Richard Dawkins & Deepak Chopra (SUB. Español – English ) 2013 Dangerous Ideas

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Dangerous Ideas (Ideas Peligrosas)
Chopra & Richard Dawkins 2013


Video original del usuario Spudw2k


King Cnut says:

Has Deepak ever heard his own voice?

esmifrado says:

HEy and where is Dawkins vs William Craig? Oyeah Dawkins thought he was not
good enough to debate with him HEAHEAHAHEHAE what a shameless dude….

Frederick Nelson says:

Perhaps Deepak is saying that we need to move beyond the Scientific Method
(keep it, but look beyond it) to further science. Dawkins doesn’t seem to
like anything that is outside of the scientific method (for good reason)
and Deepak is saying to look beyond it. Interesting conversation. 

Dirty Khazarian manipulative jew says:

Deepak rules! Dawkins is disgusting. Richard doesn’t think outside of the
box. 100 years from now Science will prove amazing things and Richard
Dawkins will be seen as a small minded idiot.

Gabriela Jones says:

Chopra is a complete moron. He is in some bullshit land…

I feel bad for Richard Dawkings. 

Disgruntled Amoeba says:

I always thought Chopra was deeply obsessed with Eastern Philosophy like
the ancient Hindu Vedas that spoke of the primacy of consciousness over
matter. I noticed he mentioned the Vedas, the Upanishads specifically, and
now know what Chopra is trying to do. He is trying to combine Eastern
philosophy of Hinduism and other similar eastern traditions and science
together, not very elegantly. One of the biggest cringe-factors is the
bastardization of Quantum Physics which is on display by Chopra during this

Religion + Science – Evidence = New Age Bullshit.

Conscious Truth says:

Richard ‘Dork Boy’ Dawkins speaks with an ‘intellectual’ and calm sounding
voice, yet he is on the warpath and has an aggressive violent attitude
towards anyone who believes in anything Spiritual. Don’t be fooled by his
mannerisms, he is a dangerous idiot.

Mediazonemedia says:

Guys…when will you ever get that faith and science will never
merge/understand each other. So Richard, please ask Deepak (just call him
Deepu) out for a spicy tandoori chicken masala after which you go for a
good oil (lavender flavour) massage and a hand job and further agree to
agree to continue these debates ir order to sell more books. 

swamy bhimala says:

Deepak chopra sir, you rocked it, you nailed it. Richard Dawkins completely
lost it. he has no point at all. 

John Loverain says:

Nothing is complicated, only the self limiting personal interpretation of
our momentary inability to understand leads to the statement, that things
are complicated. 

Dj13e36 says:

D-Pac is a formidable debate opponent because it’s difficult to debate
someone if you have no fucking idea what the hell they’re talking about.

Also, I thought Biggie killed D-Pac. I’m happy to see he’s alive. 

Sasha Rozinov says:

Deepak keeps using the words like science, and I think he doesn’t know what
that it mean’s. Science is a process of trial and experiments. Where is his
data, measurements, experiments, peer reviewed writing, etc? He is like a
young earth creationist, that argues science is wrong without putting up
any of their own science experiments to hold up thier arguments. Deepak is
just using expensive words with nothing to back him up. A philosophy of
using word salad, as Dawkins put it. Look at his glasses, he looks like he
enjoys the profits he gets by appealing to non-thinking audience. Just like
a televangelist of a Deepak style jargon.

nanasaheb pawar says:

Exlent speach by deepak chopra.

Ivan Raszl says:

Finally in this poorly produced show #richarddawkins said about
#deepakchopra what lots of people think, but nobody dares to say out loud
because of all the fancy credentials Deepak holds: Most of what Deepak says
is hogwash. Actually Richard used a simpler word: #bullshit.

Deepak has many followers including celebs like Lady Gaga, but his own son
is not one of them. Gotham Chopra’s documentary exposes his father as a
fraud who poses as a deeply spiritual wise man in reality only caring about
is his fame, money and comfort. Way too stereotypical, isn’t it?

