Near Death Experience – Neale Donald Walsch (1 of 2)

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Check out ‘The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences’
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. This is his story of his near death experience. Part 1 of 2

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Peter Perfect says:

He’s taken too many magic mushrooms!

poons55 says:

were was everybody else??

Marcus Collins says:

I would really love to know the name of the peaceful tracks to this clip?

Arbitrary Shark Fairy says:

i recall this clip being part of a full length documentary, along with
brinkley, and many other speakers. Can’t remember the doc.

David Sunfellow says:
Arlene Francis says:

You had me until the “you can’t do anything wrong” business.

David Sunfellow says:
qwyzl says:

all this ’cause of a marital tiff. not ’cause of yrs of drinking, the
unrepentant alcoholic who stumbles & falls while being chased by punks &
who then lapses in to a weird dream from which he awakens after 2 weeks, to
find him self lying in a hospital bed with a kindly doctor looking down at
him. yeah, okay. this guy ain’t out to make a buck. at least make the story
leading to this “vision” & sudden realization more interesting. just
another “i found god” sort of story, with out the god.

artistxmusic says:

Neale Donald Walsch is the man! Conversations With God inspired me so much
that I wrote a song about it! Check it out on my channel if you want.

k0smon says:

3 John 1.11 “…He that doeth good is of God…”

Revealing Jesus says:

@MindfulGod I agree we need this discipline. And alot of things can be
avoided through obedience of God’s law. But the experience should teach us
how to love.

tinyflyonthewall says:

@MindfulGod No, the fall in the garden explains all those things. I think
you’re heeding misleading spirits, those that would lead you to believe
that you don’t need Christ to be reconciled to God. Beware.

Oliver Schofield says:

Does anyone know the name of the music in this?

MindfulGod says:

@tinyflyonthewall Perhaps it explains why God does NOT take action when
innocent lives are lost, when Hitler wiped out millions of Jews or a drunk
driver kills a Christian family in a car accident. They’re all lessons for
humanity which slowly evolve us into better human beings. Better in the
sense of more conscious of God & more awakened to our relationship to each
other & Him. And as death is not really the end of a souls existence, the
lessons can be taught without any interference from God.

tinyflyonthewall says:

How do you know you weren’t being addressed by and evil enitity? A
principality? Those who wish to mislead you away from God. You are
‘incapable” of doing anything wrong?? How is that? Would the same thing be
said to Charles Manson for instance?? These words seem like classic new age

k0smon says:

You do not need ‘Christ’. You need God the Father, all powerful and
everywhere present. The ‘fall in the garden’ is a parable. Nothing or no
one, only ourself, separates us from God.

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