Stuart Wilde – The Art of Meditation

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Excerpt from Stuart Wilde’s The Art of Meditation. For the full audio go to Quiet Earth:

A Very Perceptive and Enlightening Journey Into Meditation

On this perceptive and illuminating recording, Stuart Wilde discusses the many benefits of meditation, brainwave states and the mysterious inner worlds of the trance state.

With freshness and clarity he instructs you on the ‘hows and whys’ of meditation and reveals the workings of the brainwave states and how you can access them. So that you can get the most from your meditations, Stuart gives instructions on how to use the Heartbeat meditation (50 bpm) and the two brainwave metronomes.

With this unique series you will journey through the fascinating inner worlds, tapping the immense power and rich pageantry that lies hidden in the subconscious and beyond.


Quiet Earth says:

Strongly recommended series from Stuart Wilde on meditation and altered states of consciousness. The first tracks are a must if you are interested in meditation in any shape or form. It contains some of the best information on basic and advanced meditation we have ever heard.

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