Deepak Chopra on Consciousness and Renewable Energy

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Dr. Deepak Chopra was the honored guest of the World Business Academy a talk and discussion of his pioneering work in consciousness, the links with the Academy’s pioneering work on safe energy production and the goal of 100% renewable energy in the state of California in 10 years. The collaborative plan is called The California Moonshot Project.

The event took place on March 28, 2014 at the Arlington Theatre in Santa Barbara, CA before a crowd of 1,400 community members.

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Nadeeshani hettigoda says:

What he is saying is not real spirituality you need, if you learn Buddhism,
only then should you learn real spirituality.

Bonnie Christensen says:

Thank-you for all of your help into my own spirituality.

WorldBizAcademy says:

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