Special Keynote with Dr. Wayne Dyer

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Dr. Wayne Dyer, “the Father of Motivation,” shares pearls of wisdom on how each of us can overcome the obstacles we face everyday in self-motivation.


MINACORI Debora says:

Just THANK YOU to Dr Wayne Dyer. I wish he were MY dad ! How life could be
different growing up with a person like him. I’m thirty five, and I just
start and try to “see clearly now”. Better late than never isn’t it ?! Dr
Dyer, a so inspirating great person and it’s so wonderful to see how much
people he helped and even saved ! Thanks again.

Deborah A. Sullivan says:

We would never get anywhere,
always afraid of stepping out
of the box!

Time to get over your #fear!
#DrWayneDyer #Life #Health #animallover #Friend #DivineLove #Consciousness
#Google #ChristConsciousness #NDE #wisdom #reflection #onelove #Gratitude
#God #miracle #Jesus #meditation #vegetarian #LifeSkill #Father #ABBA
#Angels #strength #hope #faithhopelove #sharelove #faith #grace

abdirahman Al-SayidAhmed says:

words of gold 

MrOphachew says:

This clown is on TV right now. spewing his false and unrealistic pointless
ideology, and obvious demagoguery Mostly lip-service. “Toxic Parents” by
Susan Forward is far greater far more important and far superior to any
thought this clown has ever had.

michelle katzz says:


Kenrina Maidment says:

I am an avid fan of this incredible spiritual man. I adore him and his
teachings and philosophy resonate with me…..God bless you too Wayne Dyer.

Arch D says:

thank you very much , this was a great video.

marian cusack says:
Kirsten Johnson says:

Wayne Dyer rocks.

Robert walsh says:

I called my father crazy for watching him on P.B.S when I was 12.
After I had stopped the constant “your crazy dad’s”,I sat and watched the
special with him.So much wisdom came from his words,so much devotion
without religious denomination,so much truth.

Our lives changed.

Angel Jiminian says:

I very much appreciate his gentle manner of sharing his views. He places a
buffet of information for you to consider, rather than demanding you to eat
from the table. He has also learned not to get lost in the attempt of
getting you to agree or accept what he shares. He does not claim to know it
all. But he is resolute in what he believes and seems to be more at peace
than most people you meet, his manner of delivering his message, over time,
won me over to “consider” listening to his point of views.

I do not accept and swallow every word he speaks as unchallenged truth,
yet… I do agree with a number of points he makes, when the concept rings
of truth.

Most who are turned off by him do not realize that it is not him nor what
he says that is the actual issue.

Some have difficulty with him because they feel he and many like him, are
only about “touchy feely things”, but they will not understand him nor his
message, nor the message of many others who speak similarly, because they
have an agenda to control other people by force. This agenda is what ails
most of mankind.

Wayne is not forcing people to buy his books or tapes. He is not outside
anyone’s door yelling, “listen to me” or “believe me”, or you have to and I
will force you too by passing a law.

The choice to of how we interpret the world is a subject that he often
addresses and since he does this, those who come across him, choose to be
annoyed because they do not understand that the power to see the world
differently, is ONLY in your hands. If they understood this concept then
they would feel differently and they would stop being annoyed.

Deborah A. Sullivan says:

Sit alone and quietly and for 1 hour a day ;;;
it will change you;
Get close to God .
~Debbie:) #Friend #God 

Arch D says:

he is perfect .

Martin Fernandez says:

please could translate for all Spanish speaking?? would be great, thanks!

sanekabc says:

Really Wayne? All of science points to the mystical? Hardly!
Wayne is the feel good guru. As superficial as they come.

Teri Smyth says:

Love your presentation. Very inspiring

marynarkw says:

Dr Wayne five times married and was addicted to drugs and alcohol for
decades( as he said in a interview) and at the same time was writing and
coaching people.
Theory guy nothing in practice.

Stephanie Schroeder says:

What Wayne Dyer speaks of is only “bogus” if it isn’t applied steadfastly.
The message at the crux of his teachings is simple yet complex: love;
unconditional love towards everyone, regardless of how they treat you.
Doing this can help to change THEM in unspeakable ways and ignite positive
energy chains that can undulate from one person to the next. The fact is
that this seemingly simple concept is very hard to apply, especially when
we feel hurt by how others are treating us and want to instinctively lash
back out. Wayne Dyer offers us insight into looking at why others might be
behaving in the ways they are, including but not limited to past hurts and
bad experiences, protection of one’s ego, low self-esteem, etc. In the end,
everyone just wants to be accepted for who they are and loved. Wayne Dyer’s
work, which champions this cause, is not something to criticize, but rather
something to celebrate.

lili M says:

He is v tense , his hands are shaking Mr positive !

He had an interview not long ago, he repeated same stories .

dennis moti says:

Mr Wayne Dyer is just another human that found the connection to his inner
soul or his infinite intelligence. He struggled many years to find it, but
he had a definite purpose which was his inner voice saying to do. Helping
others find their soul. Over and over again in history have people preached
to others to find this inner voice calling and yet we ignore it. The
bible,the Koran,the Tao, Budhism, Bhagaved geta, all have the same message
and we still ignore it…. Dr. Wayne Dyer does this so gracefully,
peacefully again just like the historic beings that once roamed this earth.
I don’t have to wish to meet him one day because I already have through his
message. Thank you Dr Dyer for this enlightment. Namaste.

Steve Kosvic says:

My dad was the father of motivation.

Sean Cash says:

This isn’t his best work but if you want to see why Wayne Dyer is the
father of motivation just watch his earlier stuff, “How to get what you
really, really, really really want” and “How to be a no limit person” &
“Wayne Dyer – finding your purpose”… You will quickly realize that he is
indeed right up there with Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins,
Zig Ziglar, etc….. $ean

Vig Gleeson says:

Thank you so much for sharing SalesForce “Everything that is started with
just one thought” Love That & you Dr Dyer 

Devany Destarte Steeple says:

One of my favorite motivators Dr. Wayne Dyer is an inspiration & I
think this video is a good introduction to him if you have not already been
so privileged! #motivate #smallbiz 

Patricia Mellin says:

Dr. Wayne Dyer, “the Father of Motivation,” shares pearls of wisdom on how
each of us can overcome the obstacles we face everyday in self-motivation.
#motivation #motivational 

Jurgen De Nooze says:

Really love this guy 😀 just awesome :)

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