Joe Vitale TV Show Attract Money Now

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Close Joe Vitale of The Secret teaches his 7-step formula on how to attract money fast using the Law of Attraction in his own national TV show and with his free e-book at


cliff4640 says:

hey joe… the music is TOO LOUD… i can barely hear some of the interviews

Ronald VL says:

Love this stuff about self empowerment, law of attraction, and so on, but
please, Joe, turn the music down a bit next time? Great work!

Iamvibration says:

Great work!

Sany Fox says:

If you are watching this video probably you already have a right mindset to
succeed. The most important thing is having a right mindset. If you are
interested how to make HUGE money by blogging. Contact me

yacovodonato says:

Oh my God! this it the greatests clip i have ever seen! i love joe vitale
and i thank him SO MUCH his teachings! im willing to start reading yor
“Atractt money Now” book. and ill sure do! THANK YOU VERY MUCH JOE VITALE!

mandrillx says:

i did what joe said,and read his book twice,i am now more broke and looking
at bank ruptcy lol But Iam sure joes answer will something to the effect
that I did not apply it right ,(see how it works if you get something you
want it was the great LOA ,but if don’t get it it wasn;t the LOA ‘s fault,
it was yours,(witch just a rationalization) but this way he cannot lose.

Cody Horton says:

Joe knows what he is talking about and he is awesome! This is a great video
to watch, not only is it inspirational, it will show you proven strategies
to make a change right now! Not tomorrow, not next week or not next year.
Thank you Joe!

mark christopher says:

this is part of the new conciousness. i said part of .

Israel Sarmiento says:

quizas no tenga tiempo para contestar personalmente, me permito agradecer
la ayuda que atraves del secreto obtube, pero no se me falta mas confianza
por que aunque lo siento no he conseguido logros, bueno yo soy una persona
que no tiene aun un empleo me gustaria me ayude o de que manera nos podemos
ayudar mutuamente no se ingles (con mucho esfuerso se escribir en español)
ojala sea su deseo auxiliarme gracias

kennysreborn says:

I made my fortune using the law. Everyone should be able to feel freedom.
The story of how I did it can be found on my website. I used to be nobody,
now I got everything in less than 2years by using manifestation methods.
Good luck all

coolchicnfriends says:

I am grateful for the wealth of information that I have came across and the
abundance I’m attracting everyday. I am a money magnet! Thank you so much
for the vids!

Mpa Hontrax says:

very good , but some times music is loud

Kello Darapper says:

i read the secret and watched the dvd and you stood out! i orderd all of
your books!!!! im a singer/songwritter/music producer…and i recorded a
song titled” prosperity” and its been a blessing to so many people!!!!! you
tube , face book and all are going crazy and peolpe are experiencing so
many POWERFUL breakthroughs in their life!!!! check it out and be
blessed!!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

seaofclay says:


Happy Nataraj says:

Thank you for allowing yourself to hear and answer the call of your
Dharma. I’m currently reading How to Attract Money and playing your attract
miracles meditation once a day. I am filled with an abundance of energy to
take actions toward achieving my dreams. Yes!

nathaniel carlton says:

Real talk dude.. Hit me up

Nishant Bhardwaj says:

This teaching works , believe me guys . I have read this book a year ago
and tried to apply everything in my life and the results are just so
awesome . There is a huge difference in what type of Life I live now and
what type of life I used to live . My spending capability has increased
around 5 times as comparative to a year ago. Thanks a lot to Mr. Joe Vitale
, I would love to meet you someday . Thank you so much . *LOTS of LOVE*
Wishes for the more of your success . GOD BLESS YOU .:)

GlobalNetworkTeam says:

Great Book!

cedarbland says:

thank you for upload I learned we should never mind recently recession

Grace Bissi says:

Your books and videos are mannah from heaven am enjoying them thanks.

johncfl says:

Pat are you stuck in a 60s time warp?

nannette36 says:

I love this any that is a tool to help you get on the right path.

Rachel Henke says:

Awesome. Love your books Joe.

Maria Fiore Pilon says:

Joe Vitale always inspires me. He is testimony to his wealth. Deserving
what we deserve in life, learning how to turn your mind to positive
thinking to turn your life around from the pits to the top of life.

Janice Reece says:

Great Stuff …………….

kennysreborn says:

I teach people how to use this law of attraction as part of my daily job,
it’s amazing to see how many people are starting to know this world
creating law of attraction. I’m also selling my ebook of my personal
success story with16 ways of fast manifestation. My ebook is also listed in
the most successful money making websites of FastMoneyLinks, check my
profile to see my link or the link to FastMoneyLinks. Good luck using this
secret, you can’t cheat this law, start getting rich online!

otakukj says:

@solo251111 look into EFT it’s seemed to help me at least a little, David
Childerley has some good free videos here on youtube.

Irina Benoit says:

Yep Joe your story is always inspiring. thanks for sharing!

AmirEmira says:

i cant hear anything because the music is too loud at 5:16 til 6:25 it is
deafening almost 🙂 great vid otherwise!

metalmadajax says:

I really like the message that Joe Vitale gives. I’ve started to write in a
workbook/journal of affirmations and things I want etc., as Joe says to do.
Already I am witnessing a positive curve in my life and finances.



Luke Broad says:

Thanks Joe…a great gift. You are a massive inspiration 🙂

Stephen Richards says:

Words of wisdom.

seaofclay says:

I love Joe’s work, he’s friggin number one Guru in my book!! XXX

Stefano Bianchini says:

thanks for sharing, the song in the video at around 4:47 is amazing, can
somenone tell me what son is it?

Inspiration Show says:

Joe Vitale has incredible wisdom to share about finding true fulfillment
and happiness in life.

Babykay1985 says:

Has anyone downloaded his book? Did it work?

SlenderWithABlender says:

Thank you! Your story is inspiring!

Lucía Castillo says:

We love you Joe vitale GUATEMALA .. Cindy Campos and Lucia Castillo

Iamhim841 says:

I need someone to mentor me about making money online. Thank you

Rich Artichoker says:

The audio sucks, the music is so loud you can barely hear what some of the
people are saying during the testimonials. But the message is very cool

DiggerBerlinOne says:


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