Deepak Chopra vs Christian Apologist (Chopra loses)

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The most prominent teacher of mysticism and New Age philosophy in the West Deepak Chopra goes toe to toe with Christian apologist Greg Koukl on Lee Strobel’s show “Faith under Fire”. This episode called “The Future of Faith” aired in 2005.

Chopra, who has written two books on the topic of Jesus, seems to be at loss for words as the well-researched Koukl keeps correcting him on his false view of Jesus and the historicity of the Gospels. Chopra’s Eastern/secular interpretation of Jesus does not seem to hold water when confronted with someone who defends the faith for a living.

These two segments were the only ones I could find that were decent quality. Full debate can be found here (poor quality):

Lee Strobel:

Greg Koukl:





Tom Grissom says:

Uncertainty is just another New Ageism to make them appear like they have some great wisdom…

thesid92 says:

How cruel… Deepak is one who seeks God within, only there can one find proof of what God means.Jesus knew this and therefor accepted no religion.
If God is infinite and all mighty. Certainly God is everything, no? We are part of that everything. Therefor we as people are here to put God's Kingdom on earth. We need to let God work through us. For that we need to align our self with God. This we can only find by looking in our heart, as is written in thousands of books…
As Jesus said: "Truly, truly, I say to you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father." He aligned with God… see? So if we believe in Him we believe in God, because His very life demonstrates the Way of Being One. By greater works He probably means God will do greater works, for God shall do the greater works through us all.
Seems like Deepak Chopra is on the right path :). Big trees catch a lot of wind.

clorofilazul says:

This Christian apologist, as all of them, is a delusional person o thinks he is very racional. Despite I don´t like Chopra's religious views and lot of his speach, he is a lot more healthier then this apoloogist.

Mr.009mm Killuminati says:

its so conflicting, he says he dont count wrongs and not self seeking. but yet many things point to that, just like it not being works. just being in a place without god is bad on its own. but forever and to burn also. if he was love then why wouldnt he just except you. he does, only if you ask forgiveness and do what he says. that sounds evil and like a mob boss. he can let anyone go there and he does, heaven that is./ but like i said, if you do what he says. if you dont do what your parent say, they might ground you for a short maybe long time. but its over after a certain time and you arent being tortured. that dont sound like infinite love and mercy to me. the fact he lets satan to get us to do things and if we dont say sorry for what he got us to do, we get the blame all take the blame on some stuff, but him turning me gay cause i wont believe in him is evil. oh well he took it away, yeah after i repented, i scratched his back, so he scratched mine. then he flooded the world cause of him and why, hes all knowing and would know it was pointless, they would still live and do what they were doing before and to get back to what it was if not worse. i would never burn anyone, even satan forever. that makes me ill thinking of that. all i know is many things hes done and does, get everyone to fight or be turned off from seeking him. it is almost like the chatholics said they made hell up. cause one it does keep people in check and it turns people away from seeking him like it did me. if he really is all love and this and that. it wouldnt matter what you did, what you thought, what you believed he would take you as you are. not burn you for turning on him, in which he will turn you over to a sinful life if you dont or what it says. wouldnt matter what satan does or get you to do or think. he loves you no matter what, to say i love you but will burn you for not loving me is psycho. like a crazy saying im going to kill you since you dont love me, dont want me or if i cant have you no one can. call me lost, it wont help im almost more lost then i was before. only grow to god if i believe in bull crap or except the things i dont want to. that is sad to me. he does say he will go against you if you arent his puppet, or i guess if you turn from him. wants no one to perish, but makes it so hard, even after you come to him, it sad and sick. say im not god and who am i to say. that is plain ignorant and you know in you heart that he made, that is not right and evil.

Inge Bowman says:

Chopra asked " What about Christian who don't believe will go to hell"? Is is asking for himself. Why can't the Christian spokesman just say, Yes , Non believes Go to Torment! I'm just a simple average women and this degrees and universe crap is all BS Crap…He needs to know the truth

Charlie Reid says:

Both lose

Jade Kallend says:

they are both full of nuts

JaneMeadows TV says:

I like Deepak and am a Christian

JēT SēTTēR says:

For Christianity to be true then you have to give credibility to the Old Testament, the Old Testament is 100% certified to BS, to believe in the New Testament you need to believe that God used to be an angry spiteful egoic God who would rain down fire and brimstone on people who made him angry.. and then he became nice after Jesus was born and left Humanity alone to their own devices… the New Testament is a stone age Fairy Tail built upon a Jewish fairy tale.

