you asked for this video so here it is.

I’d also like to make something very clear. Spirituality and Religion can be hard to tell apart but there are some pretty defined differences between the two: Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. I see myself as Spiritual, not Religious. Because I am Spiritual, this does not necessarily mean I am ignoring Science either as I have found a perfect balance through personal perspective, research and experience. I also respect every one’s individual belief system, even if we disagree, we can always enlighten and power one another because we all have different life experiences 🙂

While I do have friends that are Spiritual, I also have friends who are Atheists or Religious. I find common ground with nearly everyone I encounter despite their beliefs for I believe we are all children of the Earth regardless of how we view our individual journeys (and our own belief system.) I personally used to perceive myself as Agnostic. I always said that if anything happened in my life time to change that, I’d go with the flow and here I am.

My Spiritual advisor is also Psychic but please be aware that not all Spiritual advisors are. There are different types of lightworkers. I also see her as my Spiritual Mama, as she is selfless and incredibly in tune with me (she says I’m like her adoptive daughter lol.) So if you ever hear me refer to Spirit Mama, Spiritual advisor or Lynette. That’s who I am referencing.

I’d love to hear your thoughts down below on anything that stood out to you, it would be interesting to get a discussion going. Please refrain from arguing with one another in the comment section. Please respect everyones beliefs, as they come in different shapes and sizes. 🙂

I could have spoken about each individual topic raised for a lengthy amount of time so I’m sorry if this is a bit all over the place. I was still trying to keep it very basic but it’s a complicated subject really. It can be quite nerve wracking opening up about your personal beliefs, especially on the internet..

I’d also like to say this doesn’t mean any significant changes to my channel content or anything of that nature, I still have the same interests and passions.

Namaste x

Amarante – The Manic (Instrumental)

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Jingleheartart x

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Remour says:

Everything you spoke of in this video felt like a mirror with my own spiritual development. I hope you keep making videos about this sort of thing, because having watched your videos for over 4 years and subscribed from more than 3, I feel like I've always connected with you and your experiences. Please please please make all the spirituality videos, and I'd love it if you spoke of the things you've learned so far on your journey, it would be very helpful for people like myself who are on their way down their own path. Thanks for being so open about such a personal topic. :)

Evalynn Fordawinn says:


Samantha Waldren says:

Christian Answers For The New Age website, will tell you how your advisor knows you. It will also explain everything else that is happening. PS Lightworker is a derogatory term in the occult.

YvesyM says:

Also, importantly, things seem very explanatory from your point of view and MEANINGFUL. So skeptics can be skeptics but theres no denying that youve had some incredible experiences. Mental illness or no mental illness! But i totally understand how you need to even bring that point up. Dont worry though, I'm totally open and listening to you speak without judgement. Like I said -its v.nteresting!!

Sara LOIS says:

Love this! I've recently been getting more into spirituality(although i have loads to learn) also to help my mental health and become more at peace etc, I can't just walk past a crystal shop anymore! Hope to see more videos like this in the future 💜

Rose Kirby says:

Do you watch Kelly Ann Maddox? She seems right up your street. She said possibly the best thing I've ever heard regarding spirituality when she suddenly exclaimed "My third eye's clogged like a pub toilet." Beautiful human being.

Sally Summers says:

i feel like we have the same soul/aura, it's a blessing and a curse 🙁 i want to get more into crystals and healing, i have a small collection at the moment and i love them.

TheCrazieCat says:

this is a lovely open video 🙂 thankyou for sharing Jess. I'm spiritual too and I kind of have an advisor (he doesn't charge either) but not on the same level as you. I love working with the chakras, oracle and tarot. I've been into this since I was 11 )O( but my parents thankfully were ok with it and now my mom is too. I haven't been drawn to the Doreen Virtue deck. I love the Zen tarot and Mystical Cat Tarot is amazing for me lol. I work with crystals intuitively as well and that seems more powerful for me so I rarely bother with the crystal books. and, this path has kept me off of my depression and greatly helped with my anxiety. I am an empath too. hope you are learning to protect yourself with it =] I don't feel the need to sage after using cards anymore because I'm practised with setting my intent and I have a protection around my whole property which does the job very well thankfully :)

Steampunkfairy says:

I would love to see a series on all of this! I can't find many videos on this stuff. I want to learn more but it's hard

Мария Рулина says:

Omg! Please do more videos like this! Really want to know more!!

Lauren Morales says:

How can I find a spiritual advisor for myself?

Krys Ramirez says:

I would love to see more videos like this. Especially about being an empath. I feel like I've always been more sensitive to other people's feelings so I would like to know more😊💕👍

Maryssa Robinson says:

I've always been interested in this stuff, but being brought up in a hella religious home, I'm afraid to explore it

MarlenaNotMarlene says:

Okay before I begin; I don’t want anyone else's comments or whatever negativity you have to say bc I’m speaking to Jess. Now, Jess don’t take this the wrong way but there is are such things as good spirituality and bad spirituality. Right off the bat when you said she knew things about you with you barley knowing her, and "knowing things that you don't even know yourself" I immediately thought of ''familiar spirits' , you can google it if you'd like. Tarot cards have to do with witchcraft, stones are hollow and cannot absorb or reciprocate energy because they are just that, a stone. Many things in this world can seem so innocent and take on the form of light, please do not be deceived. If your spiritual advisor isn't seeking God while she's trying to help you.. she isn't helping at all if im being honest. I have been watching your videos since I was a freshman in high school and im in college now, I care about you, and if I were to watch this, disagree amongst myself, unsubscribe (while knowing the truth), and move on with my life.. that would truly show how much I care about you. I normally never comment on your videos but I cant sit back and watch you get deeper and deeper into this. While I do not know you personally and cant tell you what to do with your life but i can however pray for you. I have nothing but Christ love for you and I’m not condemning or judging you in the slightest. I pray for your health, mind, family, anything you may be struggling with that cannot be seen in the physical, and most of all your salvation. Be blessed Jess.

Kim Thompson says:

All I can say is wow you are looking great and healthy again ! Glad to see it !!!

KatieScarlettSpeaks says:

This is really interesting, but how on earth do you find a spiritual advisor? Especially considering doing a google search brings up only $$$$$$$$ paid spiritual advisors? Where would one go to find someone? Is there any way we can reach out to them if we're in need of it or curious?


Kass Ackerman says:

That card resignates with me soo much especially right now with everything happening in my life. its actually quite scary haha
Amazing video as always, im looking forward for others like this :)

Mairead Gilmartin says:

Today has been one of the worst days I've had in a long time and it was so exciting see you had a new video up it was just what I needed thank you :)

Jessica Kim Vazquez says:

It's wonderful that you've found a person like this. Having someone there for you is important. You're lucky. You should make a video on meditation. Thanks for this.

Tabitha Survillas says:

Love this stuff, please do a story time video

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