Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump “Thinks With His Penis” – CONAN on TBS

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CONAN Highlight: Deepak believes the Republican nominee for president “has the emotional development of a 3-year-old.”

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The Lightning Goza says:

I really don't like this guy.

Y12Phoenix says:

coming from a scam artist

GeeTheGrad says:

This guy is an absolute tool. Why give him airtime?

Mister Anthropy says:

Lately, Donald has been all about projection. "No, YOU'RE the puppet!", "No, YOU'LL cause WWIII". This is indeed how three-year-olds argue.

whynottalklikeapirat says:

No. He thinks with his mental image of what he'd prefer his penis to be like if he'd had one.

It's a flaw in his neuroimagetic body image, amplified and radicalized through the persistent negative experience of people responding more readily and spontaneously to the diminutive vagaries of his actual physical form.

None of this is of course made any easier by the challenge it presents to the delicate frosting of narcissistic omnipotence.

But the fact remains … dude has stubby fingers …

Deepak of course is acutely aware of this given the kontrast between the size of HIS actual penis and the alluring perception of the size of his non-localized paradigm-shattering spiritual quantum penis.

Robert Miles says:

Dipshit Chopra!

Mirel Masic says:

And Deepak things whit his money organ.

Kyle Pittman says:

For fuckssake stop inviting Deepak Chopra onto late night shows. The guy is a charlatan, a fraud, he's not funny or charismatic, he has absolutely nothing to offer the world. I'm no Trump fan but Deepak is in no position to be critical of anyone.

ParadoxapocalypSatan says:

Deepak Chopra lol

DereMemo says:

Chopra is a charlatan lol.

Trump2016 85 says:

you hitlary shills really need to reach far, don't you?

Trump2016 85 says:

TRUMP 2016.

Brother Bryan says:

Does anybody take this guy serious? This guy is something else. How can this could be a best-selling author? Shows the low state of our society.

Rocker says:

As an Indian, I am ashamed of this man. Sorry, rest of the world.

A. J says:

that he keeps such a serious tone of voice is somewhat funny

dpm9a1 says:

Oh my god I think with my penis too!!!! How do I stop!?!?!? The porn hub tab is a click away!!!!!

phantomC14 says:

who the f. this hoaxer is anyway?

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