Lwilkens25 says:

Did ya catch that slip of the ego when he corrected Greg that it's "millions" of books? Lol!!

nimo a says:

As someone who disagrees with Chopra and believes in a personal God, I definitely don't think Chopra "lost" this debate. He handled himself very well, as always. Articulate, honest, and receptive– and unsurprisingly, not the type to resort to personal attacks like calling his opponent "disingenuous". Just a heads up to anyone who doesn't get social cues: Someone who begins a sentence with "I don't at all mean to be unkind, but…" has every intention of being unkind. Chopra's genuine open-mindedness in contrast with Koukl's glaring rigidity was more damning to the latter's performance than anything Chopra could've said.

CurrentResadent Resident says:

He broke the law/book of rules & was put to death for his new progressive statements. same thing happing to Chopra here.

Pleiadian Mermaid says:

Deepak is a false prophet who was also cheating on his wife. My friend was involved with his business affairs down here in SoCal. She knew he was doing so. Just wanted to be sure people know this as fact. Even when he speaks in contrast to the energy of Greg, DC cannot be trusted.

Liam Petersen says:

Christ would have loved instead of choosing to be right, because he knew he was the way the truth and the life. God the great I Am is his identity, the word made flesh.

Mike Clenaghen says:

Quit talking about Religion as Christianity. That's the Lie it's not religion but it's been shown as one. Christ was killed by the religious men he came and rebuked. Wake Up!

Mike Clenaghen says:

Religion is man's rules Relationship is Following Gods rules. Period

tammy leibelt says:

Oh gee if this guy doesn't get saved he is in BIG trouble! He needs to repent repent repent. I can't figure out tho if it's all about the money or if this guy is just truly blind by deception

Abe Heuer says:

The arrogance that "christianity" portrays and especially the asshole talking to Deepak is typical of religious bullshit. What hogwash, there are no such things as 'demonic influences' this is religious bullshit. There is no 'devil' and there is no 'hell' either – sheeple have been duped and brainwashed by religion and by christianity for thousands of years – Yeshua was not a christian or a god he was a teacher who taught humans what and who we are – and what and who God is and God is NOT a religion.

Tom Clark says:

To my Christian brothers and sisters, if you don't know what presuppositional apologetics is, i suggest you learn what it is! Study up on Cornelius Van Til, Greg bahnsen, and also Keith Thompson (reformed apologetics ministries)

holypowers says:

I don't think that intellectual reasoning will get you any more truth than a testing of God's will in your life will do. You need that leap of faith as in surrendering to His spirit and relying on Him to lead you His word. As far as people like Dr. Chopra go, there will always be people like him not honoring the Son (Lord Jesus). He has hardened his heart to the truth. I think Steven would agree once you ask God to reveal himself to you and you are honest with Him, it is life changing no matter your "world" view.

lockedine says:

Deepak Chopra is not a good representative of mysticism.

Awakened Army says:

It's easy for those who subscribe to any particular religious belief structure to look at another and see how obvious it is that it's a fairy tale, but to look at one's own beliefs with such scrutiny is a bit more difficult. For instance, it's easy for Christians to say Muhammad was a kook and the mystical stories from the Quran are all hogwash, but DON'T YOU DARE question what I MYSELF believe to be absolute truth.

The reason why Muslims think Christianity is a bunch of BS is the same reason Christians think Islam is a bunch of BS.

Perhaps the truth of things isn't so easily written down in a book? And why can't Christians agree on even the most basic elements of their own religion, such as faith-vs-works or eternal-vs-conditional salvation?

I love Jesus says:

How can I seek more of god? How can I find a church of god? I pray that I am guided to the right direction, I accepted Jesus when I was a child and all my heart is telling me right now is to go back to him.

salvaged wretch says:

when he said he was uncertain it seemed genuine to me. i was thinking that was a tiny little piece of soil to plant a seed in that man. the interviewer (assuming he is a born again believer) should learn about winning the soul above winning the argument.

praying for deepak chopra, that he will consider the uncertainty of his own belief and come to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to know what absolute certainty is… Spirit of Truth guide that man, in Your mighty name i pray. amen.

HotchiwawaChronicles says:

Jesus is not wrong, he is TRUTH !
"I'm the way, the truth and the life"

Luis Almodovar says:

Very well said Greg.

Elliott Turnage says:

Yeah Deepak lost the debate and I'm glad it wasn't just me that saw way his face changed.

Sofia Logan says:

Hi Steven ! Are you catholic ? :)

Michele W says:

Greg Koukl is an excellent debater. He's got Chopra asking him questions by mid-debate. lol Great video! TFS

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