Best SUMMARY of QUANTUM / SPIRITUAL World! (Worth watching ALL 44 min)

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Close (source: The Microscopic Universe – A & E) Wow. For me, this is the holy grail of quantum science. It describes the OBSERVER EFFECT, QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT, QUANTUM TUNNELING, UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE, MANY WORLDS THEORY, DARK MATTER, STRING THEORY, and TRAVELLING BACK IN TIME.
It is NOT pushing a spiritual agenda at all. It just focuses on the weirdness, simply put. You can draw your own conclusions yourself. Is it just that the tiny, tiny world is weird and so what? Or do you think that since the building blocks of reality are weird, that must mean that you, me and everything else is ‘weird’, too. You probably know my opinion : )


pranshu1998 says:

aren't we forgetting that probability is the basis of quantum physics , all the questions are the basic consequence of the method used to create the structure of the theory, then why are we so confused with the conclusion and how can we say that any object is at two places without observing , if observed how to prove that it is the same object at two places and also how we are saying that things change their nature when observed and not observed when the result is the consequence of probability.
And at last we start the proposition with the that the electron is a PROBABILITY wave it will posses many positions as the various outcomes of where it could be observed.

jay sullivan says:

"We've never actually detected a WIMP in a laboratory." I seriously doubt that.

swapnil khandare says:

it is not that particle is at two places at the same time but it is refraction of that particle and because it is microscopic it is hard to determine which is real unless density formula is applied.

Jamey Blazer says:

It looks interesting and I want to check it but the subtitles doesn't works.. Someone got a idea? (I'm hearing impaired)

Kirk Landau says:

Bullshit science meets bullshit spirituality. No surprises here.

sageejumanjee says:

we live in a electromagnetic universe

Vito Hall says:

Unless uve changed a partical spin after observing it to see if the others has changed instantaneously idk how u cld know for sure….but my theory on entanglement is the reason it's faster than light speed is because the info travels on the other side of the "veil" that it don't have to travel thru the Higgs field on this side of reality thus slowing it down.."ie" like the difference in the resistance in walking in a swimming pool with 5' of water in it then getting our and walking along side the pool..air is less dense than water,empty space is less dense than our atmosphere,and the other side of the partical that make up out reality is less dense than this side of reality where everything must pass thru the partical soup we all live in..I'm vito hall and I approve this messege ;)


Im going to a dimension where Donald trump isn't running for president

Mainstream Bob says:

The fuck is up with that horn? I guess its an Om, lol seriously perturbing like where the fuck is that coming from.

Josh Alfred says:

Note, this has little to do with the spirit. To surmise there may be other dimensions of reality that we can not observe with our current sensory organs.

jakeworld says:

and these people, think the religious are wackos

Piyu Jagia says:

Unified fields is Vedic

TheProfiler says:

Mysteries  and proof of  not ony  a Higher Dimension but a Higher Conceptualizing   mind  of  things

f150bc says:

the duality of reality..?

GeeksOfThe4th says:

I've liked the video, it's entertaining and a good watch, but I think I've got better. Tom Campbell has worked as a NASA Physicist and he's promoting a theory of everything that ties spirituality and quantum physics far more intensely, answering questions about what's going on at the Planck scale in very interesting ways. His videos aren't as shiny as that one, but I agree with his theory and it's quite fantastic.

Nathan Sala says:

The title is unrelated with the content

gc7234 says:

love this particular branding of this episode, particularly that you encoded the sacred Om throughout the entire background- great touch!! Thank you!!

David Liu says:

interpretation of our observation is never be the reality but approximately reach to it!

Keisha Merchant says:

these writers who did movies and science fiction had been scholars of the 1% who used theories and brought them to life. So, we could see scientific theories into realization. i think that is cool because all these years of records of institutions of scholars, students put their ideas on paper, research, theories and such, and not all of them make it public or part of globalization. good video!

Greatland says:

Spiritual yes simply because our minds can create reality using meditation, visualization, and the mere awesome reality of sub, quantum, cosmos, shows divine creation!

david whitaker says:

ive watch several presentations tying to undeerstan the obsever afffect, i am working on the placedbo affect as a mtaphor.

egringo says:

Awesome video but your title is misleading. Just because we can't see or explain the concept, doesn't mean is spiritual. Actually I didn't hear one single time in the whole 44 minutes the word "spiritual".
It is nice to "imagine" spirituality but this is science. But please, don't mix both.

Robert LeClair says:

Oksana Wurch–some think of their DNA like their bank account,,,,they prefer to keep it private,,,,

Mark Derksen says:

Think Anaxagoras. Infinite seeds.

LUA D'AMOR says:

Gotta watch that this wkend

Tripolation says:

Great video but I could do without the constant chanting noise in the background.

Anti Thesa says:

Can particles of helium or hydrogen which believed as the elements that create the universe in the big bang theory becomes complex materials like gold, silicon, calcium, carbon, copper, tin, iron, etc?

Jesse C says:

Meditation changes brainwave frequencies which creates DMT. This allows your soul/energy to pass through a zero point accessing entangled atoms in the pineal gland. This connects you to many dimensions simultaneously. You become an instant observer through the atoms/eyes of many beings/things across vast distances. You are truly a source energy being uninhibited by time and space.

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