Spirituality is a self-destructive process

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cliff: Mindfulness and stillness are still hugely important, but it’s not the end goal of spirituality. There’s a difference between finding Truth and feeling bliss.
out door scene filmed by Jimmie Wing


Adolf Hitler says:

where is yin?

Alpha AnPrim says:

Truth, purpose, and logic don't exist. These are things you create on your own.

Gawillamon says:

Who is saying that a quiet mind is the answer to everything and the only way to be spiritual? As an American it seems like spirituality encompassed a whole lot more than that. (Just my personal experience. There definitely could be people out there pushing the idea that a quiet mind is the most important thing in life and the only way and truth). Also is there something wrong or negative about having a quiet mind? I have had some amazing experiences by completely quieting my mind and blocking out thought. Although I get what you're saying. Ultimately in meditation you want to practice not resisting anything, including thought. It probably is bad to practice only mind quieting meditations and working towards attaining a still mind 100% of the time, but I don't think there is anything wrong with practicing it and incorporating/implementing it in life with other spiritual practices and meditations. I don't think it is negative, self destructive, or leads to any kind of mental/psychotic breakdown. As you were kind of saying, it simply brings up suppressed things that were already there that we were afraid of. Basically if anyone even has the ability to have a quiet mind 100% of the time, they probably also have the ability to implement it in their life in a healthy and non-self destructive way.

Katharine Turpen says:

If the end goal was bliss we would all just stay ignorant

HalfABurger says:

I'm actually so fucking confused about the cigarette burning and naked weight lifting!! Like is he just chucking is some bizarre humor or what like fuck man. But love the stream of consciousness his spewing out

based mavi G says:

This dude has obviously never experienced any type of spiritual awakening. We are all here to grow tho , I'm not judging

name5412 says:

I etah knarF gnaY esuaceb eh t'nac daer sdrawkcab ):

Adopted Hippo says:

So underrated, this is soo deep, it goes beyond the consciousness of the ppl that are commenting here, but their subconscious is listening .

AwakeMode says:

Science can only 'measure' the physical. The mind is non physical and therefore only measurable by you as an individual, no one else can prove or show you the limits and depths of your own being aside from yourself. Spirituality is about the mind/ consciousness and your personal experience linked to that. Science will never be able to answer questions about consciousness or the mind itself because it is so geared up to the physical state of existence. Consider an experience with entheogenic substances and then you'll understand how vast and limitless the contents of your own existence really is! A spiritual life style is the best decision I ever made – the quality and depth of life improves in every essence and detail of being. If you aren't living a life with deeper quality and perspective then you're wasting the potential you have with such an evolved mind, alongside your temporary existence here on earth.

lol says:

So much empty bullshit, all in the attempt of being a special snowflake

Yasser Kafe says:

better to destruct yourself that destrusting the planet.

psychedelic soul says:

did this dude just say meditation is like taking xans? 😂😂

Stridar says:

Frank, stay alive, the world needs you. Keep deducting reality, I'm on the same path too, i realise that we are few in the world.

Richard Lam says:

interesting first time a frank video resonates with me on a deeper level

Mariosky says:

was so pretty obvious that youtube was gonna close your last video. LOL


Dropping some straight truth on these internet troglodites, Frank.

RSD Madison says:

Interesting video

monsterkill164 says:


spikeboy101 says:

kid has too much time

J Kellan says:

I missed so many vids because of the youtube glitch and cus i stopped using Instagram for a bit 🙁 I'm kind of glad tho cus now i can get mind fucked for hours

Mr. Miyagi says:

The truth is none of this shit is concrete and measurable by science, doesn't do shit for you, isn't too thought provoking because it's hard to take seriously, and certainly isn't entertaining. Drop this spirituality shit Frank, you're becoming a lame kooky old man.

Brother Karaviro says:

Very good thoughts and points, i just wouldn't call it a misconception, it's a different approach. The fact that many peeps just are imitating true spirituality practices instead of doing them truely, doesn't makes the way false. Contemplation and meditation are still mighty tools to dive into the unmanifest. I love the moments you search for words, it makes me feel not alone 🙂 give me a call, if you find yourself in Lucerne, Switzerland

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raza Gohan raza Goku says:

Michio Kaku WORSHIP your GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

raza Gohan raza Goku says:

Fadel D There Butts Gotta Violently Shake 80 Years In Prison!!!!!!!!!! IMMEDIATE action White Nigger Grandpa Slave Frank Yang Atomic War Child PORNOGRAPHY Either Trillion Rape THERAPIES IMMEDIATE action!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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