Deepak Chopra – An Ancient Magical Prayer Audiobook

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CHANNEL – Deepak Chopra Audiobook :
Deepak Chopra As a global leader and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine, Chopra transforms the way the world views physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness. Known as a prolific author of over sixty-five books with twenty New York Times best sellers in both the fiction and non fiction categories.
Quantum Healing, Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Magical Mind & Body, Weight Loss, Perfect Weight, Return of the Rishi, The Higher Self, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Succes, The Way of The Wizard, The Path to Love, Creating Affluence, Journey to the Boundless, Training the Mind, Healing the Body, Everyday Immortality, Natual Healing for Anxiety and Depression, Spiritual Insights into the Genius of Da Vinci, A Gift Of Love, Soul of Healing MeditationsAn Ancient Magical Prayer, Grow YoungerLive Longer, How to Know God, A Gift of Love II Oceans of Ecstacy, Grow Younger Live Longer, Balancing Your Body, The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Desire, Chakra Balancing, Chronic fatigue, Peace is the Way, The Book of Secrets, The Book of Secrets, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Escaping the Prison of the Intellect, Life After Death, The Burden of Proof, Power of Intention Meditation, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, The Ultimate Happiness Perscription, Third Jesus, Why is God Laughing, Path to Joy, Buddha A Story of Enlightenment


aishah striggles says:

Peace , Be still…

aishah striggles says:

Enjoyed.The truth will make you free.some one told a lie, said heaven was in the sky, Man, changed the truth, so he could control the universe, what a mess.

PeacePlease! says:

Do please kindly share Fulfil All Your Desires – Was in the midst of listening two times n utube cancelled the account of the 1 who posted it due to some issue. Really would like to have free access to it, and Thank you Deepak for making these it available at no charge – That, in itself speaks highly of your spirituality over materiality!? Hope you will be an example for other famous authors and Teachers.

aishah striggles says:

Dead Sea Scrolls, nothing like the truth…

aishah striggles says:

Very Deep,I alway's felt this.

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