How to Be Yourself – Eckhart Tolle

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Nautilus1972 says:

How to Be Yourself? Nothing was said here.

Nautilus1972 says:

Not thinking is very hard for intelligent people, which is why stupid people are happier.

Arch-mo says:

I'm not even "relatively okay"

Ferdinand Alexander says:

If thought isn't there you as you know and experience yourself are not there. If he knows he had no thought, then thought was there.

smash ice device says:

fargk thoughts

Doras Stankevičius says:

this makes no sence unless your not thinking

Sig Kimber says:

A 7 minute video of an idiot telling you how to be you. Irony defined.

Inga-Lill Lindvall says:

thank's for your leassons i am a big fan and i have learnd me so much…peolpe have teese me for who i am but they can ever take from me this I am so greatful ❤

Hornet says:

If Eckhart is so enlightened why does he need all those millions of dollars?

Mind Funk says:

The by far most complete and accurate yet simple explenation of spirituality, consciousness, the mind and how to change yourself in the best way possible is one Google search away, and is free to read. Google truthcontest and read the present. It will turn the world right side up when enough people get involved.

Vijnana Dasa says:

Tolle is just another crybaby world denier. The guy doesn't understand anything.

Musiclover says:

Very deepening….thank you Eckhart

Vatian says:

To be thyself you must get rid of all the mental burden created by years and years of social conditioning. You have to see that time is but an illusion.

X Malizen says:

Eckhart , Krishnamurti , Alan Watts , Buddha , The present (google it) and of course Osho the greatest of all . All of them are enlightenment beings , learn how to be what you are from them its truly amazing . Thats the only truth way all other are just based on subjective mind belief . Have fun with outer things and be instead of become . Peace

Peter Myers says:

Don't you find it a bit silly having someone else tell you how to be yourself?

Clixx4Quest says:

"YOU ARE The CLOUDLESS SKY"…Thankyou Beloved Eckhart Tolle Sir…..

Clixx4Quest says:

"YOU ARE CONSCIOUSNESS'…Thankyou Beloved Eckhart Tolle Sir……..

Helios Wind says:

To anyone it may concern : What might be the point of not thinking at all ? Isn't random thought our greatest strength ?

Wesley Van Bocxlaer says:

He is always talking about going past the ego. But moving from the old awareness (ego consciousness) to the new awareness (I AM consciousness) is actually the biggest ego trip you can ever take: "God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you'" (ESV, Ex 3:14). In other words Eckhart is saying: I am not a person (ego), but I am God (I AM). Just like God said to the prince of Tyre: "In your great pride you claim, 'I am a god! I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea.' But you are only a man and not a god, though you boast that you are a god" (NLT, Ez 28:2). He looks and sounds nice and humble, but his heart is wicked. Don't be duped be this catchy old lie.

Adetoun Sogbein says:

Thank you Eckhart <3

Tanveer Chowdhury says:

Thank you to Journey Within Self for the posts.

SickBass Wobble says:

I Am That I Am

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