Controversial author Neale Donald Walsch on InnerVIEWS with Ernie Manouse

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Controversial spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch sits down with Emmy-winning interviewer Ernie Manouse to discuss his views on organized religion and to answer the critics of his book “Conversations With God.” Don’t miss this thought-provoking installement of “InnerVIEWS with Ernie Manouse”! All episodes are available on DVD at

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Peter Perfect says:

If this guy really can talk to “God” why doesn’t he ask him questions like
what existed before the big bang, how did life start on earth, what is dark
matter, does life exist elsewhere in the universe, what is heaven like, why
does “God” conceal himself, how do we solve global warming, do other
universes exists and a thousand other question that the world’s leading
scientists, philosophers, religious leaders want to know the answers to!

meechie Bancos says:

then he says God would say if He appeared to someone, He would say, “I am
you’. God would never say that to a man. And he msiquoted scripture not
understanding anything in the bible. I bet you he does not know what the
yoke of the Lord is in Matt.11:28-30. Christians don’t even know. Through
that ‘yokke” (whihc is twofold) is the only way to get to the father
through Christ. That is a lie donald duck is saying. He’s nothing but a
quake. I read his dumb book. You must be stupid to follow anything he says.
Why don’t soembody asked him to prove it… or call someone else who
challenges, like me, to publicly challenge him.

In fact, I would go so far as to say, that God hates this man. And He would
never speak to this clown… except to kill him. God is not like us…so
why would He (God) say to anyone, when Gid is the One saying, you thouhg t
that I was like you …and (I commune with Him every single day, and He
answers when I call like He said He would. If this clown knows Him then why
don’t someone challenge to call upon Him? This lyin dog explains away the
request anyone would have to prove he knows God. When God says you can
porove Him. And if God answers by a witness that is present, that can say
when he called God the Spirit of the Lord was upon me. That is a sure
witness. This man has sold satan dreams to people to get caught up in. I
will be laughing at them on judgment day.

It’s just that no one knows the father except the sons that the son Christ
Jesus (Yehoshua ho Mashiah Immanuel) has revealed Him to. God says I am not
a man that I should lie, or the son of man that I should repent. So how is
this lying, deceived, stupid, clown saying that God would say something
that God said He would not say. God says all men are liars. Except those
whom He has glorified. They are the sons. And the best I can describe how
God communes with an individual that Jesus has revealed Him to… it is
like a strong form of mental telepathy. His Presence is so heavy that an
individual that Jesus has not prepared to know Him would drop dead if He
appeared to them by the way I am saying is His Way. Donald Walsch I rebuke
you, you lying spirit in the name of the Lord. And I curse your prosperity
to destroy you. You shall in that everlasting fire for being so big of a

meechie Bancos says:

he is such a liar. God does nto know this clown. Nor does He even talk
about the crap thiis clown brings up. Jesus said that he is the Way to the
Father. He said no man can circumvent that… this is probably deceived
himself… but for sure that is not the God I know. If he knows God then
the only way you can know God is by His Spirit. God is Spirit. So to break
it down, unless ther is a preence that is so heavy, mighty and strong, that
you know it is God. Jesus is the only oen that can reveal Him. This clown
is a liar.

Trete Lo says:

Very interesting interview. I’m definitely intrigued. I will keep watching
Neale’s videos.

Mark Pontius says:

Once you put the idea and traditional belief of the fairytale God; the old
man in the sky we Christians we brought up to believe, it’s makes complete
sense what this is what Neale’s talking about. God is a form of pure energy
that’s eternal and cannot be destroyed that lives in every single molecules
in this universe. God IS our consciousness and our consciousness IS God..

Jeffrey Jansen says:

Very uplifting :)

Rodin van Oudheusden says:

There is nothing controversial about this man. Hé’s speaking the Truth, the
whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help him God….;-))

cocoa banks says:

<3<3<3FATHER GOD, Praise HIM!, Is Always Mysterious, Lovin,
Everlasting!!:D and why HE IS, <3<3 FATHER GOD<3<3. With Gifts Of
Discernment, I clearly overstand what Mr.Walsch is sayin. <3FATHER GOD<3 Is
So Very Very Real, Quick Question, if the tables were turned for
anyone, and we was in his (Mr. Walsch) position in life, how would we
handle/react to a relationship with <3FATHER GOD<3 And HIM (<3FATHER
GOD<3) Speakin to anyone of us?

pedro magoo says:


StudioSjaak says:

God what a disappointing interview! Neale sounds like a robot. His answers
to Ernie’s questions don’t have any spark of spontaneity and sound like
rehearsed and uninspired performed lines from an excerpt of an interview
long, long ago. You can actually see the disappointment in Ernie’s face who
might have been a huge fan of ‘uncommon conversation with God’ (book 1)
like many others. And therefor doesn’t want to break the spell by saying:
“Hey Neale, why do you sound so fake? That is not at all how I experienced
your book(s)!”

