Russell Brand’s Spiritual Awakening [MUST WATCH]

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Russell Brand’s Spiritual Awakening [MUST WATCH] spirituality, spiritual revolution, interview.

In 2004, Brand achieved notoriety as the host of Big Brother’s Big Mouth, a Big Brother spin-off. In 2007, he had his first major film role in St Trinian’s. In 2008, he had a major role in Forgetting Sarah Marshall; the film led to him starring in the spinoff Get Him to the Greek in 2010. He also worked as a voice actor in the animated films Despicable Me in 2010, Hop in 2011, and Despicable Me 2 in 2013. He played the title character of the 2011 remake Arthur. Russell Brand’s Spiritual Awakening [MUST WATCH] fox news, sean hannity. spirituality, spiritual revolution, interview.

Brand has received significant media coverage for controversies such as his dismissal from MTV, his behaviour as a presenter at various award ceremonies, and his drug use. In 2008, he resigned from the BBC following prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs on The Russell Brand Show. He has incorporated his drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity into his comedic material. Russell Brand’s Spiritual Awakening [MUST WATCH] spirituality, spiritual revolution, interview

Since guest editing an edition of the New Statesman, a British weekly magazine, Brand has become increasingly active politically. This includes a widely publicised interview with Newsnight host editor Jeremy Paxman, in which he encouraged the British electorate not to vote and endorsed a system based on the ‘massive redistribution of wealth’ to replace the status quo. Russell Brand’s Spiritual Awakening [MUST WATCH] spirituality, spiritual revolution, interview

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Elizabeth Trainer says:

Russell scares me in the best possible way….still cautious nonetheless.
Russell is so incredibly charismatic, well spoken, soft spoken, ethereal,
and beautiful that one could easily follow him as one would follow a cult

Occult Priestess says:

Now 12/28/2014

Don Gateley says:

I’m sure glad you are relatively young. Your influence can only grow and
with just a bit of luck you have the time for it to become large. Keep at
it and thanks.

Velupillai Balendran says:

So you had a glimpse of *Sat-Chit-Ananda* . Wonderful!

polisherci says:

he is the modern jesus that I would like to follow

Geir Offenberg says:

2:34 good that youre excited but no need to get hard in public about it

Elizabeth Trainer says:

Put headphones on….get in a comfortable position….close your eyes….listen
to this…it will bring you a peace that is rarely found.

Jeannie Beannie says:

Im sorry but who are the 2 people that don’t like this? 

Elizabeth Wells says:

You brought tears to my eyes because what has happened is the vail has been
lifted from you now you can see. People don’t realize that they all have
this ability to be seers if they choose to. Once awakened you can see
things not from this realm and you begin to have lucid dreams where you may
astral travel . The greatest joys in life to me is when I’m able to help
someone else , unfortunately times have been hard for us so I’ve not been
able to help like I want to ,other than helping my aging dad set up at the
flea market to make him extra money since mom passed ssi doesn’t give as
much . He trys to pay me sometimes I don’t like to take his money so I will
try to find something on table I want. Though times are hard we still make
sure my son whose autistic gets his toy every pay day , it’s like you say
about kids , you can’t negotiate with them especially this one , and I ,
like you cave, lol ( ok ice cream for breakfast it is) but we got a roof
over our heads , food in our mouths, and cloths on our backs , so I’m very
thankful to the source that provides all of this for us and I give thanks.
Keep spreading your message it is very important to get it out there.
Blessed be. :)

magickis33 says:

a poem for this NOW …
From walking in Nandana with such lovely gardens to this pit of clay,
remember this IS only a “forever”,
a few hours of the day.

Odette Gotobed says:

…..then play the goddamn music !
Always behind you , Russell . Keep us fed with Trews , Odette x

CikisMusic says:

i think its something to do with that greek blood in him :D

teajenni says:

superb compilation…ringing true as always Russell….you share such

Tania Gauci says:

Beautiful consistency and articulate mastery you let your divinity speak
through you so we can listen with our hearts…..

Vajtron Klapić says:

This is amazing, LOOK at those people’s faces, you can literally see they
are crying inside, they are not happy, everyone uses a mask to present
themselves in today’s world and when they hear what he’s saying and they
know deep down he is right, they get uncomfortable and people will make fun
of his perceptions just to feel better about themselves and will continue
using the fake image they think they are.

People, its hard, its AMAZINGLY hard, mankind has probably never
encountered a bigger barrier in its entire history to THIS day. We have to
change, this world is going nowhere, I want to start crying as I am writing
this comment, live in the moment, start practicing meditation, don’t wonder
about your lives clueless and mind-cluttered with things which do NOT
matter, START thinking about yourself, your purpose, who are you? You are a
human being, its time to find out what that means.

Louie Rookie Lou says:

” Beauty is truth = truth beauty ”
” That is all you know on Earth and all ye need to know ”
Ode to a Grecian Urn John Keats 1819

David Gates says:


knowgirl D. Lamson says:

Lovely. I miss being in that place…

paul stall says:

a genius is what Russell is

Cactus GC says:

☸❦ ° ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् 

Odette Gotobed says:

Did not need the music but if it helps people connect

Cynthia Strasse says:


myeshia Georg says:


Roland Jesperson says:

This is actually very good–definitely worth watching.

Isaac Mullins says:

thank you Russel Brand for speaking sense in this crazy world x

Cynthia Strasse says:

Knighty Knight Courageous Beauty of R☸ssty’s sweet sweet ❦ sweet dreaming
and tomorrow a march full of achievement in togetherness, light, peace,
love, tolerance, solidarity, unity, communion ° the human beings family
four all sentient beings

Minerva González says:

Dawning in England my mind and heart emits Reiki thoughtforms to shield
thee and those attending the Climate Change march

Isaac Mullins says:

Why not start talking about animal agriculture as it is the worst polluter
on every front. See

CikisMusic says:

song name plz

kittensugars says:

Somehow I had missed this video. Happy I found it today, the day after
x-mas, interesting. You’re right Russell….there’s so much more, and we
are being kept in a limited existence. Time to break out! ReLOVEution!!

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