If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place

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Dr Wayne Dyer’s inspirational words of wisdom

Dr Wayne Dyer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drwaynedyer?…
His Website: http://www.drwaynedyer.com/

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Erminio Zarcone says:

He is talking even with is body language. He is giving out all of truth


It was time to watch you as I was once an alcoholic and ready to teach
those from that illness. I was a cinematographer all my life but been
through a very bad time. Now I’m to share my life with those who may learn
from my healing from showing them my own film Footprints I made later free
from alcohol. My my is film making and now to give love to others even
though I have been hurt by my own family due to ego.

Dale S says:

Hands! Too much! I do like his theory however of ridding the ego. I always
do things without having anyone knowing because its none of their
business!! Less talk more rock!!

J. Siemion says:

Seems ironic for him to speaking about “living in obscurity.” I’m glad he
ditched the Tao/ Kung Fu master shtick though.

eggnog62 says:

I enjoyed your video. Don’t worry about the past or the future, but the
present. I gave $20 to a person begging in the parking lot at the grocery
store. He said, “I won’t by liquor or cigarettes with the money.” I told
him, “I want you to do whatever you want with the $20. I think your best
buy would be liquor!”

John K says:

A little off topic! Truth about Cancer! It works like this, if you have a
injury internally or externally the Mitochondrial DNA gives the signal to
the DNA to replicate good cell that have been damage, but if there is no
damage then the DNA just makes copies of that cells thinking that there is
damage but keeps going on and on that is what we call “Cancer”! Now what
has been proven to work! B17 in Apricot seeds and Apple seeds have this
enzyme and once you chew 2 or 3 of these seeds it releases compounds that
essentially creates Apoptosis! Apoptosis tells DNA STOP CREATING THESE
CELLS! Now we know how to stop the multiplying and stop the Metastasis of
cells but how do we reconnect the frequency of communication between the
Mitochondrial DNA and DNA to bring good health and balance? We can drink
Essiac daily as recommended or Chaga or Licorice Root, Polygonum
multiflorum or (Ormus, a.k.a Monatomic Gold ), these heal DNA and establish
communication with the Mitochondria DNA and DNA once again

1Kilili says:

Is he a hindu ? I’ve only read about buddha. Is this similar in terms of

Victor Adaramola says:

Thank you Dr. Wayne Dyer for your contribution to mankind spiritual growth.

Aman Gupta says:

All the teachings and lessons are great, but why is he rolling a mill with
his hands… Rewatch and notice the hand movement, the never ending
circles.. 😉 🙂 😀 it’s like roll, roll , roll and then butterfly..:)

Butterfly Productions says:

“The gentle out last the strong”… not necessarily true most of the time.

Los Angels says:

He rolls his hands all the time as he is imagining touching up balls of
young boys..which is probably what he is into…the bold pervert conman.

mano a mano says:

This has to be among the worst martial arts instructionals I’ve seen. I’m
wanting to learn the ‘Spinning Hands of Death’ technique, but his talking
and talking is distracting.
By the the way, is there a weapons form of this art? Maybe involving kung
fu swords?

don77frye says:

Wayne is amazing !! 

alistair mcpherson says:

The black brotherhood.If you correct your mind is false,as you would be at
one with god,so if yous seek that christ consciousness then you are the
christ therefore what would there be to correct,if there is something to
correct then you are in duality,then you are indeed a part of the mind,then
you would have something to correct,but wouldnt be able to as mind cannot
correct mind on a mind level,thereforer “i am that i am”.

Bob Gilmour says:

This will help you to correct your mind, to cure it from any negative
emotions and thoughts: go to TruthContest◙com and read ~The Present~

Erminio Zarcone says:

Think about, what happens if you do it. What makes you feel? 

Debra Goring says:

Awesome video. I wonder if anybody knows why he does the rolling hands

enkigilgamesh says:

Whats with his hands moving around and around… Drive me nuts.

mahadragon says:

This guy awesome! I love Wayne Dyer! He my hero! =D

Peter Crowell says:

That’s it. I’m shaving my head.

Andrea Caccuro says:

He is an amazing person and a pioneer of self-help! The cycling of the
hands maybe has to do with wheels of life moving forward….Just an

glenview8 says:

If you don’t have the Lord Jesus Christ in your life and are not born again
you are not saved. All this nonsense will take you into everlasting hell.
What is a man if he gain the whole world but loose his soul. By faith are
you saved in the Lord Jesus Christ. And the way the world is going its all
coming to the truth that Jesus Christ is returning soon. Amen what a day
that will be.

maria barajas says:

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life w…:

larry martinez says:

tobias you need to grow

sbecktacular says:

thanx,……i’ll stick with eckhart

Tobias Schmid says:

Grow some hair you bald asshole, the rest of your life will fall into

Travis Kraft says:

This is how Keanu Reeves lives.

simon barter says:

Did any one see fuzzy zola “soul glow” .

glenview8 says:

John Chapter 3 Verse 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only
begotten Son. That whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have
everlasting Life.

KingAbdullahKey says:

Labels, ring a bell or us with anyone?

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