Deepak Chopra Presented by DTS

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DTS presents Deepak Chopra from The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, an intimate conversation and discussion spirituality, wellness, technology and sound.

Facilitated by Lifestyle Journalist and TV Personality Stefanie Michaels, Dr. Chopra explores our changing consciousness and how technology has influenced meditation and mindfulness in the modern age.

DTS brings you Deepak like you have never heard before with The Non Local app, a celebration of music and poetry, narrated by Dr. Chopra and mixed in pioneering Headphone:X technology. Experience Heart Healing Meditations inspired by spiritual poet and mystic, Rumi, in beautiful panoramic surround sound. Download the Non Local from the itunes store now – Coming soon for Android.

In this interview, you’ll find out the answer to these questions and more:
What kind of doctor are you?
How is sound used in the meditative process and is technology now allowing you to transform that process?
What is the Non Local and how does it apply to everyday life?
In your book, you take the reader on a journey from an unbelief to faith, then into true knowledge. What is this true knowledge?
What’s the proof that God exists?
What is consciousness?
What’s the basis of empirical evidence?
What are the steps and practices that can move you to true knowledge?
Who am I?
What do I want?
What’s my purpose?
What am I grateful for?
What’s the difference between perceptual experience and fundamental reality?
How did you come up with the name for the book, “The Future of God”?
Can we create a future where we find spiritual fulfillment and also satisfy the needs of science?
Do God and science work together?
What is reality?
What are the three worlds you discuss?
This non-physical domain, can you achieve this through meditation?
As changes come about and we become whole, is this the ultimate goal?
Is a flowing the ultimate goal?
What is your biggest challenge?
As we look into the future, how do you see immersive sound technology like DTS Headphone:X helping us with health and wellness?
What is your favorite chapter in this book, what was the most joyous chapter to write?
How do sound and meditation work together?
How do you stay focused?
What would you say to people that have to have an answer and can’t live in the unknown?
Tell me more about the scientific basis for halting aging?
There’s a quote from the Non Local app that says “Keep breaking your heart until it opens into the ecstasy of love.” How do you see people using these healing heart meditations to change and improve upon their experience in love.
For the app you reflect using the mystical poet Rumi, what brought that about, why Rumi?
If you’re that person who is stuck in the past, how do you move out of that?
Do you see ways that this immersive surround sound technology like DTS Headphone:X, do you see it helping with stress, anxiety and other issues?
What do you mean by The Dawkins Delusion in the 2nd chapter of your new book?
How do I find peace and happiness?
What inspired you to write “The Future of God”?
Alone on an island – one song, one movie, one book. Which is your favorite?
Why do we often ask others for guidance to our own souls and journeys, when the source and wisdom lies within?
When was the last time you were REALLY angry and how did you handle it?
If you’re constantly in the present, what do you do with your treasured ‘memories’?


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