Eric Seitz says:

The overwhelming impression I get from Neale Donald Walsch – not just in
this interview, but altogether – is that he’s *clearly* making all of this
up as he goes along; I know I can’t be the only one thinking this.

I don’t think he’s doing it nefariously; he seems sincere, but his claim
that he’s literally spoken with God – that is, had a verbal conversation –
is 100% hearsay.

Jeffrey Jansen says:

Thanks Neale:)


Wow! That’s all I can say people read the book journey of souls u will get
what Donald talks about in relation to heaven and is there really a hell 

Brooke Wilcox says:


Paul Jackson says:
redistmax says:

the seed of NWO religions, another deceptions

Anastasia Beaverhousen says:

I commented on another video with Neal and I have to comment the same thing
here: They way he switches from “he” to “she” (god) in a middle of a
sentence is amazing.

Jeffrey Jansen says:

Thanks Neale. Keep it up:)

SuperBrown1986 says:

Thoughts in your mind and thoughts from God is the same? All thoughts are
God’s thoughts? So you have never thought of a girl with lust? You have
never had a thought jealousy? envy? So those are God’s thoughts too? “we
are God”, Neal: “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that
he should change his mind” Numbers 23:19. And “right and wrong changes from
culture to culture and time to time?” “It is a movable feast?” Neal rape is
wrong in any culture, time, age, please, stop…

Phavonic says:


007koko007 says:

Why do you feel so endangered then if you KNOW God? Christian church is
selling malignant stupidity and fear for 2000 years and still nothing good
came out of it. Nobody cares in what your little ego believes. Not even a

mcarbone80 says:

@boazandjiacinth Neale’s version of god is kind of pantheist. Which means
god is everything, and everything is god. So he uses both he and she so
people don’t get the traditional idea that god is some man living up in the
clouds. If Walsch is right we are basically all one consciousness
experiencing its self subjectively. It’s kind of less confusing if you
don’t use the word god. There is branches of science that support this view
like biocentrism, and digital physics. If your interested.

Khurram Aziz says:

Lucid clear inspired intellect !

INFP69 says:

I struggle with this guy. He projects just like the rest of us, and I just
don’t trust his intentions.

danielav9 says:

neale is right and i ..fully believe and….support his work!! long life
neale ……go!

SnakeStormTV says:

He talks like he’s writing. Very intelligent.

Kirnesha Houston says:

sounds more like a bully than a God… in my personal opinion. but, hey I’m
not here to judge and I won;t judge your relationship to God. but, lets try
to produce less hate…

SkyrimTube says:

“How would you know…” I don’t necessary have reason to think that I know
more than you do, but based on your comments, you are full of the spirit of
judgment, so maybe you know, but you just don’t live according to that
knowledge yet. As I believe that Bible is largely symbolic and ultimately
we all have to interpret it individually, our approach (I assume) is so
different that I don’t think we have much to talk about. You don’t respect
other’s interpretations, which is another reason.

freefallellen says:

Well spoken Neil!

Kameron Reinke says:

It’s like this guy doesn’t even know how to respond to Neal’s answers! lmao

Phavonic says:

I don’t think he is a master of anything. I have this feeling he spends all
the royalities of his books on prostitutes (and then he’ll call it
“evolution of self” or something). His fans will no doubt take the
attractive but lazy new-age parts from his writings…

noonancarol says:

He is channeling the divine and I love him for it …I also love myself

007koko007 says:

You have one way ticket to psychiatric hospital.

DaneStolthed says:

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding
nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of
this world, rather than from Christ.

Adelaide Marie says:

yes, i do meechie mancos. i feel u have become lost because of trust. god
is not outside of our selves, his voice does not come from outside, it
comes from inside, listen to it and it will help u be kind to others as u r
disagreeing with them.

Enigma6662 says:

Sounds like the interviewer bought the snake oil. A lot of what these
people say is true but is regurgitated from other sources.

1polymath says:

@brickford27 “What the Mercy of God cannot salvage, Justice annihilates.”
The Urantia Book

Christian hotwheels says:

“It was 4:20 in the morning.” 4:20

catz4god says:

How can the pot know the potter when he is just a pot?

Jefferdaughter says:

It’s actually ‘Thou shall not murder.’ Killing in self defense would not be

libertador14 says:

hasta que lo pude conocer en vivo si se parece al actor de la pelicula es
bastante interesante como Dios habla a la vida de cada uno de nosotros, tan
solo hay que ser sensibles a su voz y es lo que muchas veces nos cuesta
trabajo, si Dios nos hablara como si estuvieramos hablando entre dos
personas no dariamos credito, por eso es que Dios habla diferente a cada
uno de nosotros.

Adelaide Marie says:

well then lib i suppose we must say thank god for man. or do u know of Any
scripture Not brought to man By man?

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