The most embarrassing part was when Deepak traveled to Asia to make himself
into a buddhist monk to earn yet another title. He took all the vows of how
a monk should live only to return to NYC high life a few days later as if
nothing happened. It was uncomfortable to watch how throughout the trip he
wasn’t able to put his smart phone down for a minute.

tlzsowns55 says:

“Ad hominem is a logical fallacy, science 101”
hahahahaha Deepak you cheeky new age motherfucker
Indignation does not render your beliefs to be exempt from criticism you
tantric tool

2000mtru says:

These captions must have been done by a Creationist school graduate.

Sasha Rozinov says:

Deepak is such a unscientific hard to listen to his crap..pure
dishonesty for personal profits and fame. He has no interest in science or
progressing modern humanity into the future generations.

osdias says:

I don’t care for either of the speakers but the hatred coming from the
atheist crowd in the comments below is very disappointing. Why can’t we
have a civilized grown up discussion without insults? Atheists seem to hate
Chopra and what he stands for with so much passion that had it come from a
religious person, it would be perceived as religious extremism.

nanasaheb pawar says:

Exlent speach by deepak chopra.

Carlos V M B says:

Si Dawkins es el pensador nº 1 la especie humana está perdida. Paradigma
del científico materialista limitante y limitado, sus únicos argumentos son
el ataque personal despectivo al contertulio y la teoría de la Evolución de
Darwin, una teoría que no una Ley, es decir no probada 200 años después,
más bien lo contrario según los biólogos moleculares. Es lamentable la
negación presuntuosa de lo que se desconoce, Dawkins se contradice pues
parece huir de la fe como del Demonio pero en cambio cuando es preguntado
por la escasez de fósiles que ratificarían la teoria de Darwin, contesta
que aún sin pruebas, sin fósiles, él CREE firmemente en ella. Un puro y
duro acto de fe. Dawkins no quiso poner en peligro su sillón, su estatus,
su imagen y la mejor manera de hacerlo fue no queriéndose “manchar”
entrando en un debate que como todos, hubiera sido enriquecedor. Antepuso
su sobredimensionado ego al verdadero valor científico de querer saber y
abrirse a nuevas formas de intentar ver la realidad, algo terrorífico para
él con un cerebro absolutamente cuadriculado, con frases repetitivas y
carentes de verdadero peso; el típico bata blanca que basa en su ateísmo
una especie de superioridad intelectual y moral sobre el resto, todo por
puro miedo a meter las manos en el barro y comprobar qué hay o no de verdad
debajo. No se manche Vd. Sr. Dawkins sus manos, ni su nómina, ni su ego,
siga sintiéndose seguro y magnífico con su mundo de ladrillos y piérdase la
maravilla de adentrarse en lo ignoto sin temor a equivocarse, porque Vd. se
equivoca en lo más grande, en no querer buscar por todos los rincones por
temor a que dejar de pertenecer al selecto grupo que cree que si no es por
su camino, lo demás es basura. La “ciencia” de Dawkins no consuela a los
que sufren, no da esperanza a los deprimidos, les da pastillas para
eternizar su dolor y que asuman que deben vivir con ello. Termino con una
frase mía de un escrito que fue premiado y publicado:” …Es posible que
Dios no exista, pero ello no nos arroga el derecho de despojar de alma a
todo lo que existe”. Mi respeto a los dos contertulios, no al
entrevistador que fue un grosero (la “mamada”, dijo), y mi enorme
admiración al Dr. Chopra.

Vladimir Vasquez says:

No está subtitulado realmente así que no se emocionen.
Los primeros 14 minutos son una larga (y extraña) presentación pero después
se endereza y comienzan a hablar ambos caballeros.
Muy interesante y extensa discusión, Deepak como siempre evadiendo el tema
con sus “cosas cuánticas” y Dawkins directo al grano.

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