Eckhart tolle – could you explain faith in the way jesus spoke about it?

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When you see the power of life within you and can fully be who you are in your essence, explains eckhart, that is faith in action


Greatest Mother F*cker says:

Jesus is associated with the bible. and lets be honest, theres some very weird and stupid childish fairy tale like bullshit in the bible.

Is it true that likely, jesus wasnt responsible for the bible? That just some people who made him an idle and all that wrote the bible?

Salma dan says:

what was her name?

Marsha Stinnett says:

i love the unconscious comments…they are here for a reason 🙂 and we are glad!

Andy LH says:

Did you know that Jesus was a mythical gay Jew who kissed disciples and did the homo-handshake with a youth in the temple of Gethsemane Gardens ?

And his dad liked to smash babies heads on rocks?

Today, his cults encourage and protect paedophile priests and pastors all over the world

forestsoceansmusic says:

'Be still and know we are God.'

zolton on says:

Thank you! ❤️🙏

Stephanos Avakian says:

His answer might be wise in the way someone can change one's perception of the inner and external reality but the truth is that his interpretation has nothing to do with what Jesus really meant.

Ramas says:

I like what he said and read his book The Power of NOW, but it makes me uncomfortable by the fact that an Illuminati member, Oprah Winfrey, is promoting him.

Kathy Palma says:

I can describe faith in the way Jesus Christ taught it, be still and know means trust, Trust in Christ! Before the Spirit of Christ was given to those who heard and believed, we had no one to intercede between our Holy Creator and our unholy condition, so God in all His mercy sent His obedient blessed Holy Son that who ever believes in Him receives eternal life as a new creation just as He is we will be, we have two natures one Divine, one primal, Christ left us His Holy breath, His Holy seed that we too may grow in Divine union, this teaching on this video causes suffering and pain as it teaches that we can return to God yes "God' on our very own, now if any one wishes to refuse the Holy Spirit of God they certainly can try.
Quiet mind is open wide for deception to enter that is why God's written Word says to pray and give thanks to God continuously and keep your mind on heavenly thing because it leaves no space for deception, read scripture, do not brush through it like this teacher has without studying it, because empty space leaves room for deception and destruction of heart. the very same heart that God has created, give to God what is Gods, if anyone teaches another teaching other then scripture or says that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God but looks at this blessed grace as an ordinary thing dismiss it.
this teacher on the video is not aware that he is causing many to suffer because he believes he is speaking truth, He experienced something and looked to find an answer and stopped when he believed he had, He has no certainty yet unknowingly he is causing others who are lost to suffer.
Faith is never believing in any other truth then Jesus Christ is the Son of God, first born of a new creation.
but the you already know this…

Marek Skorupski says:

Thank u, Eckhart :-)

varun khandelwal says:


EvilAlbear says:

Eckhart is so fucking cute xD

Gwen Molfetas says:

There is Only one God in you!! Through his Son Jesus!! That is Faith ….. True Salvation!!

Lisa Arcelia says:

Thank you for this. When I was a kid, I was afraid of everything. That bible verse about faith as a grain of mustard seed to move mountains gave me comfort but I knew it was too deep for me to understand it. Thank you for the wonderful explanation. xxx So grateful :)

David Walker says:

I did not know Eckhart was a trekee lol

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