(PT 2/3) Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations with God – Book I

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(PT 2/3) Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations with God – Book I

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  • Categories: Neal Walsch


Maren Kritz says:

im completely and 100% a believer in LOA and ALL of this, i believe this
whole dialog , but theres ONE missing piece that i dont understand..and if
SOMEONE out there could relate, or help me out id appreciate it…he says
in one of these videos that the leaders (basically the illuminati) dont do
anything out of demonic reasoning, but out of fear. well im very much a
conspiritor, which lead me to ALL this greatness about the mind and etc etc
etc..but what about MK ultra? which rules hollywood ? the satanic rituals
the baby eating the blood bath satanic shit that hollywood elites go
through..i dont think that thats out of fear?? i feel thats very much
demonic, not saying there is a devil, but..that is what gets me
lost..anyone thats done a full round circle of conspiracys to THIS kind of
stuff will know what i mean…i wish i could ask god why MK ultra still has
to exist and WHY if not for sex slaves and other horrible things,,, why do
this if fear based..doesnt make sense…someone plz help for this is whats
holding my resistance :(

OTERO81 says:


Benjamin Maruno says:

Why does he call most of the biblical teachings mythology? Also why did the
author claim that his hand stopped and wrote things on it’s own in the
beginning of the book, yet also said that he heard a voice and then later
got a notepad in an interview with Larry King?

Maddie M.K says:

Help I am having a hard time accepting the “I Am God” part. I can accept
that I am of the same spirit/essence. a smaller division even..but equal to
God? How could I? I believe I am crazy if I accept something like that.
Plus my husband throwing that judgemental look as I listen to this just
reflects how I feel inside “How could you think you are GOD? Are you
insane? You are insulting God”.

TmlnDiaz says:

I will listen to it over and over. Just once will not do it for me. But
this is great stuff! 

Daniel Young says:

Listen People this is what Satan himself told Eve in the Garden of Edenton,
she would be like or even be a God. Watch out for Your Souls. The Serpant
is at his same old tricks again.

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Mhm.. ok…. ahhhh. Mhmq Jesse really power stricken .. or not idk …. ok
got me dizzy… :'( I believe you :'( I love you vvery much

Mario Castillo Gonzalez says:

There is hell but not as we know it. Listen to the book again

ment ion says:

you are lie shame of you 

Macwards Drydin says:

This is wonderful. Recommended by Bashar! (who is also wonderful)

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Wrong is right and right and is wrong making love is more joyues got it
stay close tho. No apocalypse:/ I want help in deciding…? Suggestion? I
feel it sir hard :/ aha… 5 days spiritually speaking .. :/))) ..

Lady Buddha 888 〈333 says:

Love waits on welcome…not on time. <333

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

I know now who :)

Daniel Young says:

Oh my God in Heaven, don’t listen to this information. They are trashing
the Holy Bible and completely throwing the 10 Commandments out the window,
inwhich you know it is all wrong. May God have mercy on your soul if
you want believe this misleading information. This is how Satan will remove
the religions. Keep all of your Bibles, God’s 10 Commandments and pray
to Our Father, God In Heaven and in the Name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Whoa lol works 🙂 ask the people of the world? To get power and clarity?
Yes wakefulness :’) lol spilled drink face. Yes wakefulness yes
wakefulness!!! I mhm soul 🙂 mhm :/ okay 🙂 I will. 7rl :’) is it true my
god? Idk what what he’s saying yes I guess all happens at once out of ny
mind help me be best:’) I have an idea of what your talking about mespa?? :
) awesomely :)) I like that god of my fathers dane to show Me. . 😐 serious
ok ok ok:’)) I won’t !

David Sanchez says:
ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Hurts electronics are whiaaa liftoff 350mph Mhmm hard thought cold. .. 🙂
I’m gonna smoke brb

natasha garm says:

I AM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Yeah?? To die? Sound of a woman god3 no bot hard anymore 33 :'( thought
you’d never say it actually knew you would so you’re not flip god and:) yes
🙂 I won’t stand:) mhm soul contradict ..? I get it, ahhhh not flip but
what?? Lolshall I?

Arnetta Poindexter says:
Maggie Harp says:

Oh i just love how Gods voice represents that masculine and the feminine

ILoveMeTwoTimes says:

Mhm at home 🙂 tomorrow

MerkuryxD says:


Chasar says:

The book would be a lot shorter if he didn’t keep asking the same
questions. A lot of good in this book though life changing

Vanessa Klinger says:

This is confirmation as to what Spirit has been bringing to my awareness
for the past two years. When you are ready, The Truth will manifest to
you, to bring you the peace you seek. #staynlove

spiritnaturemac says:

if in the pt1/3 he said there s no hell how can there possibly be a heaven
to invite hitler…so he clearly said everything has a opposite how did
hell make the exception..now im confused!

Sheila Townley says:

Thank you so much for posting. I feel such a great understanding now. All
my love! -Sheila

Elizabeth Jon says:

Funny how some people don’t listen to the complete message and are fast to
find contradictions of such. I had to listen to this many times and each
time I hear something i missed previously. Please open your minds and
hearts. God is speaking every time, everywhere and in many ways. We are

Sean Weaver says:

I grew up listening to conversations with God or as we used to call it CWG
and I appreciate the fact that I am able to listen to it every night before
bed thank you so much

blitz channel says:

Makes you think! Thank you

BrightOrange J says:

Vanessa you are so right, I’m only a teen but I feel like I’ve been
questioning religions and the truth of what really is all my life, and here
I am.

Checkpoint says:


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